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Ok, thank you. Apologies again, I missed the line about uploading the zip file. Here is the zipped up Logs folder (again, Dyndolod has been run several times since the output I'm currently using was generated): https://ufile.io/wcwb0fhe

I went ahead and found the windmill object in my current save using the `prid` command. It was in fact disabled (see attached screenshot, top left). So a temp fix for my current save is just to enable that object and keep playing. However, I would like to understand what happened there if possible.


15 minutes ago, elwood612 said:

Ok, thank you. Apologies again, I missed the line about uploading the zip file. Here is the zipped up Logs folder (again, Dyndolod has been run several times since the output I'm currently using was generated): https://ufile.io/wcwb0fhe

I went ahead and found the windmill object in my current save using the `prid` command. It was in fact disabled (see attached screenshot, top left). So a temp fix for my current save is just to enable that object and keep playing. However, I would like to understand what happened there if possible.


Based on the the current information something probably happened to the SKSE co-save.

If things looks correct without DynDOLOD output enabled, a clean save should reset things in the normal and the SKSE co-save.

31 minutes ago, Mousetick said:

Atlas mipmaps look ok now when combining worldspaces with 3a155. Thanks.

Great! Thanks for letting us know.

Posted (edited)

Hmm ok, makes sense. I don't think the Fallrim Resaver touches the SKSE co-save, does it? I definitely cleaned unattached instances after uninstalling Dyndolod for the clean save.

The thing is, the clean save doesn't work, the windmill still disappears. I finally found it in SSEEdit (it was hiding in the persistent cell data), and the only thing overwriting it is Lux Orbis (just overwriting emittance data, nothing else). I'm not sure why Dyndolod being loaded or not should affect it at all if Dyndolod doesn't overwrite it. I guess maybe a rogue script or something.

EDIT: it's the Lux Orbis ESM that's overwriting it.

Anyway, thanks for your help!

Edited by elwood612
6 hours ago, sheson said:

The texture can not be found.

The message states a fact. The mentioned texture can not be found in the load order. There is no problem with DynDOLOD, it is working as designed and reports a problem in the load order.

The message tells you which NIF and base record requires the texture.

Unless the base record defines alternate textures (which Stretched Snow Begone.esp does not do after doing a quick check with xEdit, some base records are still vanilla also), the culprit is the mod that contains the mentioned NIFs, which you can easily find out with MO2 right window data tab.

BTW it is easier to use xEdit Asset Browser (CTRL+F3) and/or enable MO2 archives parsing to check contents of BSA files.

Thx for the reply. I posted your reply in the bug section of Stretched Snow Begone to which the author replied:

"Thank you for sharing Sheson's reply here because now I'll know what to say if someone else has this problem in the future.
Hopefully Sheson's advice will help you to fix your problem. "


So in order to learn something from this; It is very likely that I don't understand what's going on here, but here's how I understand it:

Dyndolod detected that there a some textures missing that the NIFs referenced in Stretched Snow Begone.esp relies on (or self reports that it relies on). These textures are in deed not present (I checked for some of them). Could it be that a) The NIFs don't really need them and it's just some leftover information or similar or b) the resulting in game visual is not the intended visual?

Posted (edited)

First of all, thank you for the mod. I installed xLODGen, TexGen and DynDOLOD by looking at the information on mode site and a few videos  When I run xLODGen->TexGen and finally DynDOLOD, DynDOLOD gives the error "Tamriel lod terrain broken". According to the warning, it was because I used Oscape's LOD, but I did not install anything related to Oscape. Could another mod be causing this? I just disable few location mods like "Hidden Hideouts SE" and "Convenient Bridges SE" but still same result.

And separately, when I install the "xLODGen Resource - SSE Terrain Tamriel" mod, DynDOLOD asks me to uninstall it. Is this normal ?

DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug_log.txt DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt

Edited by Gerkesiz

Hi Sheson, I'm having a weird issue with my LODs, they are pure black, both trees and rocks, I'm sending a screenshot here to show you how it is, I used TFC 1 camera command to get close to them to take this screenshot, they are just pure black. 

Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/53D5IT4

Logs Requested: https://ufile.io/f/h98wc

If you need more info on this, I'll be glad to provide it so we can fix it, although it might be something that I did and I'm not aware of what it is, any insight is helpful. Thank you for being so supportive to everyone!

Posted (edited)

Hi Sheson, just out of curiosity: how are tree large references handled exactly?

Does any tree become a large reference?

Which models then are used?

What is the expected performance impact?

Actually I use ultra trees with billboards 4,4,1,6.

Edited by 2PHAZT
Posted (edited)

Solved problem. 

The error was not caused by the program but by my incomplete/incorrect reading. I got the "Broken Tamriel Terrain LOD" error because I ran xLODGen without activating Tamriel Extended. I apologize for making unnecessary comments.

Edited by Gerkesiz
10 hours ago, Swoop said:

Thx for the reply. I posted your reply in the bug section of Stretched Snow Begone to which the author replied:

"Thank you for sharing Sheson's reply here because now I'll know what to say if someone else has this problem in the future.
Hopefully Sheson's advice will help you to fix your problem. "

So in order to learn something from this; It is very likely that I don't understand what's going on here, but here's how I understand it:

Dyndolod detected that there a some textures missing that the NIFs referenced in Stretched Snow Begone.esp relies on (or self reports that it relies on). These textures are in deed not present (I checked for some of them). Could it be that a) The NIFs don't really need them and it's just some leftover information or similar or b) the resulting in game visual is not the intended visual?

As explained Stretched Snow Begone has nothing to do with this and the culprit is the mod that contains the mentioned NIFs, which you can easily find out with MO2 right window data tab.

A NIF defining a texture means that the NIF needs the texture. https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Textures.

7 hours ago, Charolas said:

Hi Sheson, I'm having a weird issue with my LODs, they are pure black, both trees and rocks, I'm sending a screenshot here to show you how it is, I used TFC 1 camera command to get close to them to take this screenshot, they are just pure black. 

Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/53D5IT4

Logs Requested: https://ufile.io/f/h98wc

If you need more info on this, I'll be glad to provide it so we can fix it, although it might be something that I did and I'm not aware of what it is, any insight is helpful. Thank you for being so supportive to everyone!

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots how to also make useful screenshots of a full model with more informative console. One of the trees for example.

This can be a sign of low VRAM.

This could be because the object LOD atlas ..\Textures\DynDOLOD\LOD\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.dds  does not belong to the object LOD ..\Meshes\Terrain\Tamriel\Objects\*.BTO
Make sure the installed output is complete (contains both) and not being overwritten.

Use the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM You Are Here to find out which BTO is used to find out which textures the black parts are using. It might not necessarily be the object LOD texture atlas. Verify the used textures are not black. Verify the shapes do not set black vertex colors.

If more specific instructions are needed, let me know and upload the BTO file.

1 hour ago, 2PHAZT said:

Hi Sheson, just out of curiosity: how are tree large references handled exactly?

Does any tree become a large reference?

Which models then are used?

What is the expected performance impact?

Actually I use ultra trees with billboards 4,4,1,6.

In case Ultra is checked to generate ultra tree LOD, the Large checkbox can be checked to make the full model trees large references - if they are added by ESM flagged plugins. Use the TreeLargeRefSize setting in the ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE].ini to the size threshold, e.g. if smaller trees should be large references, lower the value. Also, references that are overwritten by non ESM flagged plugins, have enable parents or are initially disabled are skipped as well for now. In case the tree base records have locational swaps, like cells, locations or regions, they are skipped as well.

This does not change which full/LOD model a tree uses.
The performance impact depends on the load order, settings, hardware etc.

On 2/1/2023 at 11:58 PM, Rozen said:

It happened again on the first try.

Faulting application name: DynDOLODx64.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x63da83ed
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.22621.900, time stamp: 0xa97a9ed6
Exception code: 0xc0000374

The last thing i seen show up was stuff for the main world map and in the last 2 logs it made was the one for LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt sense that was running when it happened and DynDOLOD_SSE_TexturesUsed_Tamriel, inside the logs LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt got to ,textures\wizkid pole\wiz_pole_05a.dds,textures\wizkid pole\wiz_pole_02_n.dds: 16 -> 73 | 32, 0 Log ended at 3:55:01 PM (00:03:43) Code: 0 and DynDOLOD_SSE_TexturesUsed_Tamriel got to textures\wizkid pole\wiz_pole_06.dds,8,textures\wizkid pole\wiz_pole_06_n.dds, textures\wizkid pole\wiz_pole_06_rock.dds,8,textures\wizkid pole\wiz_pole_06_rock_n.dds, 

Here are the logs just encase they help>  https://ufile.io/f/nvbqg

Even though there are many warnings, my installation process is completed and I can create a zip file. So I'm trying to find the so-called missing files/mods. But I couldn't find which mode this "wiz pole" belongs to. Do you know which mode you belong to?

13 minutes ago, Gerkesiz said:

Even though there are many warnings, my installation process is completed and I can create a zip file. So I'm trying to find the so-called missing files/mods. But I couldn't find which mode this "wiz pole" belongs to. Do you know which mode you belong to?

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which LODGen log and DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

The post from February you are replying to is not about missing assets.

The folder "wizkid pole" is part of Lantern of Skyrim II.

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