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Greetings all,

I have run into an annoying problem: Nearly all inn rumour queries result in the inn keeper talking about Falion and his connection to vampires and possibly NFTs, presumably this is the beginning of the quest 'Rising at Dawn'. Occationally a hold specific quest will be offered(Valdr in Falkreath for instance), but otherwise it's all about Falion. I'm playing the Anniversary Edition and can't access rumour related/given Creation quests because of this. I am using Alternate Start to begin game as a vampire.


Is there a way or command to reset quest 'Rising at Dawn' or end/cancel it so that I may access other rumours? Without my Dragonborn losing her vampirism? Merry (post)Xmas and happy new year to one and all!


I think this is intended behavior, as NPCs don't take to kindly to vampires, and therefore won't give out any information. Once you go to Falion and cure your vampirism, they should talk to you as normal. Whether or not there is a way to circumvent this procedure, I am unaware.


Oof, I hope not this is the case!


But I don't think that the NPCs know that you are a vampire as occationaly some might remark on your looks, uttering something to the like of "Your skin is as pale as snow, you scared of sunlight or something?" But I guess it could be a "everybody knows but no one acts because the Dragonborn tends to beat up bandits and draugr" situation!


If you use The Choice Is Yours, you can talk to Falion without starting the quest. Once you've met Falion, the rumour about him should stop, the next one in the queue should pop up, and there should be no unwanted quest waiting in your journal.

Quote from Quests Altered by The Choice is Yours:



Rumors about Falion in Morthal will not trigger the quest. You can talk to Falion and the quest will not start until you specifically tell him that you are looking for a cure.


If you're not using TCIY, I'd strongly advise against installing it in the middle of your playthrough.

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