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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 173


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Tearing my hair out here with hybrid.bat again. 

Keeps giving me an error in the LODGEN_log stating that it cannot find textures:



Skyrim Object LOD Generator
Created by Ehamloptiran and Zilav
Updated by Sheson

Log started at 5:57:34 PM
Game Mode: HYBRID
Can not find textures\ in C:\Tools\Texgen Output\DynDOLOD\lod\trees\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp\s3dtrees_treepineforestsnow05_dd7ba7c8_trunk.txt
Log ended at 5:57:34 PM (0:0)
Code: 704


This is my hybrid.txt:


PathData=C:\Tools\Texgen Output\DynDOLOD\lod\trees\s3dtrees nextgenerationforests.esp

These files are in my PathData path specified above:


And the texture files specified in the trunk.txt file for that model are in the specified folder, relative to the PathData path AND in the game's installation (same goes for the above files). I've been reading the instructions over and over but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I get the feeling it's gonna be something simple, yet again...

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Hello, I am using the latest alpha 65 version of Texgen/Dyndolod and am having trouble getting the grass LODs to match the color/brightness of my loaded grass. Please see the screenshot below to see the issue, I've read several posts in this thread about using the direct/ambient settings in Texgen and brightness multipliers in Dyndolod_SSE.ini but honestly I'm not smart enough to understand what those settings do (I don't know anything about texturing and the like) and can't get any closer to where I need even after multiple tweaks and attempts. Here are my most recent settings that generated the LODs in the screenshot, can anyone explain in simplified terms what these settings do and if possible how I can get the LODs to match the loaded grass? If it helps I'm using NAT 3.0 ENB and Folkvangr grass. I appreciate any help you can provide.


Texgen settings:

Ambient 160, Direct 13

Brightness multipliers:



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36 minutes ago, bob124 said:

Hello, I am using the latest alpha 65 version of Texgen/Dyndolod and am having trouble getting the grass LODs to match the color/brightness of my loaded grass. Please see the screenshot below to see the issue, I've read several posts in this thread about using the direct/ambient settings in Texgen and brightness multipliers in Dyndolod_SSE.ini but honestly I'm not smart enough to understand what those settings do (I don't know anything about texturing and the like) and can't get any closer to where I need even after multiple tweaks and attempts. Here are my most recent settings that generated the LODs in the screenshot, can anyone explain in simplified terms what these settings do and if possible how I can get the LODs to match the loaded grass? If it helps I'm using NAT 3.0 ENB and Folkvangr grass. I appreciate any help you can provide.


Texgen settings:

Ambient 160, Direct 13

Brightness multipliers:




R = red 
G = green
B = blue

Images/textures use values between 0.0 and 1.0 for each color channel. 0 means no intensity and 1 means full intensity. All channel = 0 is black, all channel 1 is white.

Simplified, the brightness multiplier values are multiplied with the RGB values of the texture.
GrassBrightnessTopR=0.5 means the red color channel of the texture is multiplied by 0.5, so the intensity of the red color channel is now half.

If the grass seems too bright, set lower multipliers. If the grass seems to have a red tinge for example, set the R multiplier lower than the GB multipliers to "remove" more red.

And/Or disable/adjust ENB image based lighting.

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11 minutes ago, sheson said:


R = red 
G = green
B = blue

Images/textures use values between 0.0 and 1.0 for each color channel. 0 means no intensity and 1 means full intensity. All channel = 0 is black, all channel 1 is white.

Simplified, the brightness multiplier values are multiplied with the RGB values of the texture.
GrassBrightnessTopR=0.5 means the red color channel of the texture is multiplied by 0.5, so the intensity of the red color channel is now half.

If the grass seems too bright, set lower multipliers. If the grass seems to have a red tinge for example, set the R multiplier lower than the GB multipliers to "remove" more red.

And/Or disable/adjust ENB image based lighting.

Thank you, this is helpful. I'll give it a shot!

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Title says it all. Tree LOD is noticeably more yellow than normal trees. Generated using Dyndolod 3.0 with 3.0 Resources.


I'm using Happy Little Trees. 3D Trees seems to create no issues, but I wanted to switch. TexGen output textures look fine when viewed outside of the game, which implies issue is on Dyndolod's side.

Ofc I can provide all info you need.

Edited by Admiral30
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7 hours ago, Admiral30 said:

Title says it all. Tree LOD is noticeably more yellow than normal trees. Generated using Dyndolod 3.0 with 3.0 Resources.


I'm using Happy Little Trees. 3D Trees seems to create no issues, but I wanted to switch. TexGen output textures look fine when viewed outside of the game, which implies issue is on Dyndolod's side.

Ofc I can provide all info you need.

See the first post of the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread where to make posts. I moved the post.

DynDOLOD does not change the color of texture when they are added to the texture atlas. E.g. the billboard texture on the atlas texture should look exactly the same unless you told DynDOLOD to change its brightness. Changing brightness should not change color tone.

Standard tree LOD uses a limited shader that does not react well to lighting. Weather mods and ENB can dramatically change appearance of tree LOD.

Use ultra tree LOD either with Billboard4 (requires HD billboards) for best results or with the 3D tree LODs.

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4 hours ago, sheson said:

See the first post of the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread where to make posts. I moved the post.

DynDOLOD does not change the color of texture when they are added to the texture atlas. E.g. the billboard texture on the atlas texture should look exactly the same unless you told DynDOLOD to change its brightness. Changing brightness should not change color tone.

Standard tree LOD uses a limited shader that does not react well to lighting. Weather mods and ENB can dramatically change appearance of tree LOD.

Use ultra tree LOD either with Billboard4 (requires HD billboards) for best results or with the 3D tree LODs.

May I ask what is Billboard4? Tutorial says to use TexGen and then Dyndolod because 3.0 no longer requires billboards.

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45 minutes ago, Admiral30 said:

May I ask what is Billboard4? Tutorial says to use TexGen and then Dyndolod because 3.0 no longer requires billboards.

From https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD

While Billboard1 is suitable for standard tree LOD billboards and HD tree LOD billboards, consider using Billboard4 with HD tree LOD billboards for even better visuals. Billboard1 has 4 triangles per tree, while billboard 4 has 8 triangles per tree. The additional triangles allows for better reactions to light sources from all directions together with the HD tree LOD billboards. It is a good alternative to 3D tree LOD models in case performance or resource usage is of concern or as fallback for individual trees in case 3D tree LOD models are not available.

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2 hours ago, sheson said:

From https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD

While Billboard1 is suitable for standard tree LOD billboards and HD tree LOD billboards, consider using Billboard4 with HD tree LOD billboards for even better visuals. Billboard1 has 4 triangles per tree, while billboard 4 has 8 triangles per tree. The additional triangles allows for better reactions to light sources from all directions together with the HD tree LOD billboards. It is a good alternative to 3D tree LOD models in case performance or resource usage is of concern or as fallback for individual trees in case 3D tree LOD models are not available.

I have changed the settings to optimal settings mentioned on HLT Dyndolod 3.0 addon (LOD4/Level0, LOD8/Billboard4, LOD16/Billboard(1)). LOD quality is way better, no more yellow trees, but ofc life is not so easy. Now there is very aggressive z-fighting during LOD transition + z-fighting on all LOD trees.



Edited by Admiral30
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1 hour ago, Admiral30 said:

I have changed the settings to optimal settings mentioned on HLT Dyndolod 3.0 addon (LOD4/Level0, LOD8/Billboard4, LOD16/Billboard(1)). LOD quality is way better, no more yellow trees, but ofc life is not so easy. Now there is very aggressive z-fighting during LOD transition + z-fighting on all LOD trees.



DynDOLOD does not change how LOD works


Having to wait for the full models to load before being able to disable the object LOD can take a noticeable time, in which the full models and their object LOD are both rendered for a brief time. In case the full model and the LOD model occupy the same 3D space (which for example can be the case for structures), their different lighting and textures can noticeable z-fight (texture flicker).

https://stepmodifications.org/forum/search/?&q="brief time"&type=forums_topic&nodes=223

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21 minutes ago, sheson said:

DynDOLOD does not change how LOD works


Having to wait for the full models to load before being able to disable the object LOD can take a noticeable time, in which the full models and their object LOD are both rendered for a brief time. In case the full model and the LOD model occupy the same 3D space (which for example can be the case for structures), their different lighting and textures can noticeable z-fight (texture flicker).

https://stepmodifications.org/forum/search/?&q="brief time"&type=forums_topic&nodes=223

Ok, I have regenerated dyndolod with the same textures, but with lower quality options ("performance" instead of "optimal"). Weird transitions gone, z-fighting gone, I have also noticed low quality trees within player's range, this is also now gone. No idea why, but it works.

So far all problems solved, thanks for mentioning that I had to regenerate lod with higher quality to fix the yellow trees issue.

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9 minutes ago, Admiral30 said:

Ok, I have regenerated dyndolod with the same textures, but with lower quality options ("performance" instead of "optimal"). Weird transitions gone, z-fighting gone, I have also noticed low quality trees within player's range, this is also now gone. No idea why, but it works.

So far all problems solved, thanks for mentioning that I had to regenerate lod with higher quality to fix the yellow trees issue.

Since Billboards do not occupy the same 3D space as the full models, there is no brief flickering (typically it is because shadows on full model and no shadows on LOD) when they both show at the same time 

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Feel like I should know this ..

How does one get grass to render in what looks like the farthest section before the horizon line. I use NGIO grass mode 2. The grass renders quite a ways but the last section of what it viewable just looks like it has some clumps of grass. its so far away it doesnt matter really but was wondering if maybe I have missed something.

Maybe I missed something in the INi files ?

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