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I have been scouring the Interwebs looking for a solution to get these two guys to play nice. and I keep getting the (error 2012). I have a log but not sure how to tell whats causing the problem. FNIS seems to write to the file but not for everything. I have made sure that steam and M.O.2 are not in C:\program files. It is in C:\games. Really wish I could get this to work correctly cause I love everything else about M.O.2. any help would be much appreciated. I have also watched and used the videos for installing fnis with M.O.2.




 0 Start Debug
FNIS Behavior V7.3.1   4/22/2018 1:05:48 PM
Skyrim SE 64bit: - C:\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)   male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)
Directory: .
                              <DIR>    temporary_logs
                              <DIR>    templates
                              <DIR>    languages
 3/22/2018 11:03:07 AM           2,509   PatchListSE.txt
 2/8/2018 4:12:35 AM           3,451   PatchAnimationFiles.txt
 4/22/2018 12:44:04 PM              18   MyPatches.txt
 12/27/2012 2:37:51 PM      10,524,672   hkxcmd.exe
 12/27/2012 2:37:53 PM           1,857   hkxcmd LICENSE.TXT
 4/6/2018 5:20:36 PM         510,464   GenerateFNISforUsers.exe
 3/22/2018 11:04:37 AM           1,139   FNIS_Templates.txt
 10/9/2017 6:00:31 AM              79   DebugData.txt
 10/27/2015 5:38:59 AM           4,957   CustomPreCacheFiles.txt
 12/19/2014 4:39:00 AM          12,068   BehavioredObjects.txt
 9/15/2015 3:16:08 AM           4,866   AnimVars.txt
 11/21/2015 4:16:30 AM          64,410   AnimEvents.txt
 6/27/2016 3:51:22 PM          81,025   Alternate_AnimationGroups.txt
Directory: templates
 9/22/2017 4:50:00 PM         275,495   weapequip_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/2/2017 2:19:57 PM         156,377   staggerbehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/2/2017 2:35:19 PM         130,337   sprintbehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 1/15/2018 7:10:45 AM         345,236   shout_behavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/17/2017 3:18:26 PM         222,634   shout_behavior_PATCHED.xml
 10/10/2017 9:03:07 PM          69,504   shout_behavior_PATCHED.hkx
 9/2/2017 5:38:05 PM       4,751,017   mt_behavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/2/2017 2:36:14 PM         590,982   magicmountedbehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 1/15/2018 7:10:35 AM       1,410,873   magicbehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/17/2017 3:18:28 PM         937,190   magicbehavior_PATCHED.xml
 10/10/2017 9:03:07 PM         277,744   magicbehavior_PATCHED.hkx
 9/2/2017 2:36:51 PM         386,954   magic_readied_direction_behavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/23/2017 6:12:30 PM       1,036,976   idlebehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/17/2017 3:18:29 PM       1,025,605   idlebehavior_PATCHED.xml
 10/10/2017 9:03:07 PM         319,760   idlebehavior_PATCHED.hkx
 4/6/2018 4:18:15 PM             677   FNISVersionGenerated_TEMPLATE.pex
 10/25/2015 5:18:15 AM           1,867   FNIS_PCEA2_TEMPLATE.pex
 11/3/2015 5:31:23 PM           6,882   FNIS_aa2_TEMPLATE.pex
 2/2/2018 8:09:21 AM         163,977   defaultmale_TEMPLATE.txt
 2/2/2018 8:07:46 AM         164,568   defaultfemale_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/2/2017 2:18:27 PM         280,367   bow_direction_behavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/2/2017 2:38:25 PM       1,103,245   blockbehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/2/2017 2:38:44 PM         193,735   bashbehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 2/19/2018 6:14:07 PM       1,324,045   animationsetdatasinglefile_TEMPLATE.txt
 2/19/2018 6:15:41 PM       2,740,157   animationdatasinglefile_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/23/2017 4:46:55 PM         957,924   1hm_locomotion_TEMPLATE.txt
 1/15/2018 7:10:53 AM       5,998,676   1hm_behavior_TEMPLATE.txt
 9/17/2017 3:18:31 PM       5,068,673   1hm_behavior_PATCHED.xml
 10/10/2017 9:03:06 PM       1,214,512   1hm_behavior_PATCHED.hkx
 1/15/2018 7:10:24 AM       2,568,897   0_master_TEMPLATE.txt
Directory: temporary_logs
 4/22/2018 12:43:53 PM         268,059   weapequip.xml
 4/22/2018 12:43:53 PM          97,708   staggerbehavior.xml
 4/22/2018 12:43:53 PM         117,571   sprintbehavior.xml
 4/22/2018 12:43:53 PM         548,193   shout_behavior.xml
 4/22/2018 12:43:54 PM       4,822,405   mt_behavior.xml
 4/22/2018 12:43:54 PM         528,754   magicmountedbehavior.xml
 4/22/2018 12:43:54 PM         322,979   magic_readied_direction_behavior.xml
 4/22/2018 1:05:48 PM               0   GenerateFNIS_LogFile.txt
 4/22/2018 1:05:48 PM               0   DummyStart.txt
 7/8/2012 4:49:58 PM              61   DUMMY_FILE_for_NMM_installation_only.txt
 4/22/2018 12:43:53 PM         186,085   defaultmale.xml
 4/22/2018 12:43:53 PM         186,296   defaultfemale.xml
 4/22/2018 12:43:54 PM         630,811   1hm_locomotion.xml
Directory: characters female
Directory: characters
Directory: animations
                              <DIR>    XPMSE
                              <DIR>    FNISSpells
                              <DIR>    FNISSexyMove
                              <DIR>    FNISCreatureVersion
                              <DIR>    FNISBase
 12/29/2016 11:42:09 AM         133,632   special_cicerohappy.hkx
 12/29/2016 11:42:09 AM         146,112   special_cicerodance3.hkx
 12/29/2016 11:42:09 AM          68,544   special_cicerodance2.hkx
 12/29/2016 11:42:09 AM          74,512   special_cicerodance1.hkx
 12/29/2016 11:42:09 AM          58,272   special_ciceroagitated.hkx
 4/17/2018 11:43:28 PM          13,072   mac_unequip.hkx
 4/17/2018 11:43:28 PM          15,232   mac_equip.hkx
 4/17/2018 11:43:28 PM          12,560   dag_unequip.hkx
 4/17/2018 11:43:28 PM          16,960   dag_equip.hkx
 4/17/2018 11:43:28 PM          12,976   axe_unequip.hkx
 4/17/2018 11:43:28 PM          14,528   axe_equip.hkx
 4/17/2018 11:43:28 PM          20,048   1hm_unequip.hkx
 4/17/2018 11:43:28 PM          22,016   1hm_equip.hkx
Directory: female
Directory: male
Directory: behaviors
 10/10/2017 9:03:07 PM         319,760   idlebehavior.hkx
 4/17/2018 11:43:28 PM           2,336   FNIS_XPMSE_Behavior.hkx
 11/1/2016 6:00:48 PM         112,624   FNIS_FNISSpells_Behavior.hkx
 10/11/2017 4:12:11 PM           7,408   FNIS_FNISSexyMove_Behavior.hkx
 11/14/2016 5:35:51 PM           2,336   FNIS_FNISCreatureVersion_Behavior.hkx
 10/22/2017 8:56:14 PM           2,336   FNIS_FNISBase_Behavior.hkx
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations"
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading XPMSEAA read. 54 groups, 545 animations.
AA Set 0 - mod: XPMSE group: _1hmeqp ngroups: 5 files found/missing: 10/ 5 Bhav.pattern: 20001
AA Set 1 - mod: XPMSE group: _2hmeqp ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 2/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 20001
AA Set 2 - mod: XPMSE group: _2hweqp ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 2/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 20001
AA Set 3 - mod: XPMSE group: _axeeqp ngroups: 5 files found/missing: 10/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 20001
AA Set 4 - mod: XPMSE group: _bowatk ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 4/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 10000
AA Set 5 - mod: XPMSE group: _boweqp ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 2/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 20001
AA Set 6 - mod: XPMSE group: _bowidle ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 3/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 38002
AA Set 7 - mod: XPMSE group: _maceqp ngroups: 2 files found/missing: 4/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 20001
AA Set 8 - mod: XPMSE group: _dageqp ngroups: 6 files found/missing: 12/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 20001
AA Set 9 - mod: XPMSE group: _magatk ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 39/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 100C0
AA Set 10 - mod: XPMSE group: _magcastmt ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 20/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 20180
AA Set 11 - mod: XPMSE group: _magcon ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 10/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 200C0
AA Set 12 - mod: XPMSE group: _magidle ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 2/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 300C0
AA Set 13 - mod: XPMSE group: _magmt ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 20/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 28180
AA Set 14 - mod: XPMSE group: _sprint ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 12/ 1 Bhav.pattern: 30004
AA Set 15 - mod: XPMSE group: _shout ngroups: 1 files found/missing: 12/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 18
FNIS AA Trigger xpe3_Dag_Unequip.hkx group: 43 iAnim: 1 triggers: /Unequip_OutMoving/-0.333/Unequip_Out/-0.00/BeginWeaponSheathe/0.00
FNIS AA Trigger xpe4_Dag_Unequip.hkx group: 43 iAnim: 1 triggers: /Unequip_OutMoving/-0.333/Unequip_Out/-0.00/BeginWeaponSheathe/0.00
 V7.2  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 164 alternate animations) ...
Number of animations for XPMSE: 164 Total non-AA: 0 Total AA: 164
Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 9 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ...
Number of animations for FNISSpells: 95 Total non-AA: 95 Total AA: 164
Reading FNISSexyMoveAA Set 16 - mod: FNISSexyMove group: _mt ngroups: 9 files found/missing: 18/ 0 Bhav.pattern: 30
AA Set 17 - mod: FNISSexyMove group: _mt ngroups: 9 files found/missing: 0/ 18 Bhav.pattern: 30
AA Set 18 - mod: FNISSexyMove group: _mtx ngroups: 9 files found/missing: 0/ 126 Bhav.pattern: 30
 V7.2  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 18 alternate animations) ...
Number of animations for FNISSexyMove: 21 Total non-AA: 98 Total AA: 182
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V7.0 ...
Number of animations for FNISCreatureVersion: 0 Total non-AA: 98 Total AA: 182
Reading FNISBase V7.3.1 ...
Number of animations for FNISBase: 0 Total non-AA: 98 Total AA: 182

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Generating defaultfemale.xml ...
Start Template: templates\defaultfemale_Template.txt
Max RecIndex:  1000
Generating defaultmale.xml ...
Start Template: templates\defaultmale_Template.txt
Max RecIndex:  1000
Modify Behavior Files to GENDER specific ...
No GENDER directory male
No GENDER directory female
isAAbehavior 229887 / 381FF
Generating weapequip.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\weapequip_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AAGroupVars Addr: 310
Max RecIndex:  390
Converting weapequip.xml to .hkx
Generating staggerbehavior.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\staggerbehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AAGroupVars Addr: 1000
Max RecIndex:  1033
Converting staggerbehavior.xml to .hkx
Generating sprintbehavior.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\sprintbehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AAGroupVars Addr: 1000
Max RecIndex:  1027
Converting sprintbehavior.xml to .hkx
Generating shout_behavior.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\shout_behavior_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AAGroupVars Addr: 1000
Max RecIndex:  1389
Converting shout_behavior.xml to .hkx
Generating mt_behavior.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\mt_behavior_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AnimObj Addr: 5223
Symbolic: 1 AAGroupVars Addr: 5223
Symbolic: 2 BlendTransition Addr: 5229
Symbolic: 3 Offset Addr: 5231
Symbolic: 4 Furniture Addr: 5231
Symbolic: 5 FurnitureGroup Addr: 5231
Symbolic: 6 ChairSupplement Addr: 5231
Max RecIndex:  5716
Converting mt_behavior.xml to .hkx
Generating magicmountedbehavior.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\magicmountedbehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AAGroupVars Addr: 1000
Max RecIndex:  1124
Converting magicmountedbehavior.xml to .hkx
Generating magicbehavior.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\magicbehavior_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AAGroupVars Addr: 1360
Max RecIndex:  1671
Converting magicbehavior.xml to .hkx
Generating magic_readied_direction_behavior.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\magic_readied_direction_behavior_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AAGroupVars Addr: 1000
Max RecIndex:  1130
Converting magic_readied_direction_behavior.xml to .hkx
Generating 1hm_locomotion.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\1hm_locomotion_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AAGroupVars Addr: 861
Max RecIndex:  1062
Converting 1hm_locomotion.xml to .hkx
Generating 1hm_behavior.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\1hm_behavior_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AAGroupVars Addr: 4900
Max RecIndex:  5216
Converting 1hm_behavior.xml to .hkx
Generating 0_master.hkx ...
Start Template: templates\0_master_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AnimObj Addr: 2580
Symbolic: 1 AAGroupVars Addr: 2580
Symbolic: 2 Paired Addr: 2612
Symbolic: 3 Killmove Addr: 2810
Symbolic: 4 FNISRefGen Addr: 3093
Max RecIndex:  3104
Converting 0_master.xml to .hkx

ERROR(2012): Could not generate: defaultfemale.hkx defaultmale.hkx weapequip.hkx staggerbehavior.hkx sprintbehavior.hkx shout_behavior.hkx mt_behavior.hkx magicmountedbehavior.hkx magicbehavior.hkx magic_readied_direction_behavior.hkx 1hm_locomotion.hkx 1hm_behavior.hkx 0_master.hkx
Directory: temporary_logs
Directory: characters female
Directory: characters
Directory: behaviors
 10/10/2017 9:03:07 PM         319,760   idlebehavior.hkx
 4/17/2018 11:43:28 PM           2,336   FNIS_XPMSE_Behavior.hkx
 11/1/2016 6:00:48 PM         112,624   FNIS_FNISSpells_Behavior.hkx
 10/11/2017 4:12:11 PM           7,408   FNIS_FNISSexyMove_Behavior.hkx
 11/14/2016 5:35:51 PM           2,336   FNIS_FNISCreatureVersion_Behavior.hkx
 10/22/2017 8:56:14 PM           2,336   FNIS_FNISBase_Behavior.hkx



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