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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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looking for a pointer on the merge page for zMerge, a couple of questions. (I want to not risk breaking the linking step)


1.) When I load up the "Blank for Merges" profile and activate all the plugins to be merged to include their masters, does the order of the masters matter? for example some of the masters are red in colour. I'm assuming I need to move the masters around also?


2.) There are different merges to be made, some have the same master mos, do the master mods always have to be in the same load order for the linker to work?




Also, should I be checking each [Merge] esp for errors in xEdit before moving to the next merge profile?

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Yeah sorry if this has already been asked and answered, I looked through the forms, from what it looks like, form page 695 states that you run loot on each of the "Blank for Merges" profile for each of the merge profiles to sort the master plugins properly before running zmerge? this isn't stated on the merge page of the current guide? so not sure if this should be done or bad to do?


Sorry for all the questions, but I ran through the entire setup all the way to the relinker step and it failed spent a couple of weeks getting here so really cautious about not wanting to break it again, so following the advice on form page 652, I have to rerun all the merges, I understand that.


When I create the "Blank for Merges" would it be ok to create a separate profile for each merge, like "1. Animals Merged" "2. Audio Patches Merged"


Also would this process work or break the merge and relinking process:

1. Create a new profile "Copy" the "Legacy of the Dragonborn - SE" profile to "1. Animals Merged"

2. In the right panel ctrl+ select all the esp's to be merged (this highlights the related mods installed in blue on the left panel)

3. In the left panel uncheck all the mods highlighted in blue,

4. In the left panel ctrl+a to select all in the left panel, then hit the space bar to invert the selection

5. Now only the merged esp's are in the right panel

6. Search through the left panel and activate all the master plugins


The process described above is what I was doing, then I would go into zMerge and sometime find that the master plugins were highlighted in red, instead of saving the zMerge profile, I would exit zEdit and move the masters around in the right panel, run zMerge, start to create the merge profile, until no dependent master plugins were red.


Using the named MO2 profile for each merge did save time for making changes when updating, this has taking me so long the guide has updated twice and I still haven't finished a complete setup.

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digging through the forms and watching the video tutorials has really helped, thank you I've got most of my questions answered, just wondering when I create a merge profile and select master esm's should I also be selecting the "Cleaned Vanilla ESMs" when I do each zMerge?


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Just in the process of re-doing my complete modlist using this guide, pretty extensive. One thing I notice, is there's no "Open Cities" mod in the list. Is there a specific reason for this? Yes, DynDOLOD requires an extra step so the guide would have to be edited but otherwise? 


Also, I still have a messed up "Quality World Map", even though I put it below the Xlod output mod.

Edited by lapinobel
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Lexys!


Nemesis 84 did not worked for me, Missing jumbehavior.htx and load order message when opening.... I rollback to 82 as I had a backup and it worked fine!  So do you merge new version of it on old one? I did a new mod for 84 and deleted 82...

Thank yo so much and have a great summer!

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Just modded Skyrim again with the newest guide, and I don't think I will ever be doing that again. Too much work. The game looks and runs great, but my eyes are crossed and blurry. One mod I got rid of right away was the Better Wait Time Mod, that lets you sleep or wait for up to 744 hours. Of coourse you're dead at the end of that time, and I had a lot of trouble setting it to 8 hours. I could hit 7, or 9, but not 8. The only other complaint I have is Convenient Horses. Immersive Horses was so much better, and I can't understand the decision to change over. I had to stop the intro quest because Frostfall was trying to kill me in Winterhold, and now I can't complete it. And it tells me to go buy equipment for my horse, but not where to get it. Obviously not in Winterhold. If the thing wasn't so integrated into patches and merges I would chuck it right away. Everything else is great. Love the Nemesis engine, though it did take me ten hours to get my character out of her T-pose.

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Just modded Skyrim again with the newest guide, and I don't think I will ever be doing that again. Too much work. The game looks and runs great, but my eyes are crossed and blurry. One mod I got rid of right away was the Better Wait Time Mod, that lets you sleep or wait for up to 744 hours. Of course you're dead at the end of that time, and I had a lot of trouble setting it to 8 hours. I could hit 7, or 9, but not 8. 



Use the left/right arrow keys on the keyboard to decrement/increment the number of hours that you want to sleep - this will let you change the setting by 1 hour at a time.  It's a lot easier then using the mouse to move the slider.





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Use the left/right arrow keys on the keyboard to decrement/increment the number of hours that you want to sleep - this will let you change the setting by 1 hour at a time.  It's a lot easier then using the mouse to move the slider.






I jusr disabled the mod. So much easier. Now, another problem with Convenient Horses. There seems to be no way to cast magic while mounted. You could do that with Immersive horses. I really think this mod is misnamed, not convenient at all. Is there anything to add that will allow my MAGE character to cast on horseback, or does she need to dismount to cast simple buff spells?

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  • 2 weeks later...



Did something change in the guide -- didn't there used to be a section on the Finishing Line page with a list of bash tags that need to be added to plugins?  There are a bunch of mods that still have the 'BASH' tag in the mod installation pages, and the pre-requisite page still makes reference to tags that have to be added in some cases, but I can't see them on the mod installation pages, and on the wrye bash section on the last page it just says "Once the Bash tags have been updated locate Bashed Patch, 0.esp" and then to build the patch.   The guide should be clarified if they are somewhere else... because I cannot find them.








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Did something change in the guide -- didn't there used to be a section on the Finishing Line page with a list of bash tags that need to be added to plugins?  There are a bunch of mods that still have the 'BASH' tag in the mod installation pages, and the pre-requisite page still makes reference to tags that have to be added in some cases, but I can't see them on the mod installation pages, and on the wrye bash section on the last page it just says "Once the Bash tags have been updated locate Bashed Patch, 0.esp" and then to build the patch.   The guide should be clarified if they are somewhere else... because I cannot find them.








the Bash tags are now automatically applied in the latest CR there a folder called Bash Tag in that there are a whole bunch of text files. These add all the nash tag needed now. Also, I moved the bash tag table to the appendix page it there mostly for reference now.


On An completely separate note since the Forums are pretty much abandoned and all support now on Discord I might even ask TechAngel lock this forum. I barely look on here anymore so your question will likely go unanswered for a long time.

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