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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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Hi guys, 


I'm having a minor issue that is driving me pretty bonkers here. (FYI I just updated to the new conflict resolution files as of today 4/10 and it didn't change anything.) I finished up the installation and was running smoothly minus some blackface issues with various NPCs that apparently the Conflict Resolutions weren't taking care of. I was able to solve most of them by manually playing around with the face meshes in the conflicting mods. But I still had various blackface NPCs, mainly males (Redguards, blacksmiths, some elves) but a few females not covered by Bijin, Ordinary Women, Fresh Faces, etc. This can be fixed with the "setnpcweight" command but must be done every time the game is loaded, and a few dozen people are affected so I needed to fix it. After some fiddling, I found out that the culprit is NPC Retexture - Conflict Resolution SSE. Remove that, and everyone that was screwed up looks fine! The problem is that since that is a master file for NPC Retexture Merge SSE, I have to deactivate that as well, which obviously causes issues with the mods it contains (e.g. the Men of Winter such as Brynjolf now have blackface and vanilla hair textures). Although the NPC Retexture CR file is the clear culprit for me, it's obviously not happening to everyone here. I've done the basic idiot checks (global priority, etc.) so I'm straining to find out what the heck went wrong.


This is the first time I've ever been unable to solve the blackface issue easily. I need Nazeem to look pretty when I kill him  :cry:


P.S. Thanks for recommending The Truth. I've been looking to try a new ENB lately. I wonder if it will look good with Balimund's BIG UGLY DISCOLORED FACE  :crying:

have you rebuilt your Bash Patch and zEdit Patch.


Edit: Checked my own game and he looks OK.

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OK, Guys, the Guide is updated for LOTD v4.0.1 this means LOTD is now an esm which means you MUST START A NEW GAME NO IF's OR BUTS if you update and don't start a new game don't come crying and moaning to me your game is broken you have been told several times you would have to do this. Also, both the NPC Retexture and main CR'S now pointing to said ESM

Cool, thank you. Do we have to rebuild any merged mods?

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have you rebuilt your Bash Patch and zEdit Patch.


Edit: Checked my own game and he looks OK.

Indeed I did. I just tried again for fun and it still did not work. Thanks for checking; I've only added a few mods outside of the guide, none of which should be affecting NPCs at all. Other examples of bad NPCs are Beirand, Fianna, and Marise Aravel. I will keep probing for a solution.


Edit: Going to try toying with facegen data in the CK. Found it on a forum and then you suggested it! Probably my best shot. Thanks!

Edited by BurdenCarrier444
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Indeed I did. I just tried again for fun and it still did not work. Thanks for checking; I've only added a few mods outside of the guide, none of which should be affecting NPCs at all. Other examples of bad NPCs are Beirand, Fianna, and Marise Aravel. I will keep probing for a solution.

well if you have all the textures and meshes activated and your are still getting Black face bug you might have to regenerate Facegen data using the CK.

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Indeed I did. I just tried again for fun and it still did not work. Thanks for checking; I've only added a few mods outside of the guide, none of which should be affecting NPCs at all. Other examples of bad NPCs are Beirand, Fianna, and Marise Aravel. I will keep probing for a solution.


Edit: Going to try toying with facegen data in the CK. Found it on a forum and then you suggested it! Probably my best shot. Thanks!

     Make sure you have the WICO's meshes and textures file activated.  I had black face when I first loaded up and that ended up being the cause.  It was mostly on males too.

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     Make sure you have the WICO's meshes and textures file activated.  I had black face when I first loaded up and that ended up being the cause.  It was mostly on males too.

Also make sure when you installed the conflict resolution patches, that you didn't put one in the wrong place. Mod Organzier 2 when installing Lexy's patches always uses the name of the last file that you installed from her nexus page and with conflict resolution in several of the names, you might have done an oopsie!

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     Odd I just installed all the new files according to the guide and the change log and LOTD - Patches Merged v4.0, Relic Hunter 1.4 and Lexy's LoTD SE - Conflict Resolution - v1.05 are all saying Missing Master Legacy of the Dragonborn.esp.  what did I do wrong?  :cry:

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     Make sure you have the WICO's meshes and textures file activated.  I had black face when I first loaded up and that ended up being the cause.  It was mostly on males too.

Ah, WICO. Such a beautiful and well-made mod, but so troublesome if you're not careful.  :teehee:  Luckily, it wasn't that; it was the facegen data! Now I just have to run around all of hell's half-acre making lists of who has bad faces and fix them all in the CK  :bleh:


     Odd I just installed all the new files according to the guide and the change log and LOTD - Patches Merged v4.0, Relic Hunter 1.4 and Lexy's LoTD SE - Conflict Resolution - v1.05 are all saying Missing Master Legacy of the Dragonborn.esp.  what did I do wrong?  :cry:

With the Legacy of the Dragonborn 4.0+ update, there is no longer an .esp file with the mod. It is feature complete at this point and will only be updated in minor installments from here on out according to the mod author. Try downloading all of those files from the guide now. Lexy just updated them a few hours ago, so if you have it all up to date you should have no missing masters.


EDIT: By "those files" I mean the Merged Patches and the Conflict Resolutions.

Edited by BurdenCarrier444
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Ah, WICO. Such a beautiful and well-made mod, but so troublesome if you're not careful.  :teehee:  Luckily, it wasn't that; it was the facegen data! Now I just have to run around all of hell's half-acre making lists of who has bad faces and fix them all in the CK  :bleh:


With the Legacy of the Dragonborn 4.0+ update, there is no longer an .esp file with the mod. It is feature complete at this point and will only be updated in minor installments from here on out according to the mod author. Try downloading all of those files from the guide now. Lexy just updated them a few hours ago, so if you have it all up to date you should have no missing masters.


EDIT: By "those files" I mean the Merged Patches and the Conflict Resolutions.

All updated file are still on the nexus page now under the old files section. I try my best to not delete anything. So v1.0 of the NPC Retexture CR and 1.04 of th main CR (these were the last before LOTD converted to esm) should be there.

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I'm not sure anyone knows when they'll come out officially. Racemenu only lacks overlays and sculpting, rest of it works perfectly. Tutorial for converting is here (scroll down a bit).

Ah, perfect! I think I can play the game without the other mod, but I DO like to have a nice looking character to play with! Thanks for that info :-D

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