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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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In the instructions of aMidianborn Content Add on it says

Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s): aMidianborn - Content AddOn:â—¾Improved Closefaced Helmets Version folderâ—¾aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp (Instead, use the version found in the Improved Closefaced Helmets version folder.)â—¾aMidianBorn_ContentAddOn_Installation directions.txt

If I don't install the Improved Closefaced Helmets Version folder than I wont have access to the aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp  found in that folder.

Am I misreading something here.

Should I just install everything than go to the filetree and delete the content addon esp, than go to optional esps in the filetree and move the remaining content add on esp from the top window to the bottom window, than delete the Improved closedfaced  helmets folder from the filetree


Yeah you have to use the .esp from the Improved Closeface Helmets folder instead of the .esp that is in the root folder of the archive.

Posted (edited)

Hi Guys,


I just finished updating my SR:LE according to the guide (again), I have a serious problem though:

As soon as my skyrim gets to the main menu, it CTD's on me... even before the Menu options appear (Continue, new game, load game etc.)

If I de-activate vividian ENB  with ENBSeries v0.251 via ENB manager, it does not CTD. I have googled... and have not found anything of help. 

It worked fine with RealVision ENB v0.250... So it seems like its a problem with v0.251 and my system config?  :huh:  :confused:

I will greatly appreciate ANY advice/help.... any ideas?

PC Spec:

MSI Z87 Mpower

i5 4670K @ 4.5Ghz

Corsair Dominator Platinum 2133Mhz @ 2400Mhz 2x 4Gb

MSI Gaming R9 280X @ 1150Core, 1500Vram

AMD Driver v 14.1

Windows 8.1


Edit 1: Never mind, I found the problem.. It was in SKSE.ini:

This does not work:


These work:




So my question is... is it still "enabled" when the "enabled=1" is taken out?

and can anyone help me understand why its crashing out with "enabled=1" and "MemBlock1=768"?

Edited by MrGr1m
Posted (edited)

In Immersive Armors, there is a corrupt 1st person mesh (one of the 1st person female dwemer brigand ones) in:


Immersive ArmorsmeshesArmorbrigand


This causes a CTD when females equip dwemer brigand plate.


You have two options:


1. Disable the brigand armors in the MCM so they don't show up.


2. Replace the corrupt meshes.  To do this copy any pair of 1st person female meshes into MOImmersive ArmorsmeshesArmorbrigand and rename them 1stpersondwemerf_0.nif and 1stpersondwemerf_1.nif. 


(Dwarven is close in appearance - the dwarven one has vembraces that the dwemer brigand is missing - so you should probably use that one.


Alternatively you could try 1stpersondwarvenarmorf_0,nif and 1stpersondwarvenarmorf_1.nif from Immersive ArmorsmeshesArmorBattlemage from this mod - again they look similar except for the vembraces.


Yet another place to get them would be to grab 1stpersondwemerf_0.nif and 1stpersondwemerf_1.nif from meshesarmorbrigand from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32706. If you do this last one you might also need textures (or a path - it looks like the one you need is dwarvenarmor.dds from texturesarmorbrigand in the same mod).  This is more complicated but will give you meshes without vembraces)


A third possible solution is to repair the corrupt mesh itself by opening 1stpersondwemerf_0.nif and 1stpersondwemerf_0.nif in Nifskope and renaming Node9 NiTriShape from "Scene Root" to "FemaleBody".  The name scene root in this node is what's causing the CTD.  However I have not tried this approach myself - since I modified my Immerisve Armor meshes I just renamed another mesh.


I believe the authors are aware of this issue and plan to correct it in the next release.

Edited by statmonster

When I install Immersive Armors in MO than delete the esp, My immersive armors mod name goes from black to grey and I get a red warning square saying no valid game data. What should I do


When I installed Complete Crafting Overhaul there are 2 kinds of Gold and Silver Ring Files. A set starting with Capitol letters and a set starting with Lowercase letters. I did not checkmark the ones starting with Capitol letters and left the ones with Lowercase letters checked. Is this correct?



I know the answer will 99% be "when it's done", but the "percent complete" post you used to have for SR:LE was very helpful (recognizing it was for an earlier discarded version of SR:LE).  Do you happen to have even an estimated guess as to how much left there is to do before you will consider it "released" and 1.0?  You really seem to know what you're doing with regards to mods, configurations and conflict resolutions, so I've been waiting for a complete SR:LE before starting to play Skyrim (beyond just the Helgen intro).  If you are estimating 3 or 4 more months, I'll wait, but if you are estimating 2015 or something, it would probably make sense for me to use what is currently existing.

I know it is considered taboo to ever ask when something is going to be finished, but I'm hoping you at least have a rough guess.  I won't hold you to it.  :- )

Posted (edited)


Reinstall IA.  You probably only got the esp and not any textures or meshes.


Pay special attention to this note:


Integrated FOMOD Installer Use Required: (Guide)


If you have not been doing this on a regular basis whenever the note exists, it would be prudent to reinstall all mods with this note.  (I know I had to do this at one point.)



I have missed this note several times when installing mods.  Perhaps it should appear up at the top of each required mod in the SR-LE guide.  I know there is a certain logical reason for consistency to have it at the bottom, but it's just too easy to miss.

  On 3/8/2014 at 8:04 PM, Mentat said:


I know the answer will 99% be "when it's done", but the "percent complete" post you used to have for SR:LE was very helpful (recognizing it was for an earlier discarded version of SR:LE).  Do you happen to have even an estimated guess as to how much left there is to do before you will consider it "released" and 1.0?  You really seem to know what you're doing with regards to mods, configurations and conflict resolutions, so I've been waiting for a complete SR:LE before starting to play Skyrim (beyond just the Helgen intro).  If you are estimating 3 or 4 more months, I'll wait, but if you are estimating 2015 or something, it would probably make sense for me to use what is currently existing.

I know it is considered taboo to ever ask when something is going to be finished, but I'm hoping you at least have a rough guess.  I won't hold you to it.  :- )

Life's short.  Play now, then play again when he finishes.

Edited by statmonster
  On 3/8/2014 at 8:18 PM, statmonster said:


I have missed this note several times when installing mods.  Perhaps it should appear up at the top of each required mod in the SR-LE guide.  I know there is a certain logical reason for consistency to have it at the bottom, but it's just too easy to miss.

I agree with you. I tried to train myself to look for those things, but still sometimes miss them.

  On 3/8/2014 at 12:11 PM, Smile44 said:

The problem with the SRCR patch is that it constantly being updated. I re-built it last week and already there are many more changes. I'm not doing it again for a while. I will wait until SR is closer to completion before re-building, then again I may do it again anyway, it only takes an hour to do.


Sigh, yea well it was worth a shot.  Currently about 80% of the way.. It takes a bit more than an hour even when I already had a working build from 2 weeks ago, so numerous are the new edits.  These recent updates are sorta more important than a regular patch, since it directly impacts graphics performance (getting ELFX, RL, USKP and ELE to all mesh together makes a big difference for visuals)


Hi Guys,


I am sorry if I am reposting this, I am just trying really hard to understand this problem...

I just want to bring some clarity to my problem:

The reason I thought it was the ENB is because if I disabled the ENB Skyrim no longer CTD'd at the main menu. (I think I understand now why, its because Memory patch      works with the ENB? So if there is no ENB then Memory patch does not work? or am i wrong?) 

Secondly, I have duplicated my Skyrim on my Wife's PC 6GB ram , with ENB v0.250 and the results are the same... So I am doing something wrong?

This does not work:


(CTD @ main menu before menu Items apear)
These work:


Can anyone help me understand why its crashing if set to "MemBlock1=768" ?

Ps.I have 8Gb Ram as previously mentioned. Please anyone? ::(:

Posted (edited)

The first 768/256 options are designed around the SKSE 1.7.0 alpha and actually allocate 512Mb and 256Mb respectively. Setting 512/256 when using SKSE 1.7.0a allocates 256Mb and 256 Mb (same as the default) and have no effect (and hence no crashes).


Setting 768/256 when using SSME rather than SKSE overallocates memory and may cause crashes.


Make sure you are using SKSE correctly as the guide instructs and not any other SSME or similar mods.

Edited by DanielCoffey

Hi Daniel,


Thanks for the reply. I have never even downloaded SSME, and the only tools/apps & Mods I have installed are the ones in the guide as I followed the guide. It is however quite possible that I made a mistake somewhere, but its not SSME. I have 1.7.0 Alpha installed... But I must have messed something up with that install. As per your instruction, I went back and re-installed SKSE following the guide instructions. And now its working. Thanks a lot for your assistance. :)

Posted (edited)
  On 3/9/2014 at 6:18 AM, MrGr1m said:

Hi Guys,


I am sorry if I am reposting this, I am just trying really hard to understand this problem...

I just want to bring some clarity to my problem:

The reason I thought it was the ENB is because if I disabled the ENB Skyrim no longer CTD'd at the main menu. (I think I understand now why, its because Memory patch      works with the ENB? So if there is no ENB then Memory patch does not work? or am i wrong?) 

Secondly, I have duplicated my Skyrim on my Wife's PC 6GB ram , with ENB v0.250 and the results are the same... So I am doing something wrong?

This does not work:


(CTD @ main menu before menu Items apear)
These work:


Can anyone help me understand why its crashing if set to "MemBlock1=768" ?

Ps.I have 8Gb Ram as previously mentioned. Please anyone? ::(:

Actually in Neo's guide he uses the following commands, i'm now actually unclear what the difference is (or if enabled is necessary)




Edited by haelfix
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