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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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  On 11/7/2016 at 11:54 AM, Darth_mathias said:

well some NPC's have been updated so those CR will need updating (specifically the core one that uses Windsong as it's base.) there have some changes to worldspace i need to checkout if it nothing major i may not bother.

Oh NPC related, I guess that's easier to update than the main CR since it is separated.
  On 11/7/2016 at 11:57 AM, reddvilzz said:

Oh NPC related, I guess that's easier to update than the main CR since it is separated.

Actually it's the same amount of work either you got 500 patches or one CR.
  On 11/7/2016 at 12:52 PM, paul666root said:

Actually it's the same amount of work either you got 500 patches or one CR.

Eh, I'd argue it's easier with the modular patches... Turn off the USLEEP mod groups except for things you know won't need updating and then just look at those particular things piece by piece.  Since everythinge lse is already covered bymodgroups you aren't drowned in a sea of unrelated red noise...

Posted (edited)

OK i have had a look and i don't think it it worth updated the CR's at this point nothing look to be majorly conflicting in game breaking way plus I am a lazy arse. If anyone disagrees with me and wants to update it then go ahead and pass me the CR and I'll upload it to the nexus page. At this point i have really lost all enthusiasm to keep going on this guide now I know you guys want like to maintained but i just can't be bothered anymore it's be 2 years since i started my first extended build and it is becoming a chore and no longer fun so the guide is final. If someone else really wants to take it after then PM me about it.

Edited by Darth_mathias

Maybe taking a break and enjoying the game now and then would be best while waiting for the SSE to be ready for full scale modding. No point to continue it anyway if we're gonna move to SSE that's what I thought.

  On 11/7/2016 at 5:06 PM, reddvilzz said:

Maybe taking a break and enjoying the game now and then would be best while waiting for the SSE to be ready for full scale modding. No point to continue it anyway if we're gonna move to SSE that's what I thought.

yes well i did not add to my guide anything and i dont plan to... but until there is a better MO for SSE and skse i dont intend to transition to it

  On 11/7/2016 at 5:06 PM, reddvilzz said:

Maybe taking a break and enjoying the game now and then would be best while waiting for the SSE to be ready for full scale modding. No point to continue it anyway if we're gonna move to SSE that's what I thought.

yes will i am taking a break until SSE Modding gets back up an d running properly so SKSE SKYUI and a better Mod manager cos i hate NMM.


A question concerning Immersive Creatures and LotD; I saw this from ice concerning using them together and was wondering if anyone has noticed any problems with this build.




Its not incompatible in that it breaks the game, just annoying in that it alters armor sets for certain races which Legacy uses to display, meaning sets like falmer and draugr wont display without consoling in the original. Its something that mod should never have changed in honesty.

Posted (edited)

It looks like Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD texture is being overwritten by the Faces Merged. Is that suppose to happen?


Another update to Rustic Clothing - Dragonborn and Lucidty.

Edited by rayhne
  On 11/7/2016 at 5:34 PM, Darth_mathias said:

yes will i am taking a break until SSE Modding gets back up an d running properly so SKSE SKYUI and a better Mod manager cos i hate NMM.

  On 11/7/2016 at 5:20 PM, paul666root said:

yes well i did not add to my guide anything and i dont plan to... but until there is a better MO for SSE and skse i dont intend to transition to it

Yeah I'm personally waiting for a those 3 as well before started to mod SSE, hopefully it comes at the end of the month.
Posted (edited)

I'm dying way too quickly. a small mud crab took me out with one blow and so did a wolf. Is there any way to adjust this so I'm not dying every encounter?

Edited by rayhne

Well, that was frustrating.


First thing out, after reporting to the gallery, I went to Riverwood. When I stepped out of the Sleeping Giant, I was attacked by two wolves. One bite and I died. Finally one of the wolves was killed by someone else and the other one ran away so I went to talk with the blacksmith. I couldn't do anything because I was in combat. I went searching for it and chase it almost to Whiterun before giving up and returning to Riverside. Where apparently I was still in combat. I finally cornered the wolf outside Riverside where it took seven whacks with a sword to kill it.


I'm not sure why I'd still be considered in combat with a wolf that is not only on the other side of the village but running away. Is that suppose to happen?


I've had that problem once in a while, sometimes the followers that acted like he/she was still in combat from previous encounters who had run away even when we're in interiors. Not sure how to solved that but sometimes it will reset by itself.

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