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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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In the cr guide i think this record is wrongly numbered and should be 0002AB89


0002AB87 <LvlSilverhandMelee2H "Silver Hand">

  • Conflict Resloution: Use record from Bring Your Silver Merged.esp then move TPLT - Template, KWDA - Keywords from OBIS.esp
  • Problem Resolved: Changes from Bring Your Silver and Organized Bandits In Skyrim needed to be merged.
And I think that meanst Endgame Npc overhaul not Bring your silver

000B9982 <HirelingJenassa>

  • Conflict Resloution: Use record from NPC Retextures Merged.esp then move ACBS - Configuration, SPLO - Actor Effect, Perks, Items, DNAM - Player Skills from Bring Your Silver Merged.esp
  • Problem Resolved: Changes from Bring Your Silver and NPC Retextures Merged needed to be merged.
I will take a look

fixed my children issue. but the LOD is still screwy. also, one of the pink trees that are placed as you approach the gate to enter solitude isn't sitting on the ground, rather it sits about ten feet off of it. also also, post 100 :cool:

Can you post a screen?

So if Landscape and Environment Merge is enabled the fence in front of Sleeping Giant Inn and in front of Hod's and Gerdur are missing. That's weird.

I will check it later


Install Skyrim Flora Overhaul 2.5b - No grass + SFO Billboards for v2.5b (updated) (This is optional. If you like SFO 2.5b grass you can use the one installed in SRLE Base)

  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul Billboards
As per the SEP 4 complete guide it's advised to install SFO Billboards for v2.5b but the integration guide shows it in red - which indicates it's to be removed. Should that be switched to green ?
Will fix
Posted (edited)

I find several conflicts FormID between Forgotten City and Wheels of Lull - here I uploaded a picture -- https://imgur.com/a/ufTI7


There is two of them.


Should I continue with the installation?

Look in our cr subguide all is there.


000A8023 <HeadPartsHumansandVampires>


Conflict Resolution - Use record from WheelsOfLull.esp then right-click on the right pane and click add. A new FormID row should appear with Null refference, then move 000FCZombieRace "Zombie" [RACE:78084640] from ForgottenCity.esp to the new FormID created.

Problem Resolved - Changes from Forgotten City needed to be forwarded.

00107B9A <HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeastVampires>


Conflict Resolution - Use record from WheelsOfLull.esp then right-click on the right pane and click add. A new FormID row should appear with Null refference, then move 000FCZombieRace "Zombie" [RACE:78084640] from ForgottenCity.esp to the new FormID created.

Problem Resolved - Changes from Forgotten City needed to be forwarded.

Edited by paul666root
Posted (edited)

AAE is updated to V2 just an FYI it is kind of a big update adding 3 version of the mods.

I'm guessing the older version used the Nightmare Version? With weapon immunities and resistances


And the author said on Reddit


  • are the old AAE Patches (from sirjesto) still working then?
  • When updating from UltimateV1.1 should we replace the whole mod or overwrite the existing files?
  • the enemie perks won't have any conflicts with other perk overhauls? (I'm using Ordinator)?


  1. They should still work infact I informed him quite some time ago about many of the changes I would make.

  2. Go ahead and replace the whole thing, this mod has no scripts so it will be safe to do it even if your midgame.

  3. No problem unless the mod author's of those overhauls overwrote the vanilla perks when designing their own.

Edited by reddvilzz

Look in our cr subguide all is there.


000A8023 <HeadPartsHumansandVampires>


Conflict Resolution - Use record from WheelsOfLull.esp then right-click on the right pane and click add. A new FormID row should appear with Null refference, then move 000FCZombieRace "Zombie" [RACE:78084640] from ForgottenCity.esp to the new FormID created.

Problem Resolved - Changes from Forgotten City needed to be forwarded.

00107B9A <HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeastVampires>


Conflict Resolution - Use record from WheelsOfLull.esp then right-click on the right pane and click add. A new FormID row should appear with Null refference, then move 000FCZombieRace "Zombie" [RACE:78084640] from ForgottenCity.esp to the new FormID created.

Problem Resolved - Changes from Forgotten City needed to be forwarded.

Thanks, i will try it.


Can you provide a link to that cr guide?

I am installing with this two pages opened "https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_Legacy_of_The_Dragonborn_Integration_guide"  And  "https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_Legacy_of_The_Dragonborn"


I am probably overseeing it, but i do not find any other guide

Posted (edited)

Thanks, i will try it.


Can you provide a link to that cr guide?

I am installing with this two pages opened "https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_Legacy_of_The_Dragonborn_Integration_guide"  And  "https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_Legacy_of_The_Dragonborn"


I am probably overseeing it, but i do not find any other guide

Main Stable Guide: https://wiki.step-project.com/index.php?title=User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_Legacy_of_The_Dragonborn&oldid=81393

Main Development guide (don't use this one for playing with but this one does contains the most up to date information): https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_Legacy_of_The_Dragonborn

CR sub guide: https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Paul666root/Subguide_CR_SRLE_LOTD#Activator

Integration guide: https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_Legacy_of_The_Dragonborn_Integration_guide

and Change log Guide: https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Paul666root/Changelog_SRLE_LOTD

Edited by DarkladyLexy

Thanks for the links man, but I am getting crazy here, i click everywhere and i don't get that submenu "Add" i click in left pane on one or another of the two Wheels of Lull records (FormID List) and then i try to click anywhere firs here and the again this time there and i get all submenus "..edit, remove, move up..." but i don't get that "Add" to get a new FormID


I have used in other load order the "copy as a override into.." or the drag and drop to froward records, but this time i am lost. I am reading the cr link but it says what above was said, i don't know what to do


Hi, i finish to install guide and  now playing, find a floating trees on solitude entrance, is from Tamriel Reloaded Trees. If find another problem i wrote here


Hi, i finish to install guide and  now playing, find a floating trees on solitude entrance, is from Tamriel Reloaded Trees. If find another problem i wrote here

can you post a screen or a formid?

Having the same issue. What was your solution?

check if you installed properly spice of life fences

edit: have any of you tried the new AAE


edit: have any of you tried the new AAE

- Introducing "NEW" AAE Noob Edition and AAE Nightmare Edition versions for those who think AAE is to hard or to easy.


I think we should install the normal edition


- Introducing "NEW" AAE Noob Edition and AAE Nightmare Edition versions for those who think AAE is to hard or to easy.


I think we should install the normal edition

i had the same ideea but i don't have time to test it now. I'll put it and let you guys play with the creatures.

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