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Everything posted by Quahogs

  1. Hi, I'm also wondering if anyone has the SRLE Legacy of the Dragonborn Reqtified patch central V1.06 available? The current mod on nexus only has V1.08. I'm attempting one of the WLSO optionals for Vivid Weather but it doesn't look like V1.08 has the patches I will need... Thanks
  2. I don't know if I'm correct but I stuck with the latest/final V18. I figured it's the closest in structure to the last updated patch the REQ guys put together. V19 forwarded the latest USLEEP update I believe - I wasn't about to go digging around if an updated USLEEP will affect this guide. Thanks JD no worries, I'll see what I can do about zapping them via the console - always something new for me here lol Any thoughts on the lack of blowing signs? Could it also be patch related or do I need to double check some of my merges (which all seemed to go off error free).
  3. Hi all, ok finally through with the guide and things went well with no errors that I saw (no additions, and no varying from the script). I also compared the integration guide to mine and the load order. The only variances are for the SMC additions I have yet to tackle. There are some issues I'm trying to troubleshoot though: 1. The pictures above represent extra lanterns being added. In Rorikstead they seem to couple up with existing lanterns and the one in Solitude is floating. 2. My signs aren't "blowing in the wind" I'm game to try to figure these out myself but my skills are lacking. Does anyone have any thoughts what the problems could be? thanks
  4. Ok, finally through in the install and merge part. Just a couple of ? before I move on to the finish line! 1. I noticed in the downloaded load order txt dated May 8 includedes Settlements Expanded.esp above Settlements Expanded with Inns Merged.esp - In the Integration guide ECTV - Settlements Expanded was merged into ++++ECTV - Settlements Expanded with Inns Merged which means I'm deactivating that particular mod in the left pane which houses the Settlements Expanded.esp. Is there a guide error? Should I be keeping that particular mod ticked? 2. Realistic HD Beverages.esp is in the load order but there is no installation of that mod in the guide. I guess it was removed last minute or erroneously excluded from the guide? If it's ok to have in there what section would I have it in the left hand pane ? almost there ! Thanks
  5. I received this when I was settng up the LoTD Req guide. I also read about this merge error on another forum and it was noted that it had to do with LoTD 19V. After installing the final 18V the REQ guide was set up for - I no longer had this issue merging.
  6. Thanks jdsmith2816, Learning something new every day with this guide. So to be 100% clear if I named the merged NSUTR.esp for example and the former master is now buried in there, I have to use Wrye to change the master in settlement expanded no snow under the roof patch.esp to NSUTR.esp ?
  7. Following this solved my merge issues... On to the next stumbling block. This guide is WAY above my paygrade but I'm dying to get REQ working with thie setup... I noticed that if I follow the instructions (top to bottom) I'll be creating the NSUTR merge effectively removing the master prometheus_no_snow_under_the_roof.esp that Settlement expanded - no snow under the roof patch.esp will need. Do I get around that by temporarily making the prometheus_no_snow_under_the_roof.esp active(which was unticked following the NSUTR merge) in order to do the Settlements Expanded with Inns Merge?
  8. For tech challenged guide junkies like myself there's a great merge plugins synopsis on pg 206 of the forum thread - thanks Johnnywatts!
  9. Thanks JD, As far as merges so as to better troubleshoot my issues... I shouldn't be seeing any exceptions or fails correct? The latest one I encountered centered on the grim grass - verdant patch. I triple checked the esp order per the guide - should I try an older version of the mods? Maybe the mod versions and subsequent patch don't match up? Thank you.
  10. I believe the "new" replacement esp for badGremlins Captured fairies created the above issues. When I reinstalled the main file and left out updating to the newer esp my merge went through without any fails. Also noticed the "new" esp BGthecapturedfairies.esp is dated 1/1/2008. Just a note if anyone's following me trying to install this guide...
  11. All I did was copy restore_NPC_visuals.pas into the edit scripts folder. That's were all the *.pas files are stored and where TES5EDIT needs to look when it edits scripts...
  12. HI all, can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong with the TAFM merge for it to produce so many fail messages. I double ran it making sure the esps were in the right order. Made sure I DL the right mods... this can't be right. Should I be installing EVERYTHING and then go back and do the merges? I've been following the guide top to bottom and building the merge as noted under merge tips. Could it be the merge tool is set up incorrectly? So far the HUD, RWT, DYNDOLOD merges went off without a problem. Thanks for any help here... [spoiler=fails during TAFM merge]Status: Plugins not loaded Merge name: ++++TAFM - Trees and Flora Merged Filename: TAFM.esp[spoiler=merge fail log for TAFM merged]Status: Plugins not loaded Merge name: ++++TAFM - Trees and Flora Merged Filename: TAFM.esp Plugin count: 8 Date built: 8/14/2017 9:27:42 PM Plugins[0]: Forest Borealis Alpha.esp Plugins[1]: fallentreebridges.esp Plugins[2]: Unique Flowers & Plants.esp Plugins[3]: Unique Grasses.esp Plugins[4]: Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp Plugins[5]: Grim Grass.esp Plugins[6]: Grim Grass Verdant patch.esp Plugins[7]: SRG Enhanced Trees Activator.esp Merge method: Overrides Renumbering: Conflicting Files: Too many files to display. Fails[0]: LGrassSnow01 [LTEX:00000894]: [0B01B653] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[1]: LFieldGrass02 [LTEX:0001342A]: [0B03FF7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[2]: LPineForest01 [LTEX:000137C8]: [0B03FF7D] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[3]: LPineForest02 [LTEX:000137CC]: [0B03FF7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[4]: LPineForest03 [LTEX:00013876]: [0B03FF7D] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[5]: LReachMossyRocks01 [LTEX:0001CC45]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[6]: LReachGrass01 [LTEX:0001CC47]: [0B03FF9B] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[7]: LTundra02 [LTEX:000300E4]: [0B0135B8] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[8]: LReachGrass01NoGrass [LTEX:000579E0]: [0B03FF94] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[9]: LFallForestLeaves01 [LTEX:00057DC7]: [0B03FF7E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[10]: LFallForestRocks01 [LTEX:00057DD1]: [0B016567] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[11]: LFallForestGrass01 [LTEX:00058606]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[12]: LFrozenMarshGrass01 [LTEX:00075067]: [0B03FF94] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[13]: LFallForestGrass01NoFern [LTEX:000A7619]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[14]: GG_LFieldGrass01_Willowherb01 [LTEX:4B03FFA1]: [0B0135DB] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[15]: LRocks01 [LTEX:00000AE4]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[16]: LDirt01 [LTEX:00000C14]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[17]: LDirt02 [LTEX:00000C16]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[18]: [LAND:00007FF7]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[19]: [LAND:00007FF8]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[20]: [LAND:00008054]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[21]: [LAND:00008055]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[22]: [LAND:00008056]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[23]: [LAND:00008071]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[24]: [LAND:00008073]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[25]: [LAND:00008074]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[26]: [LAND:0000808F]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[27]: [LAND:00008090]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[28]: [LAND:00008091]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[29]: [LAND:00008095]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[30]: [LAND:000080AE]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[31]: [LAND:000080B4]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[32]: [LAND:000080F0]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[33]: [LAND:000080F1]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[34]: [LAND:0000810D]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[35]: [LAND:0000812C]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[36]: [LAND:0000816B]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[37]: [LAND:0000816C]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[38]: [LAND:0000818A]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[39]: [LAND:0000818B]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[40]: [LAND:0000818D]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[41]: [LAND:000085A9]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[42]: [LAND:000085AC]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[43]: [LAND:0000A15D]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[44]: [LAND:0000A15E]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[45]: [LAND:0000A17C]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[46]: [LAND:0000A17D]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[47]: [LAND:0000A184]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[48]: [LAND:0000A1A3]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[49]: [LAND:0000A531]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[50]: [LAND:0000A552]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[51]: [LAND:0000A655]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[52]: [LAND:0000A656]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[53]: [LAND:0000A657]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[54]: [LAND:0000A658]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[55]: [LAND:0000A676]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[56]: [LAND:0000A677]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[57]: [LAND:0000A678]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[58]: [LAND:0000A679]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[59]: [LAND:0000A695]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[60]: [LAND:0000A696]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[61]: [LAND:0000A6F2]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[62]: [LAND:0000A6F3]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[63]: [LAND:0000A712]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[64]: [LAND:0000A713]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[65]: [LAND:0000A714]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[66]: [LAND:0000A732]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[67]: [LAND:0000A733]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[68]: [LAND:0000A753]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[69]: [LAND:0000A754]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[70]: [LAND:0000A773]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[71]: [LAND:0000A7A0]: [0B023FD4] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[72]: [LAND:0000A807]: [0B02453C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[73]: [LAND:0000A9D1]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[74]: [LAND:0000A9EF]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[75]: [LAND:0000A9F0]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[76]: [LAND:0000A9F1]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[77]: [LAND:0000A9F2]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[78]: [LAND:0000AA0F]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[79]: [LAND:0000AA10]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[80]: [LAND:0000AA11]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[81]: [LAND:0000AA12]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[82]: [LAND:0000AA13]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[83]: [LAND:0000AA32]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[84]: [LAND:0000AA33]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[85]: [LAND:0000AA74]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[86]: [LAND:0000AA75]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[87]: [LAND:0000AA76]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[88]: [LAND:0000AA95]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[89]: [LAND:0000AA96]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[90]: [LAND:0000AA97]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[91]: [LAND:0000AABA]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[92]: [LAND:0000AABE]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[93]: [LAND:0000AABF]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[94]: [LAND:0000AB37]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[95]: [LAND:0000AB38]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[96]: [LAND:0000AB3A]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[97]: [LAND:0000AB56]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[98]: [LAND:0000AB5A]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[99]: [LAND:0000AB70]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[100]: [LAND:0000AB74]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[101]: [LAND:0000AB75]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[102]: [LAND:0000AB7A]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[103]: [LAND:0000AB7B]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[104]: [LAND:0000AB92]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[105]: [LAND:0000AB93]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[106]: [LAND:0000AB94]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[107]: [LAND:0000AB9A]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[108]: [LAND:0000AB9C]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[109]: [LAND:0000ABB5]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[110]: [LAND:0000ABB6]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[111]: [LAND:0000ABB7]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[112]: [LAND:0000ABB8]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[113]: [LAND:0000ABB9]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[114]: [LAND:0000ABBA]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[115]: [LAND:0000ABBB]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[116]: [LAND:0000ABE0]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[117]: [LAND:0000CC4F]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[118]: [LAND:0000CC6F]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[119]: [LAND:0000CC70]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[120]: [LAND:0000CC8F]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[121]: [LAND:0000CC90]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[122]: [LAND:0000CD3B]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[123]: [LAND:0000CD5C]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[124]: LRiverbedEdge01 [LTEX:0001301F]: [0B03FF82] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[125]: LRiverBottom01 [LTEX:00013184]: [0B03FF83] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[126]: LRiverMud01 [LTEX:000132E9]: [0B03FF83] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[127]: LFieldGrass01 [LTEX:00013428]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[128]: LPineForest03NoGrass [LTEX:000181F9]: [0B03FF7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[129]: LPineForest02NoGrass [LTEX:000181FA]: [0B03FF7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[130]: LReachMoss01 [LTEX:0001CC43]: [0B03FF94] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[131]: LFieldGrass01NoGrass [LTEX:00024E46]: [0B03FF8D] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[132]: LCaveDirt [LTEX:00025414]: [0B03FF81] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[133]: LMineFloorDirt01 [LTEX:0004C0FA]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[134]: LFieldGrass02NoGrass [LTEX:0004FB99]: [0B03FF7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[135]: LFallForestGrass01NoGrass [LTEX:000505F2]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[136]: LCoastOceanFloor01 [LTEX:0006B4C6]: [0B03FF83] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[137]: LCoastBeachGrass01 [LTEX:0006DD55]: [0B03FF8B] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[138]: LTundraRocks01NoRocks [LTEX:0006DE8B]: [0B03FF81] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[139]: LRocks01NoRocks [LTEX:0006DE8E]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[140]: LVolcanicTundraRocks01 [LTEX:0006EA83]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[141]: LVolcanicTundraGravel01 [LTEX:0006EA8A]: [0B03FF81] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[142]: LVolcanicTundraDirt01NoGrass [LTEX:000713D9]: [0B03FF81] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[143]: LFrozenMarshLichen01 [LTEX:00075069]: [0B03FF94] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[144]: LFrozenMarshDirtSlopes01 [LTEX:00075070]: [0B03FF94] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[145]: LRiverBottom01NoGrass [LTEX:000799BB]: [0B03FF83] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[146]: LRiverMud01NoGrass [LTEX:00098E6C]: [0B03FF83] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[147]: LTundra01NoGrass [LTEX:000A2741]: [0B03FF8D] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[148]: LFallForestRocks01NoRocks [LTEX:000AEFA2]: [0B03FF7E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[149]: LReachMossyRocks01NoRocks [LTEX:000B3BFB]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[150]: LSnowRocks01wGrass [LTEX:000F871F]: [0B014A7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[151]: LReachGrass01NoGrassPOPPIES [LTEX:4A01CC02]: [0B03FF8B] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[152]: LFieldGrass03BLEND [LTEX:4A01E6F0]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[153]: LTundra01WILDFLOWERS [LTEX:4A01E6F1]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[154]: LFallForestGrass01WILDFLOWER [LTEX:4A01E6F2]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[155]: LRiverbedEdge01PF [LTEX:4A02556E]: [0B03FF82] < Error: Could not be resolved > Plugin count: 8 Date built: 8/14/2017 9:27:42 PM Plugins[0]: Forest Borealis Alpha.esp Plugins[1]: fallentreebridges.esp Plugins[2]: Unique Flowers & Plants.esp Plugins[3]: Unique Grasses.esp Plugins[4]: Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp Plugins[5]: Grim Grass.esp Plugins[6]: Grim Grass Verdant patch.esp Plugins[7]: SRG Enhanced Trees Activator.esp Merge method: Overrides Renumbering: Conflicting Files: Too many files to display. Fails[0]: LGrassSnow01 [LTEX:00000894]: [0B01B653] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[1]: LFieldGrass02 [LTEX:0001342A]: [0B03FF7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[2]: LPineForest01 [LTEX:000137C8]: [0B03FF7D] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[3]: LPineForest02 [LTEX:000137CC]: [0B03FF7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[4]: LPineForest03 [LTEX:00013876]: [0B03FF7D] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[5]: LReachMossyRocks01 [LTEX:0001CC45]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[6]: LReachGrass01 [LTEX:0001CC47]: [0B03FF9B] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[7]: LTundra02 [LTEX:000300E4]: [0B0135B8] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[8]: LReachGrass01NoGrass [LTEX:000579E0]: [0B03FF94] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[9]: LFallForestLeaves01 [LTEX:00057DC7]: [0B03FF7E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[10]: LFallForestRocks01 [LTEX:00057DD1]: [0B016567] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[11]: LFallForestGrass01 [LTEX:00058606]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[12]: LFrozenMarshGrass01 [LTEX:00075067]: [0B03FF94] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[13]: LFallForestGrass01NoFern [LTEX:000A7619]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[14]: GG_LFieldGrass01_Willowherb01 [LTEX:4B03FFA1]: [0B0135DB] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[15]: LRocks01 [LTEX:00000AE4]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[16]: LDirt01 [LTEX:00000C14]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[17]: LDirt02 [LTEX:00000C16]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[18]: [LAND:00007FF7]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[19]: [LAND:00007FF8]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[20]: [LAND:00008054]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[21]: [LAND:00008055]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[22]: [LAND:00008056]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[23]: [LAND:00008071]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[24]: [LAND:00008073]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[25]: [LAND:00008074]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[26]: [LAND:0000808F]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[27]: [LAND:00008090]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[28]: [LAND:00008091]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[29]: [LAND:00008095]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[30]: [LAND:000080AE]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[31]: [LAND:000080B4]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[32]: [LAND:000080F0]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[33]: [LAND:000080F1]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[34]: [LAND:0000810D]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[35]: [LAND:0000812C]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[36]: [LAND:0000816B]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[37]: [LAND:0000816C]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[38]: [LAND:0000818A]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[39]: [LAND:0000818B]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[40]: [LAND:0000818D]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[41]: [LAND:000085A9]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[42]: [LAND:000085AC]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[43]: [LAND:0000A15D]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[44]: [LAND:0000A15E]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[45]: [LAND:0000A17C]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[46]: [LAND:0000A17D]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[47]: [LAND:0000A184]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[48]: [LAND:0000A1A3]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[49]: [LAND:0000A531]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[50]: [LAND:0000A552]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[51]: [LAND:0000A655]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[52]: [LAND:0000A656]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[53]: [LAND:0000A657]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[54]: [LAND:0000A658]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[55]: [LAND:0000A676]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[56]: [LAND:0000A677]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[57]: [LAND:0000A678]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[58]: [LAND:0000A679]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[59]: [LAND:0000A695]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[60]: [LAND:0000A696]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[61]: [LAND:0000A6F2]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[62]: [LAND:0000A6F3]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[63]: [LAND:0000A712]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[64]: [LAND:0000A713]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[65]: [LAND:0000A714]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[66]: [LAND:0000A732]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[67]: [LAND:0000A733]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[68]: [LAND:0000A753]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[69]: [LAND:0000A754]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[70]: [LAND:0000A773]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[71]: [LAND:0000A7A0]: [0B023FD4] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[72]: [LAND:0000A807]: [0B02453C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[73]: [LAND:0000A9D1]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[74]: [LAND:0000A9EF]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[75]: [LAND:0000A9F0]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[76]: [LAND:0000A9F1]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[77]: [LAND:0000A9F2]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[78]: [LAND:0000AA0F]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[79]: [LAND:0000AA10]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[80]: [LAND:0000AA11]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[81]: [LAND:0000AA12]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[82]: [LAND:0000AA13]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[83]: [LAND:0000AA32]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[84]: [LAND:0000AA33]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[85]: [LAND:0000AA74]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[86]: [LAND:0000AA75]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[87]: [LAND:0000AA76]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[88]: [LAND:0000AA95]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[89]: [LAND:0000AA96]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[90]: [LAND:0000AA97]: [0B01E6F1] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[91]: [LAND:0000AABA]: [0B01E6F0] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[92]: [LAND:0000AABE]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[93]: [LAND:0000AABF]: [0B01CC02] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[94]: [LAND:0000AB37]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[95]: [LAND:0000AB38]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[96]: [LAND:0000AB3A]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[97]: [LAND:0000AB56]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[98]: [LAND:0000AB5A]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[99]: [LAND:0000AB70]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[100]: [LAND:0000AB74]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[101]: [LAND:0000AB75]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[102]: [LAND:0000AB7A]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[103]: [LAND:0000AB7B]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[104]: [LAND:0000AB92]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[105]: [LAND:0000AB93]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[106]: [LAND:0000AB94]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[107]: [LAND:0000AB9A]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[108]: [LAND:0000AB9C]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[109]: [LAND:0000ABB5]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[110]: [LAND:0000ABB6]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[111]: [LAND:0000ABB7]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[112]: [LAND:0000ABB8]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[113]: [LAND:0000ABB9]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[114]: [LAND:0000ABBA]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[115]: [LAND:0000ABBB]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[116]: [LAND:0000ABE0]: [0B02556E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[117]: [LAND:0000CC4F]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[118]: [LAND:0000CC6F]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[119]: [LAND:0000CC70]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[120]: [LAND:0000CC8F]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[121]: [LAND:0000CC90]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[122]: [LAND:0000CD3B]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[123]: [LAND:0000CD5C]: [0B01E6F2] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[124]: LRiverbedEdge01 [LTEX:0001301F]: [0B03FF82] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[125]: LRiverBottom01 [LTEX:00013184]: [0B03FF83] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[126]: LRiverMud01 [LTEX:000132E9]: [0B03FF83] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[127]: LFieldGrass01 [LTEX:00013428]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[128]: LPineForest03NoGrass [LTEX:000181F9]: [0B03FF7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[129]: LPineForest02NoGrass [LTEX:000181FA]: [0B03FF7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[130]: LReachMoss01 [LTEX:0001CC43]: [0B03FF94] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[131]: LFieldGrass01NoGrass [LTEX:00024E46]: [0B03FF8D] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[132]: LCaveDirt [LTEX:00025414]: [0B03FF81] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[133]: LMineFloorDirt01 [LTEX:0004C0FA]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[134]: LFieldGrass02NoGrass [LTEX:0004FB99]: [0B03FF7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[135]: LFallForestGrass01NoGrass [LTEX:000505F2]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[136]: LCoastOceanFloor01 [LTEX:0006B4C6]: [0B03FF83] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[137]: LCoastBeachGrass01 [LTEX:0006DD55]: [0B03FF8B] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[138]: LTundraRocks01NoRocks [LTEX:0006DE8B]: [0B03FF81] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[139]: LRocks01NoRocks [LTEX:0006DE8E]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[140]: LVolcanicTundraRocks01 [LTEX:0006EA83]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[141]: LVolcanicTundraGravel01 [LTEX:0006EA8A]: [0B03FF81] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[142]: LVolcanicTundraDirt01NoGrass [LTEX:000713D9]: [0B03FF81] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[143]: LFrozenMarshLichen01 [LTEX:00075069]: [0B03FF94] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[144]: LFrozenMarshDirtSlopes01 [LTEX:00075070]: [0B03FF94] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[145]: LRiverBottom01NoGrass [LTEX:000799BB]: [0B03FF83] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[146]: LRiverMud01NoGrass [LTEX:00098E6C]: [0B03FF83] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[147]: LTundra01NoGrass [LTEX:000A2741]: [0B03FF8D] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[148]: LFallForestRocks01NoRocks [LTEX:000AEFA2]: [0B03FF7E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[149]: LReachMossyRocks01NoRocks [LTEX:000B3BFB]: [0B03FF80] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[150]: LSnowRocks01wGrass [LTEX:000F871F]: [0B014A7C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[151]: LReachGrass01NoGrassPOPPIES [LTEX:4A01CC02]: [0B03FF8B] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[152]: LFieldGrass03BLEND [LTEX:4A01E6F0]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[153]: LTundra01WILDFLOWERS [LTEX:4A01E6F1]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[154]: LFallForestGrass01WILDFLOWER [LTEX:4A01E6F2]: [0B03FF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[155]: LRiverbedEdge01PF [LTEX:4A02556E]: [0B03FF82] < Error: Could not be reso
  13. Hi again - moving along slowly but surely... is the below normal during the collectibles merge? The two prior merges didn't produce any fails.. Thank you. Fails[0]: [REFR:38001840] (places 1aBGfairyLantern01 "Fairy 01" [MISC:38006F3F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of CrabbersShantyExterior [CELL:0000946B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -18,10)): [05006F3F] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[1]: [REFR:38001842] (places 1aBGfairyLantern02 "Fairy 02" [MISC:38006F3E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of POITundra08 [CELL:00009B3A] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -12,-12)): [05006F3E] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[2]: [REFR:38001843] (places 1aBGfairyLantern03 "Fairy 03" [MISC:38006F3D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of POIPineForest01 [CELL:00009B92] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -1,-15)): [05006F3D] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[3]: [REFR:38001844] (places 1aBGfairyLantern04 "Fairy 04" [MISC:38006F3C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FortNeugradExterior05 [CELL:000098A2] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 8,-24)): [05006F3C] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[4]: [REFR:38001845] (places 1aBGfairyLantern05 "Fairy 05" [MISC:38006F3B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoldenglowEstateExterior04 [CELL:0000BCD4] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 38,-24)): [05006F3B] < Error: Could not be resolved > Fails[5]: [REFR:38001846] (places 1aBGfairyLantern06 "Fairy 06" [MISC:38006F3A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of RiftenPlankside03 [CELL:0000BCD2] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 40,-24)): [05006F3A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
  14. Hi all, I'm wondering what happened to relighting skyrim in the guide? In searching the forum threads I'm not sure when it was removed. Was it replaced by Claralux? - but i noticed Claralux isn't part of the core finish line page - and that patches may not be up to date for it. Were there problems running either with the REQ setup? Thanks
  15. rhodsey, I'm in the process of putting the guide together and when it's all set I'll take a look at the TK Dodge.
  16. I'm sure it'll be things I don't even notice. Thanks JD. Now to get this guide done while it's still fresh to everyone. Bummed I missed it in production !
  17. ahh, thanks Darth. Ok, almost through with the prerequisites section and about to start with the mod downloads. Hoping against hope everything still exists and close to the last guide update! I noticed LoTD has finalized at v19.0 with revisions to follow for sure. Is there anything in the guide that hinges specifically to the v18 final that the final May 8 guide is built around? I'd be fine backing to v18 but I don't think it's available for DL. I'm hoping v19 can be dropped into the guide? (with the patches DL for it from LoTD of course) . If I have to dig around with TES5edit to fix the CR I'm probably toast... Thanks all
  18. In reviewing my previous SRLE LoTD setup instructions from 2016 the below stated in the archive tab: Verify the boxes adjacent to HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, and HighResTexturePack03.bsa are checked. However the REQUIEM guide states from the archive tab: Verify the boxes adjacent to HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, and HighResTexturePack03.bsa are unchecked (if opted to download). ??? thanks...
  19. Thanks JD... well I'm going to have a go at it. One last shot at Classic Skyrim with an amazing setup - too hard to pass up especially seeing all the work that went into it. So to start off... Trying to download the May 8th loadorder.txt file v1.28 from the Nexus but that file gives me a filedelivery nexusmods page isn't working message. The other files on the page download without an issue.
  20. What a remarkable guide. Thanks to Paul666 JD and Diana for ALL their hard work. I know how meticulously accurate these guides are since I've followed along from NEO to Darth in the past. I'm a sucker for these guides and really want to take advantage of a Requiem setup with beautiful graphics against an LoTD setup. Before I take on this ornerous task again - are there players out there currently using this setup that can attest to it's stability? I have 980Ti and WIN7 so my backend is solid. I also wonder since Paul666 and JD have moved onto SSE if the guide is outdated at all? My modding skills are nil so I follow what the experts have laid out to a T. I'm a little afraid of taking on this commitment and not being able to dance my way out of trouble. Thanks again for a heck of a guide!
  21. If the character dies, completely exit the game and reload the last save. The automatic load erroneously retains data it should not from after the save. The above is from NEO's SRLE guide. I don't have any specifics to help you with sorry but it seems autosave(neo recommends turning off) or autosave mgr( not recommended) is frowned upon for SOME reason. I religiously exit the game and load up again. A major PIA for sure since I suck and die alot. I'm currently L12 with full SRLE_LOTD September v. and have yet to corrupt anything - although I've just started the main quest.
  22. @DovahPossession, I'm in the middle of a playthru myself using the great SLRE LOTD guide. This may or may not be relevent to your issue but I'll add it anyway. I too had some Unique items in my possession - they were taken out of my inventory while I was exploring the Museum. I believe there is a function in the museum that will automatically match the items in your possession to the exhibits and remove them. I have no idea if this was your case since your items were stored in a safe container. Did you check the museum's display to see if they're already there? The whole LOTD museum process is new to me - I'm still learning how it works.
  23. Nevermind got it... one, I always should reference STEP in my google search for problems. Always find the relevant issue here. It seems I had nothing in my scripts file in the SRLE LoTD profile mod. Just ran FNIS and SUM good to go!
  24. Hi guys, I have a no variance LoTD install I've finally completed and now testing. Hoping someone can steer me in the right direction. I've re-installed XPMSE, Immersive animations, DSR, set reset XPMSE as per NEO's MCM... While I have my sword on my back when I unsheath it my guy reaches to the left hip to arm himself. Also when he sheaths it he places it on his left hip but it ends up on his back.. ugh???? Any thoughts? Thanks
  25. Version: UltimateV2 Nightmare Version Swore I saw the other day it was Normal version? Go Nightmare or go home? lol Looking for the ultimate challenge or does Nightmare flow with the guide as a whole?
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