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Everything posted by Kneph13

  1. When installing dread's modlist patches, at the end, I get a not found in archive error for df_landscapeandwaterfixes - cuttingroomfloor. As this was not a mod installed, I proceeded on for the time being but wanted to mention it.
  2. How about The Truth TechAngel85? It's lightweight and does not veer very far away from vanilla at all. It's easy to use and is one of those ENB that you really don't notice is there until you turn it off. I still use it on some games.
  3. Love that user name puppies_on_acid! The poodle bye eee iiii eee ites. The poodle chews it!
  4. If Lexy's guide is crashing on you at start, then you've done something wrong. This load out works and is smooth and stable. Go back and redo "Everything". Took me three times to get Darth's Guide on LE right a few years ago. It's too easy to miss or forget to do something.
  5. The only problem I have had with Skytest are random crashes for no apparent reason. It is the Random Event and Random Spawn and Goblin monster spawns as was pointed out to me by Uncleseano. Once I disabled those three in the MCM, the random crashes went away.
  6. He sometimes wanders down toward the docks and to Katla's farm. Why the hurry you aren't going anywhere but to your death! LoL j/k
  7. For the MO2 download issue. I have that sometimes too. But a right click and pause then resume fixes it. @Berndaroy: @Lauren: For the first set: #1 and #4 are the best for me. For the Solitude set, I think it is even. Personal preference.
  8. Noted. No seams. Majestic wins that one for me.
  9. All of the wolves or just one? I still get that occasionally and not just animals. Humans too. But it's usually only one and it stops after a few seconds. I just write it off as my hapless victim having death throes. Makes my day almost as much as kill moves. Ha Ha. Gopher's last one with the, "Skulls? Noone said anything about collecting skulls! Inigo?" I almost fell out of my chair.
  10. Glad you got it worked out and Lexy was right about the path length, instead of going through it with me and painful way of doing things!
  11. ~Edit~ One thing I see is DilonVu for standalone oaks. Are you sure you installed ELOS Oaks Autumn Colours SSE v2.2? It is the second file from the top
  12. Are you using Relinker 40? Some people were having issues with 44, that 's the first thing I'd check. ~Edit~ One thing I see is DilonVu for standalone oaks. Are you sure you installed ELOS Oaks Autumn Colours SSE v2.2? It is the second file from the top
  13. Godescalcus is often the man! I'm loving his Texture tweaks. It's something I do after I know my game is fairly stable and I start tweaking what I like and don't like texture wise. ~Edit~ Fast travel is for pussycats. Do you want immersion? Walk or ride your horse to wherever you need to go. Carts are okay though.
  14. This is the third time I've posted on this. Don't you people ever "search" the forum? The search box in the top right corner? Those records are from Immersive Armors Daedric Cuirass, Boots, and Gloves, look them up in xEdit. I've made Mator aware of the issue. He says to ignore it for now. Apologize for the terseness, but I'm getting tired of addressing this.
  15. I have it, didn't have to do any CR with it either. Works fine.
  16. open it up and see what mod it is from. Put it there.
  17. Noooooo! I was almost finished with my reinstall! LoL
  18. Why would you want to do that? The point of making those Profiles in the first place was to make it easier when you need to redo them.
  19. Are you deleting all the files except "Because of Reasons.Txt" in DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache before you rerun it? If not, that is your problem with it.
  20. Just don't feel alone. We all have done the same thing as you. "Oh wait! I'm just going to add this one more mod.....F**K I just screwed up the whole thing . Been there done that
  21. It must be on modwatch'send. Noone's profiles are working
  22. DynDOLOD is so much better for Trees due to the dynamics. Have you tried just Normal DynDOLOD other than Ultra Trees? Just revert the changes to Dyn's ini that you did for Ultra Trees, and tick the Generate Tree LOD box at the bottom of Dyn and go for it. Much better LOD that what you get for trees with xLODGen. Just saying. I use The Truth and have for quite some time. I"m trying Phoenix out right now but no matter what ENB I try, I always end up going back to the Truth. *shrug* Lexy loves her Phoenix and that's what she's going with now and I think it's better than what the guide had before. 1. Look at LH's BOSS Project on SE Nexus. He lists several different Trees and Flora set ups to use depending on wants and system. 4. A good guide on what to do for CR patches is in the CR page of Neovalen's SRLE and Lexy's husband Darth's guide SRLE Extended. I believe both guide are still on this forum. You can also google TES5 Edit Conflict Resolution on You Tube and get a couple of tutorials there.
  23. Yes, my troubleshooting skills are not that great anymore. I'm old and not as patient as I used be. So yes, I fixed it. I didn't solve it as you so glaringly stated. It all good though, I took my meds today. My apologies if I mistook what appeared to be an obvious jibe, you may also have simply been pointing out something that someone apparently missed. I also just woke up to a screaming two year old and may be overly sensitive.
  24. I had that in a few places. I fixed it by reinstalling Fluffy Snow (I love it and don't care if Footprints doesn't work with it all the time).
  25. I have read some of the books but definitely all of them. Matter of fact, most of the Lore I know on TES comes from reading those books. But I do NOT like to do it in dungeons. I like to go to my home, get in the bath or sit in the library and read. I actually set time aside to do just that. The ESL is icing. I occasionally add different music. Depends on my mood and is just a matter of installing it. I have about all them downloaded anyway. We recently added the new HQ Voices and Music. I am also strongly considering putting the Celtic music one back in.
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