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  1. Hey, I had a proper profile in MO with almost all the mods you outline here, some of this guide I adopted also! If I might suggest you take a look at Dynamic Immersive Seriously Dark Dungeons, Torch craft, Dragon Priests Enhanced and Vanilla Followers AI. Pretty much add to the vanilla enhancement!
  2. I have had this same behavior since loot 0.9, I reverted to 0.81 and it works. Using windows 10 pro 64 bits updated from a windows 7 pro 64 bits install. I even posted on the bug tracker for loot, and got a "this is a MO issue, report there" response. Of course no point reporting MO 1.3.11 issue to MO developer, as he is working on MO 2. I decided to live with loot 0.81 until MO 2 is considered stable, for Skyrim. For FO4 I use MO 2 alpha.
  3. So, after 3 years of waiting, Dragon's Dogma is ported to PC with highter graphic quality. I never played it on xBox or PS2, but aways wanted to. To anyone who dosent know it yet, it's an action RPG, the best description I can give is a mix of old dungeons and dragons beat'n up Tower of Doom/Shadow Over Mystara, with a little of Shadow of the Colossus (big bad bosses that you climb/hit weak spot) and graphics (from the preview videos from PC version) near vanilla Skyrim. Besides the intense action combat and boss fight mechanics, the game features an interesting follower system (called pawns) where you design one pawn for yourself, and can hire pawns from other players to complete your party. And other players can hire your pawn too. When your pawn is hired, it acquires knowledge from monsters and quests it participates, wich later turn into voiced tips when you face the same monsters/quests. Anybody else gonna play it? If so we should add friends on Steam to use the Pawn renting between friends.
  4. JawZ about the torch light you meant ELE - Torch and Spell Lighting.esp from the ELE Alpha0003 package from the ENB forum?
  5. Using the combination I stated above (ELEP performance, with detailed shadows, deactivated image based lighting - For lighting mod using STEP Relighting Skrim + ELE.), turns out nights are real life dark I would say, not pitch black. So I have to use torches, however, vanilla colored torches are too dim and white colored. Think that wont have a fix other than a plugin altering torch color and radius, right? I tried playing with point light intensity and radius in ENBseries but to make torches iluminate more and be more fire colored turns other fires such as braziers into BRLD (big red lights of doom).
  6. From the little I've seen, this is exactly what we were missing! The colors look way better, and using only very simple ENB (ELEP performance preset) with detailed shadows, image based lighting and procedural sun it already looks like another game! We might need a new rain texture at least, will try one of the classic ones from nexus today.
  7. Really good timing, I was already bored with the old "make everything bright and colorfull" weathers. I was using a new weather mod from nexus, but it does have problems you mention here (sun glare) which make for a dificult ENB tweaking. Wil try this one as soon as I hit home!
  8. OK, the install order is mentioned on the STEP guide: Final pre-intallation notes (just before STEP 2 title): Install mods in the order that they are presented in the following tables in order to achieve the desired result. The blocky warpaints is a missing skse.ini configuration, which is not mentioned on the SKSE detailed instructions anymore (not sure if they where on previous STEP guide but I seen to remmember they where). It's mentioned in the SKSE guide where to get a SKSE.ini on the nexus here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51038 The line you need to add to STEP guidelines to fix warpaint and general makeup resolution is (you can use 512 or 1024 too, Skyrim default is 256, thats why its blocky): [Display] iTintTextureResolution=2048
  9. Finally, uploaded screenshots. Now to think which mod could be the one I must reinstall or download again to try and fix it. Update: Definitely something is up with Frodnar and the boy from Helgen. Just checked Dragons reach and the two boys there are fine. Something was up with that particular game, I just changed some mods in the setup and started a new game, now both boys are fine. No, it turns out what fixed it was installing rustic children, so there actually is some facegen missing, probably from USLEEP? I might go into CK and generate it to be sure later.
  10. Attaching screenshot, only STEP Extended installed. Load order from mod organizer. Image 1 Image 2
  11. I'm beggining to think some trash might have sliped into my install or some mod I updated recently might have had a corrupt archive. I never had this also. I'm using mod organizer also, so when I get home I will try with only STEP core then extended setups. But I dont think it is STEP, but what baffles me is I cant seen to find the problem.
  12. Hey, I'm having an issue with male children showing a strong mismatched head color. It's almost like the grey head bug. So far I noticed it in the boy on Helgen sequence and on Frodnar on Riverwood, but already I went to TES5Edit and looked into conflicts and possible facegen files conflicting with unnoficial patch but had no luck so far. I recently updated my STEP setup to, using STEP core plus a small ammount of mod that dont touch NPCs. Started a new game obviously. I searched the USLEEP threads and STEP threads, but no mentions of such bug anywhere. it probabaly is a facegen bug, I noticed USLEEP changes Frodnar texture lighting but dosent include a facegen file, might that be the problem?
  13. If you got SkyFalls SkyMills, try without it. I dont have any crash with DynDOLOD at medium and I have almos 250 active esps. Last crash I had was caused by Colorful Magic (sadly it was an interesting mod). Edit: forgot to mention I dont use SkyFalls Skymills (since DynDOLOD fixes the mills and waterfalls too).
  14. Thanks for the video. The mod could use some improvements, like the bridge has snow on the rooms under it and the braziers with fire also have snow, but it does look more close to the original artwork than vanilla where there is almost no snow, specially since the city is so empty and ancient. Its in development still, maybe we can ask the author for some tweaks like those I mentioned.
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