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Everything posted by DodgyBob
Hey there luisangre, Yeah I'm doing this too my post above yours is asking basically the same thing! I guess everyone is enjoying their respective breaks at the moment though and so we will probably hear back on the topic next week or shortly after I reckon. In light of that, I'm just starting fresh, from the top and will see where I get to once we find out more. Kind regards, Dodgy Bob
Hi folks, Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year too! I know it was said back on 17/12 that adding v5 of LotD to the guide will not be until January some time and in the discord it was mentioned that if you wanted to, to get a taste of LotD v5, you could try out the unsupported auto-installer Wabbajack. However, in light of it not being supported, I don't particularly want to go down that path at this point. Thus, to my question: is anyone able to shed any light on how big a change to the guide v5 will bring? Reason for asking is that if it's not going to make too huge a change, then I might get started using the guide as it stands at present knowing that I will need to go back and change things up a bit. However, if it is going to be a bit more than just a regular update as such, then perhaps it might be best to just sit back and wait for the first iteration of the v5 guide ... does that make sense? Sorry if this is coming across as a pushy/sneaky/snide way of saying "when v5??", I asure you I don't mean it to be. It's just that I have the rest of this week off and would like to get a jump on things if I can; having to go back to work shortly and the usual family committments to deal with, I just want to try and get myself organised and maximise my time is all. Thanks everyone. So happy to see a strong community still here in 2019/2020. Kind regards, Dodgy Bob.
If you look at the top of the guide, on either Nexus or STEP, the link is there near the top! Just under "Forums" FORUMS: If you want to check Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition forums click Here Discord: You can check out our dedicated Discord channel by clicking Here HISTORY: You can check on revisions of the guide by clicking Here CHANGELOG: You can check on revisions of the guide by clicking Here TRELLO: You can check Mods that have been suggested by the user for inclusion with this guide Here PATREON: If you wish to donate to the continuing madness that is me and this the guide you can do so Here PAYPAL: If you wish to make a One-time donation to the madness that is me and this the guide you can do so Here Or you can just click this link: https://discord.gg/xj7JcZ7 Kind regards, Dodgy Bob
I was interested to hear this - as I had no idea! - and so I went along and checked out the posts on the Nexus page of LOTD. This is what Pickysaurus had to say: ----------------- 04 January 219, 5:01AM 1) Before Xmas was very optimistic - I'd estimate 2-3 months as we're going to do a proper testing cycle once the bulk of the development is done. 2) The museum will be considerably bigger so you'll be able to place new displays and load doors in a number of places. 3) We'll be removing KA, MIL and Wyrmstooth from integrated support. They may get patches post-release though.* *We know KA just came out for SE but the author was a few months too late for it not to get cut. ----------------- Sorry, no direct link to post, but only to 'Posts' page: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11802?tab=posts As of this post, Pickysaurus' reply is to BCAntunes, the 6th post down from the top, including sticky's!
Yeah, noob mistake on my part! My bad Sorry folks. I went back and re-read sections 1 to 10 and right there in section 6 "Mod Installation Advice" it says to NOT run LOOT until the end - doh. Also thinking back over things, I think I know what probably caused the ESPs in the right pane of MO to uncheck now: Wrye Bash. When at section 16 and working on "16.2 [Extended UI]" to convert it from it's old LE format, I ran Wrye Bash as part of section 9 "A Note about Converting Old Plugins". I had some other issues around that time and looking back over my notes, I see that's a MOD I need to go back and double check on once I get to the end. So yeah, Wrye Bash! Thanks to @adirks for that reminder! @PataRoja, in my case, I don't think it was LOOT disabling ESPs as my LO is still quite young and relatively small; I'm only just now coming up to about the half-way mark! Plus, with all the other times I've run LOOT so far, I haven't seen LOOT do that yet ... but I'm not going to do that any more now, am I ???
I don't believe anything is specifically said to activate or to not activate as you go. I actually think it is inferred that MODs will be activated, MOD by MOD, as you progress through the guide and you install them inside MO2. For example, at section 14 'Perks and Leveling', 14.1 [Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim] gives us this note: ... Once this mod is installed and activated LOOT will show a warning about a missing Bruma Patch. Please ignore as it covered in the Conflict Resoultion at the end of this guide. ... If we weren't activating MODs until the end, there shouldn't be a need for this notice, should there? Or am I misunderstanding how to go about things too? Or even, have I not completely read the guide correctly? As I understand it, the way that MO works usually/normally, once a MOD is activated, if it has a corresponding ESP and it is not set as "Optional" within the MOD's 'Information' window within MO, then the ESP gets activated automatically. In my case I think something weird happened and un-activated some of my MODs. This is what I was just wanting to clarify and confirm is what likely happened! Sorry, I didn't mean to be bringing extra confusion to what can be, at times, an already complicated process With regards to disabling/hiding ESPs, once merged, I'm pretty sure you just set them to 'Optional' within MO and once you've done that, thats it! The ESP is hidden from the Virtual File System and thus, not read/loaded by Skyrim when you fire it up To do this, just r-click the MOD, select 'Information...', click on the 'Optional ESPs' tab, select the ESP in the 'Available ESPs' section and hit the 'Up Arrow' button - Click the 'Close' button and you're done!
Hi folks, Just a sanity check here for myself I'm not sure what happened, because I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, that is, I didn't do anything not detailed in the guide! Anyhow, in MO2, in the left-hand pane, USSEP is checked -but- in the right-hand pane, under the 'Plugins' tab, USSEP ESP is UNchecked ... that's not right is it ?? I've been running LOOT every now and then as I progress through the guide and noticed the error "This plugin requires "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp" to be active, but it is inactive." in LOOT these last couple of times and decided to have a closer look this last time. Might a failed clean exit have caused this or some other glitch !? Or is it because of some missing masters perhaps !? I haven't touched anything in the right-hand pane under the 'Plugins' tab since beginning the guide, so yeah, not sure what happened! I'm only just now up to section 30 'Collectables, Treasure Hunts, and Puzzles'. Anyhow, I should just check it and turn it back on, correct? I've also got some other ESPs that are unchecked in the right-hand pane as well; this USSEP ESP isn't the only. . . . Kind regards, Dodgy Bob
Folks, As per my reply to @coolpillow just above it would appear that MO2 has updated from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 If you look on the Log tab to see the changelog, there are a heap of Fixes, New Features and Improvements. It's possible that maybe one of these has broken something and/or may require 2.1.6 to be tested and/or has changed the way we need to go about things in the pre-req guide perhaps !? Either way, just wanted to give a heads up is all Kind regards, Dodgy Bob
Morning, I do not want to sound condescending here, but you have followed the guide up to the point you are at to the letter haven't you ?? So at 2.4.1 you did only put the 3 files into the main Skyrim directory - not Skyrim/Data - just Skyrim ?? And at 6.1, you did setup MO2 in portable mode, correct ?? If so, and SKSE is not automatically showing up for you, the next obvious step would be to try and setup SKSE as any other tool, as you do at 6.5. However, if you have done that and SKSE is still not showing up, my next suggestion would be to just start from the top again and just go over the pre-req guide slowly and carefully, making sure to follow every direction. Did you originally start with a vanilla Skyrim SE install / folder as per this guide >> https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Troubleshooting#How_do_I_restore_vanilla_Skyrim.3F << ?? I don't believe a version change in SKSE would have changed anything, though perhaps a version change in MO2 may have done something !? I see that MO2 is at 2.1.6 now and I'm still running the previous, 2.1.5, version. Maybe try that? Go back to MO2 2.1.5 and see if that makes a difference. Anyway, just some ideas and thoughts. Let us know how you get on Kind regards, Dodgy Bob
Rest up and get well Diana Hopefully you'll be able to get back sooner, rather than later. Again, thanks for all your time and effort on this guide Kind regards, Dodgy Bob PS - Sorry I wasn't able to kick in and help with doing a GOG run through of this guide as well, things changed for me over the Christmas holidays and as such, I'm still not there yet!
Thats super fantastic to hear! Way to go All the same though - seriously - don't stress! We're working with computers here and for whatever reason, they do stoopid stuff sometimes and that just means that well meaning timeframes can get pushed out. It's all good; don't worry about it As you get to it, you get to it. Sorted.
Dang-nab-it! This is one of the most loathsome things about Win10. I get it that its all about "security" and trying to protect the masses from the "baddies", but when the updates do things like this and we have no control over it ... grrrrr. Just riles me up.
Dang! Ouch. Did the update destroy your Morroblivion install Diana -or- has it just ended up stuffing up your OS install in general and/or breaking Morroblivion utilities?
Folks, I'm one of those GOG users and as I mentioned in an earlier post, once I'm on Christmas break, I'll be following this guide to the letter and will be firing off posts left, right and centre if needs be as I come up against issues and also as and when I can offer advice, to others and about the guide. I'm not a pro at MOD'ing, but I'm not a newbie either, so let's see where we end up in a few weeks. I'd love to be there MOD'ing away now, but alas, work beckons (evil, horrible thing it is at times!). Kind regards, Dodgy Bob
Hey Diana, Careful with giving out actual dates - if you miss them, you're likely to have angry peasants with pitchforks coming at you Mind you though, if the guide were completed by the 14th, that would be fantastic timing for me! I'll be on my Christmas break, end of the week after and will definitely be wanting to get this all setup and running with the hopes of getting some play time in before heading back to work Quick question though, are the MOD versions pretty static these days for Morrowind and Oblivion, specifically the MODs you are using in your guide? That is to say, when it comes time to installing the guide for myself, should I stick to the versions you have in the guide or if there is a newer version, will it be safe/fine to use the new version? Again, thanks and thanks and thanks. I'm sure for those looking at this guide and using it, I can say on behalf of us all, we are so very much appreciative of your time and perseverance with setting up this guide. Thanks Diana Kind regards, Dodgy Bob
Yeah, totally! I've signed up for the email updates on this thread and wow! boy-oh-boy-oh-boy, do they keep flying in or what!! Fantastic effort Diana. Thanking you very, very much.
(and the crowd goes wild!) Looking forward to the finished product Diana Kind regards, Dodgy Bob
Hey everyone, Just as an FYI: If you're still waiting to pick up TES3 and TES4 or you want the version of TES3/TES4 with all the bells and whistles, then, they're on sale now @ GOG with 40% off! The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition | $14.99 $8.99 andThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition Deluxe | $29.99 $17.99These are AU prices, so they may be a little different in other areas. Just sharing the love Kind regards, Dodgy Bob EDIT: Sorry, should have added that the sale lasts 7 days; it ends October 24, 2017 @ 12:59 GMT
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
DodgyBob replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Also check out the "Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide" by alt3rn1ty on the Oblivion Nexus site. Says was updated last month on the 10th, so perhaps these might still be of use too Oh hang on - its also on the Classic Skyrim Nexus site and the Skyrim SE Nexus site too! Oops! Just checed out this link and the last line on this doco page says: "In addition to these, as pointed out on the Nexus documentation page for Wrye Bash, a useful unofficial guide is alt3rn1ty's Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide for Oblivion." So there you go! That should have your bases covered then! -
Hey Diana, Just a quick question, are you working with physical versions of this game, i.e. on CD/DVD, or with digital versions, i.e. from Steam/GOG/etc.? In your opinion, is working with one or the other easier? Reason for asking is that Humble Bundle is having a sale at the moment and I'm just wondering whether to pickup TES3 and TES4 through there or not. I'm happy to go either route, but it might be harder to pickup physical copies as cheap as their digital counterparts! On another note, Humble Bundle only offers Steam keys and I'd rather go through GOG as then I don't have to rely on Steam ... but then, I've got to wait for GOG to have a sale that includes TES3 and TES4. Ahhh, decisions, decisions, decisions! Either way, I've got to pick up a copy of TES3 as I don't have that at all and I'd like to get my hands on the TES4 GOTY Deluxe version as I only have the standard GOTY version currently. Kind regards, Dodgy Bob
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
DodgyBob replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Hey folks, Not sure if I'm late to the party on this one or not, but seeing as I mostly hang out in this thread and don't get around too much to the others and thinking that others might be in the same boat as me, I thought I might point this out seeing as Mator's utility, MatorSmash, pops up every now and then in here: >> Mator's new work, zEdit << I only stumbled across this because of a video on GamerPoet's YouTube channel! Might be good to get word around in light of Mator whipping up something new for us and asking for our input. So yeah, if you haven't already, pop along and fill in the survey for Mator. Kind regards, Dodgy Bob -
+1 To this Thanks heaps in advance Diana. I'd totally be into that. I probably would have tried stumbling through making my own CR patch sooner, but PC issues and PC reorganisation in the home hasn't seen me get into any gaming of late, so hopefully down the track when I finally get to again, this might be done and if so, will no doubt make CR patching much easier. Thanks also for all your hard work on this guide, much appreciated
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
DodgyBob replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Rayhne, Is this because the CR was built on older versions of the MODs the CR was built around? I'm asking out of interest, as I've wondered from time to time if I am supposed to be using the exact version number in the guide or if using a new version wouldn't harm anything !? As such, if using a new version may or will cause problems, then I wonder how my game will actually go once I go and fire it up, because I'm sure I've used newer versions of MODs all over the place, than what is asked for in the guide. Kind regards, Dodgy Bob -
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
DodgyBob replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Ah ha! OK, thanks for that Paul. Schweeet! And thanks for this info Darkside. Much appreciated lads -
SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn
DodgyBob replied to Darth_mathias's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Ahhh folks, is it just me or. . . . I thought it might be because I had too many ESPs enabled (over the 255 limit) and so I waited until after doing the merges near the end of the guide which brought the ESP count back into line, however, I still cannot set the Global Priority on the 3 "Scarcity - Less Loot Mod" ESPs. So, is it just me or is it, in the new version of LOOT we can no longer set Global Priorities? Whats happening for me is that after clicking on the ESP in LOOT on the left > then clicking on the vertical 3 dots on the right > then slecting "Edit Metadata" > I type in the Global Priority number > then click the floppy disc icon to save the edit > but it doesn't save and I get a red line under the number in Global Priority. Kind regards, Dodgy Bob