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Best Mod Manager for Fallout 3? And load order ?
SergeTroy posted a question in Mod Organizer Support
Supposedly there are no stupid questions, but I may be putting that to the test. I’m planning on starting a new, modded Playthrough of Fallout 3 (Game of the Year Edition, of course) via Steam soon, and I needed some initial support. As the Fallout 3 forum seemed pretty dead (retro much) I figured I’d ask my initial two questions here. Firstly, would people recommend Mod Organizer 2 or Vortex as a preferred mod manager of choice? Or some third option? I know I’m asking in the MO forum so answers may be prejudiced, but I trust in more experienced gamers to be able to give me a reasonably balanced answer. Secondly, is L.O.O.T a solid way to create a more or less final load order for all the mods I want to use, obviously with some fine tuning I’m sure. If it’s not exactly the best way, or is only part way effective, is there someplace else I can go to better refine my approach? I know about and have bookmarked the STEP Guide, Clear & Present Danger, for Fallout 3. The main reason I’m asking more questions beyond what that guide has to offer is that I noticed via the changelog that the last update was in May (?) 2019. Since then there has been the update on Steam, and the Fallout Anniversary Patcher was released. Plus, I just don’t know if Mod Organizer 2 was even a thing back then. Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered. If this needs to be moved to the Fallout 3 specific forum I understand, I’m just trying to get the smarts of the active community. -
Titling this was kinda difficult. SO: I'm thinking about making my first (re)run in Fallout 3 (using the guide and other tutorials) an evil run of the most vile variety (blowing up Megaton, burning Harold, tainting the GECK with the modified FEV, etc.) BUT my previous experiences have always left me with a certain fear of doing so. There always seemed to have been more bugs for the Evil story-lines than there were for the good or neutral choices. Has anyone here had a relatively bug / glitch free run as a Truly Despicable Lone Wanderer, where they used the Tenpenny Apartment for their Player home, completed most of the game (say, 75%) and otherwise chose to be an a**h0le at large?
bug Head are different colors than the body
SergeTroy replied to sophiaferddinad's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
Huh, before I read the post, by topic title I wondered if you were using any mods or whatnot. The problem with the various NPC's having different color textures for their bodies than their heads is mostly associated with the vanilla default game. The UPDATED Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch should resolve most if not all of that, but I dunno about Fallout Redesigned specifically. My first suggestion would be to include the latest version of the UUFO3P if you haven't already; failing that - if it was me - I'd kinda go through the various steps provided in the guide and look to any number of YouTube videos courtesy of GamerPoets. Sorry I can't personally speak more to this, I'm a fan of Fallout 3, but the time I've had to mod and play it has been fairly limited. The best recommendation I can otherwise make is update your OP with your mod list or LOOT export, detail the various important bits of your machine (OS, CPU, GPU, and version of Fallout 3 (Assume GotY, but Steam GoG, or Disc?)), and wait a few days for a more knowledgeable poster. Hopefully the UUFO3P is good 'nuff. -
The basic summary is that I want to know what kind of consensus there is - if any - on what NVidia Inspector settings are vital to make sure the steps outlined in Kelmych's wonderful guide pay off. I run Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium and use a GeForce GTX 1070 (single card and gpu, single monitor). I am not using an ENB (at this time) although I am thinking about it. I will be using lighting mods, though the larger environmental lighting/weather mod I am really unsure of (I've been thinking DC Moods, but dunno). Where needed, I can put up a list of all the mods I intend to use. When I look into specific video card settings on STEP for NVidia and NVidia Inspectorl, I don't feel like I have a firm grasp on recommended values beyond a few definites. By example: Ambient Occlusion compatibility: “0x00000005 (Call of Duty: World at War)†Antialiasing compatibility: “0x000010C1†These are confirmed on the Guru3D forums thanks to the 'NVidia Compatibility Bits Master Thread and IQ Guide' by GuruKnight, and a few other sources I cannot remember currently. I only use a single card and GPU (GeForce GTX 1070) so I don't worry about SLI and leave those areas at their default values; for the machine I'll be playing on, there is only one monitor, so naturally "Single display performance mode" is what makes sense there. Other things like this make sense, but there are *so* many settings that I am really not sure of. When it comes to making sure the steps in 'Clear and Present Danger' pay off (ini settings and all), I am a little lost on what to choose. I've got a profile currently set up, but I'm certainly not using it until I've done a bit more research. If anyone needs more information, please ask. I'm throwing out the current profile simply as a point of reference, below:
- 1
I, uh, couldn't find a way to edit my prior post, so with apologies, I have a question on the Fallout 3 INI Tweak Guide page ... I think there's a small formatting issue within the Fallout INI section, as [Fonts] and </pre>--> are outside of any box (forget the BBCode or whatnot in describing that formatting, apologies). Also, I'd actually copied this page to a word doc back in ... Nov. 01, 2015; comparing the current page and my copy, I see that the "Rendered Terminal" section is missing, is that intentional? (I may be using my Post code wrong, I just went with CSS and no starting line number). [RenderedTerminal] ;from ''Higher Resolution In-Game Rendered Terminal Text'' fRenderedTerminalZoom=33 ;enable higher resolution text displayed within in-game rendered terminals
On the Fallout 3 INI Tweak Guide page, the link to DoubleYou's BethINI (as uploaded by Vuud) is wrong. Currently it links to a Mod Not Found kinda page. Correct link (as listed below) goes here. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21741/?tab=description&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D21741%26preview%3D&pUp=1 Currently going through a long night for modding - skimming the guide, linking and downloading, copy'pasting, thorough reading, (rinse, wash, repeat) so I'll update if I find anything else or whatnot. Truly love the usefulness of this guide for someone that's as absentminded and otherwise technically ignorant as myself.
Dunno, I have a talent for drama when I'm exhausted, best not to let it go to waste. But seriously, thank you for the link, I hadn't known how to access that otherwise. :)
Just double checking, but is anyone else only seeing the "Revision History" of the Clear and Present Danger guide at this time? For me it starts at the top with February 3rd, 2018, and goes down to August 18th, 2014. I suspect it's a temporary thing where Kelmych is adjusting this or that, but if anybody really crossed a line with the Man, that well and truly sux. :'(
Awesome, thanks DoubleYou! Have been away from video games for nearly 4 months and I feel so utterly out of the loop and brain dead on a lot of this stuff once again. It was enough that I was practially considering redoing my whole set up purely for the updated fINIp3 and UUFO3 patch. xD Have a great one!
Just because I'm never a hundred percent on this, when it comes to updating a mod mentioned in the Guide (be it DoubleYou's fINIp3 or the UUFO3Patch) when if ever is there a need to be concerned about additional ... tweaks to ensure everything's still set correctly? For example, are there cases where when you've updated fINIp3 or UUFO3 patch that you would need to redo LOOT or the Bashed Patch, or anything like that?
Basically, I'm a little concerned that there's more to updating the "Fallout INI Project 3" Mod than there might be with others. Does it really just come down to the steps laid out by DoubleYou / Vuud, to Uninstall the prior version, and then just install the new version as standard? If so, you would: Uninstallation: Replace your Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini files with the backups you should have made according to the warnings in installation and go to step 3. If you neglected to heed my warnings, delete Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini in Documents\My Games\Fallout3 and go to step 2. Run the Fallout Launcher and select your preset. If using Mod Organizer, copy the new Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini from your Documents\My Games\Fallout3 directory to your <ModOrganizer>\profiles\<Profile-Name> directory. Eat salt and vinegar chips.Followed by -> Installation: Download the main file. Run the installer. Follow the on-screen instructions. Read any warnings carefully! Once the installer has completed, the Fallout Launcher will automatically run to generate your new INI files. Please ensure that your screen resolution in the Launcher is selected correctly! If using Mod Organizer, copy the generated Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini files to your <ModOrganizer>\profiles\<Profile-Name> directory. And then just double checking to ensure that the variables you want set per preference are set, profile specific, via MO's INI editor? Do you need to do anything else? Some possibilities that occurred to me would be: disabling all mods prior to this update, and re-enabling after but prior to the review of the MO INI Editor's tweaks; Possibly needing to redo LOOT ordering and even the Bashed Patch. I don't know for certain in this and so I'm just a little concerned and curious on the thoughts of the communities wiser heads.
Hey Nameerf, this is a somewhat known issue with Dynavision, unfortunately. If you actually watch Gopher's own "Let's Play Fallout 3" series, you'll note he runs into this in a number of places. For me the most common has been in Rivet City, particularly in areas around the stairwells, and with the Doctor of the ship. I'm not really thinking there is a precise fix to this by memory, sadly and I'm not willing to disable the mod either as it's otherwise such a wonderful option. I would say that if it's occuring far too much, than you may want to consider disabling EITHER Dynavision or the Lone Wanderer's ENB, as I believe that it's been stated by Gopher that while they are compatible (or at least, not incompatible) they kinda just do the same thing in a lot of ways so that may be increasing the problem.
The short of it: I'm looking to remove a fix that originated with the original Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch, where the modder set the Bloody Mess perk to be disabled for the duration of the Side Quest, "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head." And because I'm feeling a little out of my depth, I thought I'd consult a more knowledgeable community for assistance with this. :) [spoiler=Long Winded Explanation for Why I want to Fix the Fix] I'm seeking a little help with editing out one of the fixes that's currently included with the UPDATED Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch, and originates with the original UFO3P. The modder had decided that to avoid having PC's unintentionally fail the side quest, "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head," he would change some conditions / effects with the Perk Bloody Mess so that it would be disabled for the quest's duration. This would keep bloody mess from gibbing off an NPC's arms and legs as well as the head. And while there's some sense to that, there's also some arguments against. Firstly, the quest doesn't really require you to kill the target's mentioned in the quest with a head-shot specifically (Dukov at Dukov's Place, Ted Strayer at Rivet City, Dave in the Republic of Dave, and Alistair Tenpenny at Tenpenny Tower). There's an alternative way to go about things where you don't even need to kill them at all (discounting Tenpenny, but even then it's not required (I think) that he dies by a bullet in the brain). Secondly, there's the issue of how long the perk could be considered disabled. The quest giver, Mr. Crowley, is located in Underworld within the Museum of History, within the Mall. And most player's are going to be heading off to the Mall fairly early just to get Galaxy News Radio up and running. Now, the various people and locations relating to the quest are spread out all over the Capitol Waseland, pretty much cornering the whole region (Tenpenny Tower, the Republic of Dave, Rivet City, and Fort Constantine). So excluding those player's that decide to start this quest only after they've already found every location, and then just fast travel between each, most player's will find that this quest extends throughout a great part of their time in the Capitol Wasteland, and attaches neatly to the Main Quests, and other side quests as they rove here, there, and everywhere. A duration during which Bloody Mess (a 6th level perk) is completely disabled save for the 5% damage increase (which isn't why most get the perk, I'd guess). Now when I looked into FO3Edit to get an idea of what might be needed for "fixing the fix," it looks like the patch purely added a condition to the Fallout3.esm ActorEffect for PerkBloodyMess. To be explicit, it looks something like: [spoiler=Fallout3.esm \ Actor Effect \ 00079AE3 ] Conditions CTDA – Condition Type: Not equal to / Or Comparison Value – Float: 10.000000 Function: GetStage Quest: MS14 "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head" [QST: 00014EA1] Run On: Subject Note: the actual changelog for the UFO3P mentions this specifically, "Fixed the Bloody Mess perk making it harder to complete the quest "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head" since Bloody Mess can blow off more then the head if you get a head shot causing the script to mess up, the "Bloody Mess" part (not the damage) of the perk will be disabled when the quest starts and enabled again once the quest finishes (Altered Actor Effect: PerkBloodyMess)." Lacking that one change, I'm imagining that the fix would be removed. When I looked at references, there's only one and that for "Record: DLC03LibertyPrime "Liberty Prime" [CREA:04001FCC], File: [04] BrokenSteel.esm" which seems more likely to be related to the standard unedited ActorEffect of Bloody Mess rather than what the patch changed. I've taken a quick look at the quest entry for "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head" and there are a number of references to other changes made by both the add-ons as well as the UUFO3P, none also reference to the perk bloody mess. I then looked at the NPC's directly involved with the quest, and again, no link to bloody mess. Still, If anyone that has a better grasp of the relation of things within FO3Edit (meaning everyone) has a reason to believe I'm not being cautious enough or careful enough in my trimming, I'd really appreciate it. I'm very much looking forward to starting a new game of FO3 here, and while HairyLegs over on the Nexus is set to include this with the patches next iteration ... I'm the impatient sort. :D Thanks very much to anyone that can assist. :)
MO for FO3 won't log in, cookies seem to be invalid
SergeTroy replied to SergeTroy's question in Mod Organizer Support
GSDFan, Nebulous112, thank you both. The solution was actually probably the combination of both, I'm giving GSDFan the solution simply because that was an option I had never thought to try before (the deletion of the webcache folder). What the final resolution was - insofar as goes the lynch-pin of it - truly slapped me in the face: It wasn't that I had to just login / access the Nexus Network through the Mod Organizer 'Globe' icon, I had to actually download a mod, and (possibly unnecessary) install it through that connection. When I saw in the window, 'retrieving credentials,' and 'user is premium,' as well as the logged in user name on the (lost-the-right-word) Window Header, I could only stop myself from smashing my face into my keyboard because I love this keyboard way too much. Thank you both, I need to go watch something really stupid to make myself feel smart again. -
MO for FO3 won't log in, cookies seem to be invalid
SergeTroy replied to SergeTroy's question in Mod Organizer Support
Hey GSDFan! Did what you said and it did provide some benefit; the "Cookies seem to be invalid" message in the log window has disappeared, it otherwise implies everything seems to be fine (e.g. "interface Local Area Connection seems to be up ('gives the address')"), but I'm still showing as "(not logged in)" on the overhead bar, and there's nothing about my Nexus Credentials (I'm 'FearlessFelix' on the Nexus, and I could have sworn it usually said something about either how that would be confirmed, or something on the premium part). Honestly, it's just REALLY weird. I think I'm what I'm going to do is this: I'm going to delete the Password & Username currently listed in MO's Nexus Settings, uncheck the "Automatically Log-in to Nexus" box, and repeat the process of A. backing up the current contents and then B. deleting the MO Web Cache folder contents. Next, I'm going to once again change my nexus password. Last time I had to make use of the forgot password option because the change I thought I put in place didn't take and I forgot the original. I have no idea if that screwed things up. Once the password is updated and I've got it down, I'm going to clean sweep everything in my browser, just like I normally do and have done in the past. Cause I'm paranoid and weird. Run what I consider to be a full clean sweep on the computer (utilities for keeping system smooth and clean, anti-malware and anti-virus stuff), and then reboot. When I restart, launch Steam first. I always wonder if that matters; I understand it SHOULDN'T but I have no real tech knowledge so magical thinking for the win/loss. Load up NMM and get the pw in the manager updated. Launch my browser and make sure I'm logged into the Nexus. Confirm the Web Cache folder is still empty; launch MO and pray there's some weird bug that somehow sorted itself out in this process. Again, it's not like there's really a problem per se, it's just so darned weird to have lot that "logged in" status and not see account credentials confirmed or whatever in the MO main window. And yes, agree my detailed nuttiness could be used against me in a court of public opinion. -
MO for FO3 won't log in, cookies seem to be invalid
SergeTroy replied to SergeTroy's question in Mod Organizer Support
Hey Nebulous112, thanks for the reply! Yeah, I thought of that, too. I actually went so far as to do it before and after a reboot of the machine. Also, double checked (clicked) on the <Associate with "Download with manager" links> button in Settings. Double confirmed the user name and password via copy'n'paste. It's still giving the same message. The one thing that I can think of is that I pretty routinely wipe out all my browser history (browsing history, cache, cookies, download history, form, etc). When I did a google proxy of the issue with only the "Cookies seem to be invalid" a few hits mentioned that Tannin had needed to update MO due to a URL change or something on the Nexus. I suppose that could have happened, but it's odd no one else would be as weird about constantly sweeping their browser as I am. -
MO for FO3 won't log in, cookies seem to be invalid
SergeTroy posted a question in Mod Organizer Support
So, I'm not exactly sure what happened. Yesterday, I was tightening up my passwords across the board and realized it had been over a year since I'd updated my Nexus Mods password. I updated that with no real issue, considering that I'm able to login to the site with the password and username I have on file. To also clarify, I have only updated the password, the username remains the same. I have not updated any password on STEP. I have also made sure NMM is up to date at 0.61.4, and made sure to update the password in there as well. I think I actually updated the password for Nexus on MO first (because it's the mod manager I actually use, I didn't even think of NMM. Now, with everything up to date, when I launch Mod Organizer for Fallout 3 the 'chat' window says, "cookies seem to be invalid," it doesn't recognize that I'm a premium member in good status, and I am not "(not logged in)". This doesn't seem to affect my ability to just launch Fallout 3 (FOSE) with my current profiles through MO, but it really does throw me for a loop. Mod Organizer is up to date at 1.3.11, all of the mods are up to date. I sincerely do not understand what is going on that is causing this. If anyone can help me figure this out (okay, TELL me, honestly :D), I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance. -
LIVE Button available with Disabler Active - Huh?
SergeTroy replied to SergeTroy's question in Guide Support & Bug Reports
[spoiler=In Reply] Thanks @ Himself & Kelmych! Yeah, I'd seen that particular fix but had just decided to not worry about it / this topic as, stated by 13th General and GrantSP, it really doesn't seem to be causing any issues beyond that fact of it's visibility. And, honestly, I'm just not feeling like messing around with the XML files myself to double check that that fix wouldn't do the trick. When everything is said and done, I was really only concerned that the fact of the Live button still being visible / clicky was a symptom of something wrong I had done or whatever. Thanks all. :D -
Post-AMD Graphics Driver Update, Concerns
SergeTroy replied to SergeTroy's question in Guide Support & Bug Reports
I might be able to afford it, but I believe I noticed the difference (so, no, I couldnt afford it, :P) Yeah, everything seems to be running fine now. Biggest issue I've had is that Sam Warrick decided to run away screaming,"This is hopeless!" after getting plinked in the elbow for maybe 2 bars of health. *sigh* Thanks Kelmych! -
Post-AMD Graphics Driver Update, Concerns
SergeTroy replied to SergeTroy's question in Guide Support & Bug Reports
The only one that's different from what I can see (and definitely let me know when I'm wrong) is the choice of setting 'Anti-aliasing Mode' to 'Override application settings', rather than 'Use application settings'. Choosing to Use application settings does lose me access to visibly showing the Filter set to standard, but I suppose that's a default. I've made that change now, thank you. I'll play around with the game for a few days than mark it solved. Thanks Kelmych. :) -
Post-AMD Graphics Driver Update, Concerns
SergeTroy posted a question in Guide Support & Bug Reports
*my system hardware specs are spoilered at the bottom* I've just recently uninstalled my AMD graphics drivers with DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) and then updated to the current version best suited for my system. And that just makes me a little concerned because I'm always worried about those minor system changes that echo in the games settings. Basically I'm just wanting to check to see if I should be concerned if any of the games settings, within the INI's or otherwise, might have changed with the driver update. Essentially I'm checking with the community and more experienced, wiser heads to make sure I'm just being jittery. I followed the guide in every way I believe, with my settings at Ultra, which included Anti-Aliasing at 4x and Anisotropic at 15x per the launcher. In the AMD Profile for FO3, I've set it to the following: Anti-Aliasing Mode, Override application settings; Anti-Aliasing Level, 4x - Anti-Aliasing Filter, Standard; Anti-aliasing Method, Multisampling; Morphological Filter, Off Anisotropic Filtering Mode, Override application settings; Anisotropic Filtering Level, 16x; Texture Filtering Quality, High; Surface Format Optimizaiton, On; Wait for Vertical Refresh, Off, unless application specifies These others are, I believe, at default: OpenGL Triple Buffering, Off; Shader Cache, AMD optimized; Tessellation Mode, AMD optimized; Frame Rate Target Control, Disabled *Also, I made sure to 'enable' all of my PC's various game profiles, which oddly was not set even though it remember the profiles settings. My FalloutPrefs.ini and my Fallout.ini are and were both set as Read-only, so I'm imagining no issues there. Within the virtual ini editor for MO, 'iMaxAnisotropy=0' and 'iMultiSample=4,' which is hopefully correct from the guide... (may need to recheck that). V sync does appear enabled per the configurator in MO, and the Stutter Remover's INI shows max FPS capped at 60 ... ; but why does the Main section show all auto-saves as 'true' (meaning on, I assume) when when I launch the game, they're listed as off? P.S. If I wasn't using the 'Virtual Super Resolution' option in AMD previously and everything was fine, is there any reason to now? [spoiler=My System Hardware Specs] OS: Windows Home Premium 64-bit CPU: i5-3570K (overclocked to 4.2 GHz from 3.4 standard (3.8 Turbo)) MOBO: ASUS Maximus V EXTREME Extended ATX Intel Motherboard RAM: 16 GB of Corsair Dominator Platinum at 1800 MHz (1600 natural) Display: 1920x1200, 60hz Video Card: AMD 7870, 2 GB VRAM (XFX Double D FX-787A-CDBC Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition Black Edition 2GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card w/ most current driver) Primary Storage: 250 GB SSD (Samsung 830 Series) -
On Updating Utilities / Executables (FO3Edit)
SergeTroy posted a question in Guide Support & Bug Reports
So, this question is a little pre-mature for me but I didnt see an answer that more or less jumped out at me in any of the guides I looked at for Mod Organizer, Clear and Present Danger, a few others. FO3Edit's v3.1.2 was released a little bit ago, and I've been using v3.1.1. Basically, I'm just looking to confirm that the correct method of updating the utility is to simply: A) Make sure no other programs are up and running (maybe steam, definitely Mod Organizer) B) Extract FO3Edit as I normally would to it's particular folder (C:\Games\Utilities\FO3Edit)* C) Update again with the Merge Plugins xEdit Script* D) Run MO, and remove then re-add the executable. *When replacing the 'FO3Edit' files and the 'Merge Plugins xEdit Script' I would be choosing to replace files already found within to avoid ... problems. Basically this is a little hand holding advice I know. Not having any issues with my game, but, eh, future reference I suppose. Also, it's not like I saw this in the guides when I went browsing, so here I am. Thanks for your time, Community. :P -
Crash post non-FWE UI Install Check
SergeTroy replied to SergeTroy's topic in Fallout 3 - Clear & Present Danger
Not sure if this is needed or not, but just stating for the record that I have a currently working version of Fallout 3 via Mod Organizer, modded with my preferences and to my satisfaction and many thanks to Kelmych's work at consolidating information and the guide in general. If there's any real changes to come, it'll likely be based on my current use of Windowed Mode via OneTweak (which seems to be doing what's promised), but more likely, when I get a Video Card and/or a totally new PC with a VRAM of >2GB (and probably an NVidia card, if only to give the damned line a shot). -
Fallout 3 - Best Borderless Windowed Mode Option?
SergeTroy replied to SergeTroy's question in Mod Organizer Support
Thanks for the response, DirtyWeasel! I have to admit, getting a response from you kind of trumps the weight of most counters. Setting up the mod now. :) -
Fallout 3 - Best Borderless Windowed Mode Option?
SergeTroy posted a question in Mod Organizer Support
Basically I'm curious on what others think might be the best option for a Borderless Windowed Mode in Fallout 3 - OneTweak or GameCompanion? The main point of the borderless windowed mode is just to make things run a little more smoothly, as that's how it's usually worked for me. When there is basically no sensation of fps for me, that's awesome. Prior to entering the orbit of STEP and finding Kelmych's great guide, I'd used the Fake Fullscreen mod by BUDA20, and I'm leaning that way, but when a moderator recommends OneTweak as their solution, it makes me think. Still, most of the posts I've seen have - I believe - recommended GameCompanion, and I'm curious for the recommendations people that have tried one or the other might recommend. Edit: I do not use ENB or ENBoost and don't really plan to right now. Nothing against it, I'm just happy with the setup I have. [spoiler=My Specs]CPU - i5-3570k OC'd to 4.2 GHz GPU - AMD 7870 with 2 GB VRAM (manuf. XFX) OS: Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium System RAM: 16 GB Corsair Dominator Platinum Monitor: 1920 x 1200 at 60 hertz [spoiler=My Mod List & Load Order] 0 0 Fallout3.esm 1 1 Anchorage.esm 2 2 ThePitt.esm 3 3 StreetLights.esm 4 4 BrokenSteel.esm 5 5 PointLookout.esm 6 6 Zeta.esm 7 7 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm 8 8 Detect Traps.esm 9 9 Advanced Recon Tech.esm 10 a aHUD.esm 11 b iHUD.esm 12 c DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm 13 d ImaginatorFO3.esp 14 e CINEMATECH.esm 15 f DarNifiedUIF3.esp Advanced Recon Tech - Detect Traps.esp Detect Traps - DLC.esp Detect Traps - Perk.esp 16 10 Realistic Interior Lighting.esp 17 11 Advanced Recon Gear.esp 18 12 Detect Traps - The Traponator 4000.esp 19 13 Advanced Recon Tech.esp 20 14 Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp 21 15 IDreamOfElectricSheep.esp 22 16 YearlingBooks.esp 23 17 megalight.esp Bornagain Zeta Combat Armor Texture Patch.esp Bornagain Outcast T-45d Texture Patch.esp Winterized_T51b_Patch.esp FO3_WRP.esp Millenia_CombatShotgun_replacer.esp Millenia_C96_replacer.esp 24 18 Advanced Recon Armor.esp 25 19 Armored Duster.esp 26 1a Dark Justice Duster.esp 27 1b Wills Power Armor.esp 28 1c Wills Power Armor Advanced Recon Patch.esp 29 1d KHWeaponscanner.esp 30 1e DYNAVISION - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp 31 1f Directors Chair - Fallout 3.esp 32 20 Bashed Patch, 0.esp *Note that there has been some number of mergers particularly with patches, naturally.