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Gekko64 last won the day on September 4 2014

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Noble (3/12)



  1. I frequent a forum that uses a reputation system similar to the current one here, with a few differences, and it works very well. the likes/negs are called "cookies" there, and it "feels" right to give cookies to people who post useful info XD differences with current step forum are: 1) a user's cookies are shown below the total nr. of posts each time the user posts 2) the ability to give cookies is only unlocked for a new user after someone gives them a ( positive ) cookie 3) each user can only give one cookie per day
  2. WAO 3.0 has been released, I'd love to hear your opinion about it Neo :)
  3. fix for fps loss with ELFX + SMIM + ENB : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60603/? fix for floating trees in SFO 2.0 : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58396/?
  4. This sun looks great with ENB, not so much without it
  5. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60222/? this could be a nice cleaner replacement for SkyTEST
  6. it's only the USKP version that crashes, the other one works fine.
  7. you could try lowering "max prerendered frames" in your nvidia settings, default is 3 I think? 1 should work much better.
  8. How is this downsampling thing different from supersampling AA ? I don't see the point, it's a massive decrease in performance.
  9. xbox 360 is better imo. the side buttons of the xbox one controller are too hard to press. I'd avoid off brand ones, a friend of mine has a Gamespot one which was cheaper but he has some input issues ingame with skyrim.
  10. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58396this fixes some floating trees in SFO 2.0
  11. skytest integration has a version with no added spawns available.
  12. what about Ethereal Clouds, that's also pretty sweet :)
  13. Vilja edits cells , so you'll have to do some tes5edit conflict resolution to make sure it does not overwrite changes from USKP and ELE.
  14. Where in the guide does it suggest Expert difficulty? afaik that's only for deadly dragons. the Bandit Vermin Defiler is from OBIS, and it's going to be toned down in the next version. perhaps SR:LE should fix its stats in the meanwhile? at the moment SR:LE does not contain a combat mod, an AI mod and an encounter level mod so it's pretty easy imo, but I enjoy having to run from strong enemies at low levels. Adept difficulty is fine, nerfing player damage and giving mobs tons of hp is a crappy way of raising the challenge anyway :)
  15. yay for no moar evil 1x1 textures
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