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Everything posted by uglykidcid
SKYRIMLE Save game script cleaner by Hadoram
uglykidcid replied to rootsrat's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
I have used this quite a bit now. I tried to start a new game with every mod I was ever going to run but that never happens. I use full STEP extended with about 1000 mods total. I have only uninstalled two mods in 45 levels: R&D in favor of iNeed; and Another Sleep Mod in favor of Immersive Beds. When I make a clean save I always use the Save Game Script cleaner before installing the replacement. Where I have used this quite a bit though is in updating mods. So for example when I upgraded Inigo 1.1 in favor of Inigo 2.0 there were problems because even with a clean save the scripts are still trying to run in the background. By using the tool I made a truly clean save and then installed the update. I most certainly do NOT use this on every update. I only use the tool when I know the mod will never function correctly without a new game or a script scalpel. My current save is at over 100 hours and is relatively stable. I do get CTDs from time to time but I know it's either related to going over 4gb of RAM or from having multiple mods fighting over inventory managment: equipment overhaul, LSAR, Devious Devices, Undies Underneath, and probably more. Like I said: over 1000 mods merged down to 100 esps. All that being said I believe Save Game Script Cleaner is very safe to use. -
ACCEPTED Weapon and Armor Fixes (by kryptopyr)
uglykidcid replied to WilliamImm's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
I really don't understand why this mod and all of kryptopyr's other mods are in STEP but Smithing Perks Overhaul is not mentioned. You should consider the vanilla bug fix version of that mod to go in tandem with this and Crafting Overhaul. I have looked and the vanilla and modified vanilla version and I argue for the modified vanilla. If you guys will start a forum for it I will state my arguments. -
ACCEPTED Come Together N Out of the Way (by Nausicaa)
uglykidcid replied to Quitch's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
I had to uninstall it. I think it's just adding more scripts to an already over scripted game. Have you guys noticed how many scripted mods you add with extended? I think STEP should pay more attention to how many scripts get added from mods that really aren't necessary. All that being said the message every time I loaded up annoyed me too much to keep this mod. This is the ONLY mod in STEP I do not have installed. I would reconsider if the message went away and the mod did more. If I am going to target NPCs I want to be able to change things about them. -
I was looking at the STEP extended patch 2-2-9 in TES5Edit and it has more then a full page of errors. From the following mods: Bringing Out the Dead - Needed update Realistic Water 2 - My own fault due to TES5Edit merged esp. The Choice is Yours - My own fault due to TES5Edit merged esp. Enhanced Blood Textures - My own fault due to TES5Edit merged esp. It looks like I had merged several esps with TES5Edit making them incompatible. I do NOT suggest using the scripted merger unless you are writing a mod. It is better to do it manually for compatibility.
Main Menu Not Showing Options When Using STEP Extended Patch
uglykidcid replied to Jax765's question in General Skyrim LE Support
I am not sure why this worked as I got CTD with only the required esps checked but: I went line by line in TES5Edit with all my mods active and I found that the Patch conflicts with RND (Realistic Needs and Diseases). I merged what needed to be in the patch.esp and it works fine now. So my suggestion is when testing to completely uninstall mods not just uncheck the esp. I may have had other esps that were RND patched as well so that could have been part of the problem. I also had to merge COT Patches (Climates of Tamriel) because of AOS. SO it seems that either I had esps that had some patching or the files themselves were conflicting even with the esps deactivated. -
Main Menu Not Showing Options When Using STEP Extended Patch
uglykidcid replied to Jax765's question in General Skyrim LE Support
The errors are not the problem. I can go into the esp and fix those easily. The problem is that STEP Extended Patch esp will CTD the game at the menu screen if any SKSE dlls are installed. I have even tried deleting every group from the esp so that it's an empty esp and it still causes CTD at menu screen unless I launch with no SKSE. -
Main Menu Not Showing Options When Using STEP Extended Patch
uglykidcid replied to Jax765's question in General Skyrim LE Support
The latest extended patch STEP Extended Patch 228 v3 is full of errors which I can fix but I noticed that the patch will not run with SKSE. The game crashes at the menu. I can play all day long with the current patch as long as I don't launch with SKSE or I uninstall ALL SKSE .dlls. ONLY the STEP Extended patch is causing this problem. Things I have tried: 1) This happens with only required mods installed so it's not an incompatibility issue. 2) This happens with all STEP extended mods installed correctly 3) Tried it with vanilla inis and no change so not Skyrim ini or Skyrim Preference ini 4) Tried with and without ENB Boost and no change -
I am extremely picky about what mods I run and I have enjoyed this mod immensely. Playing as a vampire I hear the roosters all the time at daybreak and it’s a great signal that you are about to get mauled by sunlight. It also adds immersion to thief classes who get the signal that it's time to stop robbing yoru neighbors. I personally thought this mod added a lot of good immersion to Skyrim. As far as issues and instability I cannot comment. I never noticed that specifically from roosters. But I can comment that adding bird spawns from other mods like Birds of Skyrim does reduce stability as I have found that any additional spawning of any AI character in Skyrim can reduce stability.
SKYRIMLE Skyrim Project Stability by GrandBulwark
uglykidcid replied to Agnusthemagi's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
Here is my take: Project Stability has cleared up all my stuttering and for that I am thankful but I get constant inventory freezes and this did nothing to fix those. (Didn't make them worse either) So the claim never freeze again is not so accurate. Before anyone asks I have cleaned every mod with TES5edit, I run BOSS (infact I am one of the people who worked on the Oblivion version, I have a very powerful rig, all drivers are up to date, I followed the instructions to a letter, and I am an experienced modder. I have the time set to every minute and I see it working as I run Skyrim Performance monitor. I also often get infinite loading screens on loadup and on zone changes. I was hoping this would fix that but nope. As stated the game most definitely runs smoother but no CTD and no freeze ever again not so true -
SKYRIMLE Skyrim Project Stability by GrandBulwark
uglykidcid replied to Agnusthemagi's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
I belive that I can say with a certaintly after hours of CTDs and Freezes while monitoring papyrus logs and Skyrim Performance Monitor that I get both CTDs and Freezing from hitting the 3.1 ceiling. I would add that the largest reason I have had in my game for instability has been the unreliable piece of garbage known as the Nexus Mod Manager. I am going to test this and respond here. -
I also discovered that the Optimized DLCs repacked with DDSopt caused problems. The most obvious I found was that the optimized Dawnguard BSA caused lookup failed on Necromancy in the Conjuration perk tree. The optimized Dragonborn BSA caused look up failed in the Bone Breaker and Hack and Slash in the one-handed perk tree. I kept the optimized archives and installed those instead. The optimized archives worked just fine. So the failure is somewhere in the process of repacking the archives back into BSAs. This leads me to belive that it might be better to leave DDSopt optimized BSAs unpacked. I also experimented with no BSAs. I found that UPDATE and ANIMATION had to stay in BSA form when using FNIS. I spent a good bit of time experimenting with this and found the behavior files specifically to be the problem. UPDATE BSA (which contains behavior files which must remain in BSA form) overides vanilla INTERFACE, MESHES, and SHADERSfx BSAs. Voice and Sound BSAs should not be optimized. Voiceextra and Misc BSA are too small for unpacking them to make any real difference. Based on this I decided that only the DLCs and Textures BSAs were worth installing as optimized archives.
Recomendations instead of UFO?
uglykidcid replied to wolmarc's question in General Skyrim LE Support
I have tried all three and I like AFT better. EFF is more simple and probably less prone to problems then AFT but it offers far less options as well. Strangely I found it incompatible with both Better Vampires and Sneak Tools. The reason is the that EFF uses windows instead of regular dialogue which is intended not to break quest dialogue but instead breaks menu dialogue like vampire feed and slitting throats. I also found that EFF allows you to change player class but the stats did not change so if I change a companion to a mage they did not have the skills to learn spells. AFT changes stats accordingly. AFT allows you to change your companions properly into werewolves and vampires, even vampire lords. EFF has an option I liked though that told followers to wait around here AFT has a similar function though it just takes longer to get to.