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Everything posted by whitewolf87

  1. I decided it wasn't worth the faffe after starting to realise everything it would entail re: conflicts. I mostly went by the guide except for dumping all my favourite quest mods in there. Completed the guide, wrapping up now and going to bed. Thanks for everything guys. This thread can be marked resolved. Very good installation experience.
  2. OK, new problem. I looked down a bit and noticed that "Stealth Skills Rebalanced" is required for the STEP patch, but I don't really want SSR as much as I want to use "T3ND0's Perkus Maximus" which may have compatibility issues. Is there a viable workaround for this or am I just going to have to forgo Perkus Maximus?
  3. While I've got your attention (and I'll leave you alone after this at least for a bit), I noticed that all my executables have "Force load libraries" ticked even if I didn't tick it, I'm assuming that expected behaviour for some reason?
  4. OK, good that's exactly what I did. Just FYI as well, the newest version of BethINI does not have the "Modify Custom INIs" anymore presumably replaced with a tickbox (which I did not tick) for making the INI's read-only. Might want to update that bit too, but I'm not terribly alarmed by it or anything.
  5. Well, for now what I did was just created the output mod according to the SSE instructions in mod manager, then I got it in the dropdown. Is that good enough to proceed?
  6. I am reinstalling STEP for Skyrim: LE. It's been a few years since I've done this, but have managed to creek it out in the past. When I get to the step of tool setup, everything seems to have immediately fallen apart. "Some tools will have been auto-detected and added" They are not. None of them are. I've combed backwards to find out where I made a horrendous misstep. The only thing that I can think of is that it somehow has something to do with the fact that my "Modding" folder is not nested under a "Games" folder against the suggested file structure. The reason for this is that when I got this new PC I had already installed Steam in it's own folder to avoid any UAC weirdness when modding any game at all. Maybe it doesn't mean anything and I can safely just add them manually and if that's the case, fine. However, I want to be sure before I dig myself too deep. However, the real difficulty is when I proceed to step 6. "6. Tick the Create files in mod instead of overwrite box. Select the xEdit Output mod from the drop-down." I do not have the xEdit Output mod in the drop-down. Nothing's in the drop-down. I've combed back over the instructions for SkyrimLE and the System Setup Guide to try and figure out what I missed, and I can't find it. What in God's name am I doing wrong?
  7. I've completed my rebuild of Fear and Loathing (very awesome guide and new changes very welcome, btw. I actually had fun applying the package this time. However...regarding the "Room with a View" mod that we install along with NVInteriors. I can't see the new suites. Like I can go to the Presidential Suite in the Tops, but the windwos aren't there and the decorations haven't been upgraded. The same is true for the Bon Vivant suite. I haven't checked on the Gommorah one yet, but either way it's just not a mod that seems to be working for me. I can deal without it (I usually base out of the Lucky 38 anyway), but I realllllly love those mods. NVInteriors itself as far as I can tell is working fine. Went into multiple unique interiors. Load order attached.
  8. Just finished a clean install of F.a.L.N.V. Do I need to keep the following mods active still (as in while I'm playing) or am I unnecesarily bloating my plugin count? 1. FNVLODGen Resources 2. JIP LN NVSE Plugin 3. LOD additions and improvements I know that 1 and 3 were needed for LOD generation, but I don't understand while I'd still need them now.
  9. I've come to my decision... I'm saving all my ModOrganizer folders exactly as they are on my external (a massive backup process going on as we speak). I'm going to go ahead with the upgrade when offered with fingers crossed, and hope for the best. I'm not all that keen on these automatic updates (and I know exactly what that's about from Microsoft's vantage point), but we shall see. If I hate it, I can roll back.
  10. I think I need to talk to somebodywho actually understands Windows 10 from the ground up maybe. It's the upgrade part that I am indeed worried about. I really want to try the latest OS, and it looks sexy and all, but I'm not going to upgrade unless I'm absolutely sure. I've fallen pretty in love with my S.T.E.P. character. If it's built off of the general framework of Windows 8 (which I've heard it kind of is which is why they're allowing the digital upgrades and sounding so sure about the process), then that would make me feel a lot better, but I'm nowhere near teach-savvy enough to confirm that myself.
  11. I have installed all the packs for Bethesda games (save for Oblivion, because to heck with that) from the STEP forums. I started with Skyrim last year, and slowly crawled my way up to Clear and Present Danger for Fallout 3. I've had my difficulties here and there with all of them, but through patience, a bit of acceptance of minor performance flaws here and there, and the fine people who have painstakingly put these guides together (and thank you), I have gotten them all working more or less how I'd like them to work. Now...we have a free upgrade for Windows 10 coming up in the next few days. An update which Microsoft insists on a stack of King James Bibles will be "quick and easy". I've been using computers since I was old enough to cut my own steak, and if there's one thing I've learned it's not to trust Microsoft any further than I can throw them, which by the terms of their collective warranties is absolutely no distance whatsoever. I was curious if anybody here had any insight with the impact of a Windows 10 upgrade on the mod packs. I'm currently on Windows 8.1 and I'm honestly terrified to let the installation go ahead (and I have the option not to, which I may take). Ninety percent of the reason why is all the hours I've spent trying to get these mods working correctly and the fear that I have that Windwos 10 will later my machine at such a base level as to ruin absolutely everything. Any thoughts? EDIT: Spelling and grammar mistakes.
  12. Here's a picture to show just what I'm talking about. That little white line in the distance is Arcade Gannon. That is around how far away I have to be for him to even take one step to getting closer to me, and he stays about equidistant. https://picpaste.com/6ddc859d85292caf747129ae5bbc0f42.jpg
  13. Alright, so I took a break from gaming altogether to deal with some personal issues, adn I ended up never getting around to solving this problem, which I believe I've actually started a topic for already but never fully followed up on, I'm sorry if that is the case. For some reason, and seemingly out of nowhere, any companion I have (human or otherwise) follows me at an incredible distance away. The follow function is there...they are indeed following, they're just following from something like 50 meters away. This basically means that anytime I'm doing a follower-related quest that requires their presence (for instance For Auld Laun Saun), I end up having to constantly use console commands to move the character towards me. It can get pretty infuriating and tedious. Also, this means that followers are more or less useless in terms of actually being able to help me in the game should I so desire. I have tried all of the following... Changing load order to ensure that anything companion-related isn't overwritten by anything else. Completely uninstalling the "Willow" mod as I was curious as to whether her special snowflakiness was somehow causing problems. Verifying file integrity through Steam (yes, I re-cleaned the core files again). Dismissing every companion back to where they came from and then waiting 72 hours and then rehiring them.All of the above was to no avail. This happened sometime around the time I started Dead Money, although I can't be sure exactly when. I don't know whether or not it has anything to do with Dead Money or not. The rest of the game seems to function fine. No crashes or CTD (at least not more than anyone else would get normally. Very rare) I also, on a whim, started a new game with a new character and speed-ran through to Boone so I could hire him as a follower. This did not happen in this savegame, so I'm kind of assuming that it's something to do with my main save file specifically, though I can't imagine what it is, or what to do about it. Please help me out here, beyond everything else, it's really immersion-breaking, and I'm willing to try just about anything to fix it. Load order attached. I don't why it's listed in reverse, but there you go. Read from bottom to top. Thanks in advance. modlist.txt
  14. I'm sorry it took me so long to get back. We had internet problems this past week and just got them fixed. No, I didn't bring my Mojave companions to any of the DLC locations. The only reason I'm bringing up Dead Money was because it was when I started that DLC that the problem started. I was having problems with Catherine, DOG/GOD, and Dean Domino as companions. The only thing that I can possibly think of in regards to "bringing" Mojave companions to DLC locations is that I had Willow waiting in the bungalow in Novac. However, I was under the impression that Willow's mod was done in such a way that I could just leave her to "wait" anywhere and that I couldn't "dimiss" her to the Lucky 38. I've left her there for all the other DLC packs with no problems, so I don't see how it would affect me in Dead Money. In other words, even though she wasn'te physically present in the Sierra Madre resort, she was still listed as an active companion off to the side becasue I hadn't fired her (as doing so removes her from the game permanently).
  15. Oh, I already completed Dead Money. I managed to work my way through the problem with console commands. I'm still having the problem with my other followers (Arcade, Raul, Veronica) in the Mojave Wasteland. I can't access that fountain again because I can't access the DM casino again.
  16. Alright, so this first started when I was playing through the Dead Money DLC... Basically the title...any companion(s) I have are always following me at an extremely long distance away. I had to use console commands while playing Dead Money to "push" them to me so they could be positioned properly for various sequences in DM that require that. Now it's just annoying. They're so far away that they are combat-useless and it's really kind of immersion-breaking. I have absolutely no idea what's causing this. Load order attached. Thanks in advance. loadorderwhitewolf.txt
  17. Yeah, pretty much the title. Not getting the message when I draw my bow after I took the perk. My arrows still hit heavy, but I'm not actually sure if it's working or not as it's supposed to with the perk. Load order attached. loadorder.txt
  18. Yeah, I see what you mean about it being designed for an older binary. Author created a spectacular ENB, and I'm sure lots of folks are getting joy from it. Either way, I'm not going to fuss with it. I'd rather not downgrade now. The new ENB is cool-looking, albeit it a bit...colorful.
  19. I always keep my ENB's up to date, so version 0.263 for Fallout NV/Fallout 3.
  20. Just to give some quick ENB profile feedback for future consideration... I originally elected to use no weather mods at all because I found an ENB profile that I really liked and chose to run it because I thought it just looked ever-so-spectacular. However, that ENB (ENB of the Apocalypse [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18514/?]) has proven to have multiple graphical issues to include... See-through robotsHalf-invisible weaponsEntire wings/sections of the Museum of Technology have their walls rendered as white space and cannot be seenFlashlight/Pipboy light don't workDoes not work with weather mods in the slightestAny character with blonde, red, or dyed hair will have their hair glow in the dark, even in pitch black.Needless to say, I was so keen on getting that ENB for immersion that I ended up with something that was not only immersion-breaking, but was a bonafide ejector seat. I would definitely not suggest this ENB as one of the reccomended ones for C&PD when the times comes to put out a list of such. That all said, I found another ENB that I quite liked which is an offshot of the Midhrastic ENB called the Lone Wanderer. I went back after deactivating my first choice, installed all the weather mods, reran LOOT/bashed, adn then slapped this one in there, and it works very nicely indeed. Not my first choice, but still *very* pretty. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18881/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D18881&pUp=1
  21. Yep. Found it. Thankya.
  22. If anybody could give me a quick pointer. I just installed the complete guide, and everything seems to be going fine, but one of the mods (I'm guessing FWE) disabled all of my default HUD options, and maybe I'm dense, but I can't seem to figure out how to get them to reappear (both the needs icons and the default vanilla icons. I just have a crosshair). Could somebody point me in the right direction there? Thanks. :-)
  23. That was it. Glossed over that one somehow, probably just mod fatigue. Looks ready to go. Final round of loot, redid the bashed again for overkill purposes, everything looks fine,should be ready to go.
  24. OK, just finished the Clear and Present Danger guide. Did everything according to the instructions as best as I possibly could, then proceeded to create a Bashed patch. As soon as the Bashed Patch is created and activated in MO, I get a problem notification in MO for Missing Masters. The following .esp is said to be absent and needing installation/activation. I have no idea where it is, how to install it, and the game isn't going to lauch without it. If I deactivate the Bashed Patch, then the warning goes away, but obviously I kind of need the Bashed Patch. What can I do/what have I done wrong?
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