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  1. I am using MO. Here what I've tested. MO, no tes4edit = fine. MO, tes4edit NO UDR only ITM = fine MO, tes4edit = bad. No mo, tes4edit = bad. No mo, No tes4edit = fine. Only on Knights.esp being edited. gimme one sec, you sparked another test theory. ill open tes4edit without mo before editing it.... no that did nothing. It seems removing the UDR's in knights.esp is causing it to crash regardless. Edit: what is the injection warning on tes4edit when loading knights.esp?
  2. I get a CTD on exit of Oblivion after cleaning Knights.esp with TES4Edit, can anyone see if they have the same issue? Game seems to run alright, but closing Oblivion causes an windows error reported and a force exit. I went through each DLC/ESP and cleaned them and narrowed it down to Knights.esp causing the problem. Is it reproducable on anyone elses end?
  3. After just going through the whole process I have some feedback. In the Yuki Merge Mod Section you are missing info on Veronicas pistol and what to do with it (disable the mod in the left pane) I think you just left it out on accident. Also, more information on configuring WryeFlash would be useful such as, Configuring the back-date issue by re-assigning the dates on the mods. Configuring Wrye not to auto-sort your mods by right clicking in the category view and removing the date lock. Becuase going through 170+ mods and having wrye flash just mess everything up is really annoying. Also, my latest install (5 minutes ago), I had to disable and re-enable Electro-City before NV would run. (I also put one of the sort compatibility mods as active figuring it might be another issue.) All in all good work. I'll be back to harass some more when I find something else to moan about. Edit: In a new game, when on the race selection screen, the lobotomite character had purple facial textures. I went to FCOMaster.esm.and removed all the entries in FCOMaster.esm->Non-Player Character.Starting with 01 as well and it fixed the issue.
  4. I have been reading a couple issues about a conflict arrising in these three mods resulting in NPC's and vendors/merchants staying in doors. I have just run into this issue as well with a Step: extended install. I was curious if anyone else has had any issues running these three mods? Going through them with TES5Edit, I am no expert, it looks like Wet and Cold is asking vampires to go indoors in the rain, while Run for your lives is indicating the same to NPC's. Anyway, I don't really know enough about scripting/modding to go into TES5Edit with any confidence to point out errors. I am thinking about just going with a Core install for now, but figured I would bring the topic up. It looks like Isoku, the author of Wet and Cold has told a poster on the nexus he would look into it, and Arthmoor, the author of Run for Your lives is also aware of the issue. Edit: Resetting the mod through MCM and waiting 24 hours seems to have helped some of the merchants come back out.
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