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GrantSP's post in Mod Organizer support for Caliente's TexBlend was marked as the answer
The forum for Caliente's Texture Blender has a posting by a user called @notThePiper that provides the details needed to get this tool running in MO.
It is (at the time of this post) about half way down the 1st page.
It is basically just a reminder that after installing this package, I placed in its own folder in a dedicated folder I use for all my mod tools: C:\Games\Utils\TexBlend\ and then inside MO adding the executable: TexBlend.exe to the list of executables.
I just did a basic test of blending a texture and the result appears in the 'Overwrite' folder.
GrantSP's post in Installed MO2, MO 1 stopped loading mods for FNV was marked as the answer
The ONLY way MO2 will have any impact on your MO1 install is if you told MO2 to use the exact same profile(s) as used by MO1.
There are no other mechanisms in which either MO can "talk" with each other and possibly mess things up for the other. There are no registry settings or anything system wide that either tool uses that may have become mixed up.
All of the settings that determine what MO (1 or 2) does with your mods are just text files stored in the folders in your MO profiles folder.
GrantSP's post in What were the recommend settings for NVSR on Windows 10? was marked as the answer
Windows 10 completely broke some of the core functionality of NVSR. You must set the ini to these settings:
bHookCriticalSections=0 bHookLightCriticalSections=0 I've added a section in the guide to make mention of this fact.
GrantSP's post in What were the recommend settings for NVSR on Windows 10? was marked as the answer
Windows 10 completely broke some of the core functionality of NVSR. You must set the ini to these settings:
bHookCriticalSections=0 bHookLightCriticalSections=0 I've added a section in the guide to make mention of this fact.
GrantSP's post in MO cant work with LOOT and FNIS was marked as the answer
When posting long passages of text please use spoiler tags. Check the link below to the Citizenship guidelines for instructions how.
Now, as to your issue the log says this
INFO (16:01:02.0019): data path from registry differs from configured game path: D:\PROGRA~1\Skyrim\data If you have moved your game you will need to run it at least once from the desktop to re-establish these registry settings. Doing so should allow MO to "see" the game and your tools.
GrantSP's post in Mods will not show up in LOOT or SSEEdit. (Run through MO2) was marked as the answer
You're using MO 2.0.7. Update to the latest 2.1.1 release and see if the issue persists.
GrantSP's post in Is it FNIS or MO? was marked as the answer
Next time zip it into an archive or use PasteBin.
All that I can deduce from this is the Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS mod is where the new FNIS output stuff has gone.
Unrelated. You have a lot of unmanaged stuff which indicates mods installed outside of MO. Also a number of mods are named in such a way that requires MO to fudge their names. e.g. Shezrie's Hearthfire Kitchens and Greenhouses which is done to fix the use of apostrophes in your names. As I mentioned before try to avoid the use of extended ASCII in names.
Lastly what is: SKSE (Overwrite)?
None of this is important to finding where your FNIS output has gone, just observations in my part.
If you still have animation issues, remove FNIS completely and install a fresh copy and redo them.
GrantSP's post in Is it FNIS or MO? was marked as the answer
Next time zip it into an archive or use PasteBin.
All that I can deduce from this is the Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS mod is where the new FNIS output stuff has gone.
Unrelated. You have a lot of unmanaged stuff which indicates mods installed outside of MO. Also a number of mods are named in such a way that requires MO to fudge their names. e.g. Shezrie's Hearthfire Kitchens and Greenhouses which is done to fix the use of apostrophes in your names. As I mentioned before try to avoid the use of extended ASCII in names.
Lastly what is: SKSE (Overwrite)?
None of this is important to finding where your FNIS output has gone, just observations in my part.
If you still have animation issues, remove FNIS completely and install a fresh copy and redo them.
GrantSP's post in Two Separate Questions was marked as the answer
Okay, the error message is not an error in this case. LOOT provides that message to alert the user about an incompatibility with the original plugin but since we are using the hotfix, and it can't tell the difference due to the same name, you need only ignore it.
GrantSP's post in Two Separate Questions was marked as the answer
Okay, the error message is not an error in this case. LOOT provides that message to alert the user about an incompatibility with the original plugin but since we are using the hotfix, and it can't tell the difference due to the same name, you need only ignore it.
GrantSP's post in What comes first: SKSE or Update.esm etc.? was marked as the answer
To directly answer the question in your post's title:
It doesn't matter!
The 'mods' listed in MO's left pane are purely a MO thing, all that is being presented is the name of the supplying folder in MO's installation. Since there are no plugins, *.ESP or *.ESM files, that may conflict with Update.esm it makes no difference.
Of course with other mods it may make such a difference but the provided example, no, it doesn't.
GrantSP's post in Unchecked BSAs was marked as the answer
The only thing(s) that could cause that are to do with the file: archives.txt in whichever profile you have active. That file lists all the BSAs and their status. If another process is operating on that file any changes you make inside MO's UI may not take or the permissions on that file are set so the specific MO instance can't write to it. This last one is why I always advise against users running MO as admin at any time, as if that file was created during that process it may still need admin rights to edit it later on and MO may not always be started as such.
Try copying that profie using MO's 'Profile manager' and make any changes to BSAs as needed and see if that profile too gets reset after a system restart.
GrantSP's post in Unchecked BSAs was marked as the answer
The only thing(s) that could cause that are to do with the file: archives.txt in whichever profile you have active. That file lists all the BSAs and their status. If another process is operating on that file any changes you make inside MO's UI may not take or the permissions on that file are set so the specific MO instance can't write to it. This last one is why I always advise against users running MO as admin at any time, as if that file was created during that process it may still need admin rights to edit it later on and MO may not always be started as such.
Try copying that profie using MO's 'Profile manager' and make any changes to BSAs as needed and see if that profile too gets reset after a system restart.
GrantSP's post in CTD on Fallout New Vegas main menu (Fear and loathing) was marked as the answer
Actually looking at the latest LOOT reports it says this about Vault 22:
Clearly the guide needs an update. I'll make those changes now. That message is for Vault 22, as I mentioned earlier I use the non-plugin version of Wasteland Flora. You might want to run LOOT and see what messages it has about that one, it too may need an change to the guide.
GrantSP's post in CTD on Fallout New Vegas main menu (Fear and loathing) was marked as the answer
Actually looking at the latest LOOT reports it says this about Vault 22:
Clearly the guide needs an update. I'll make those changes now. That message is for Vault 22, as I mentioned earlier I use the non-plugin version of Wasteland Flora. You might want to run LOOT and see what messages it has about that one, it too may need an change to the guide.
GrantSP's post in Mods not installing for New Vegas in MO 2 was marked as the answer
Don't use MO2 for FNV. Just install MO 1.3.11 and use that instead, it's much more stable and you will have less trouble with it.
GrantSP's post in FOSE crashes loading through MO (Fallout 3) was marked as the answer
You are modding SSE, which means you used MO2. If you are still using MO2 for FO3 I suggest switching to MO 1.3.11
GrantSP's post in FOSE crashes loading through MO (Fallout 3) was marked as the answer
You are modding SSE, which means you used MO2. If you are still using MO2 for FO3 I suggest switching to MO 1.3.11
GrantSP's post in MO2 complains about plugins not loaded was marked as the answer
Looking over your post again and I believe it is because you've installed MO2 over the top of your MO installation haven't you? Those plugins are for MO, MO2 uses differently named files for the same processes.
You can have both MO and MO2 installed on the same machine and use them for different games, this is how I have it at the moment. Simply wipe your MO/MO2 install and reinstall either MO2 alone or both MO/MO2.
I use a simple folder structure on one of my drives like this:
D:\Games\ModOrganizer\<name of game>\ (where <name of game> is either Fallout3, FalloutNV, Oblivion or Skyrim. A different install for each game.)
D:\Games\ModOrganizer2\ (Same thing here for SSE and Nehrim, Fallout4 doesn't grab me.)
GrantSP's post in Mod Organizer -- "Search nexus network for more mods" button doesn't work was marked as the answer
What happens if you set Edge as your default browser temporarily and then revert to Firefox later?
Just thinking about how Windows sets default handling for webpages because that's all MO is doing here, using whatever Windows is telling it to use. There is no specific MO code to handle webpages except for the minuscule code snippets used to render Nexus pages in the "Information" dialogue.
GrantSP's post in Mod Organizer -- "Search nexus network for more mods" button doesn't work was marked as the answer
What happens if you set Edge as your default browser temporarily and then revert to Firefox later?
Just thinking about how Windows sets default handling for webpages because that's all MO is doing here, using whatever Windows is telling it to use. There is no specific MO code to handle webpages except for the minuscule code snippets used to render Nexus pages in the "Information" dialogue.
GrantSP's post in 502 Bad Gateway was marked as the answer
Major backend rework is in the wind for sometime soon. Also the entire structure is going to have a site re-structure to try and compensate for these sort of things.
Sadly all we can do for now is grin and bear it.
GrantSP's post in Mod Organizer seems to have a "limit" to how many mods I can have was marked as the answer
Just to clarify, you are talking about the number of mods, ie. those installed and shown in the left pane or are you referring to the number of plugins, ie those in the right pane?
There is no limit to the number of mods you can have but Skyrim has a limit of the number of plugins that can be used, you have hit that limit now.