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Everything posted by supra93

  1. EDIT: Umm.. I think it's been rather a long day and I just realized that there isn't really a conflict here. Could someone please just mark this as closed or delete the thread? Sorry about this. Hello, I hope that I'm posting this in the right section, if not someone please kindly move this thread. Before I begin, I've looked up the definition of Packages on the CK website, and I've also taken a look at the PACK record for Tes5Edit on the UESP Wiki. To my understanding, packages are what determine the behavior of the NPC. I've also taken a look at this thread regarding the importance of the order of PKIDs. Moving onto the question, I'm trying to understand this patch regarding Requiem 1.8.2 and BOYD. The patch in question that I'm looking at can be found here. The record I'm looking at is the very first one (FormID: 0001336D) for the NPC Dirge. Looking through the defined Packages, I see that the patch author omitted a PKID from Requiem in favor of the USKP. I'm not too confident with making a decision of whether or not I should override that value with my own patch to favor the PKID from Requiem, or rather to combine it with the USKP. Could someone kindly explain to me in general terms if what I'm about to list below makes any sense? If I were to leave things the way they are, would this result in the actor not behaving the way intended by Requiem? If I were to create my own override and overwrite the PKID of the USKP in favor of Requiem, then should the NPC behave the way intended by Requiem? If this is true, would point 3 be optimal? If I were to create my own override and merge the PKID from both Requiem and the patch, would the general logic of adding the Requiem PKID after be advised in favor of the USKP, whereas with another mod I would prioritize Requiem?I really hope I'm making sense and that what I've understood so far is right. Here's a screenshot of specifically what I'm looking at for those that do not want to download both mods. Thanks for the help!
  2. Thanks for the help. Slowly getting a hang of all these things.
  3. I'm having some trouble with MO and sorting my plugins on the right pane and I'm really not sure what to do anymore. The problem is that I'm unable to change the plugin priority of SleepingDangers-SandsofTime.esp. I'm able to move this mod anywhere within the unofficial dragonborn patch and the unofficial skyrim patch, however, I cannot move this mod past HRDLC1 or any lower than it already is. Could someone please explain to me why this is happening? TL;DR: Can't move bold and italicized plugins past non bold/italicized plugins. Here's a picture outlining my issue: https://puu.sh/g56vN/5b494eb41f.png
  4. Been quite a while since I've last posted here or played Skyrim. I absolutely love Requiem and can't play Skyrim without it, however as 1.8 has been released and with the absence of Azirok, I've been trying to get some of the mods that I need for my play through to work with Requiem and I'm having some trouble understanding the way things are affected by Requiem. For instance, I'm trying to understand how Requiem affects Sands of Time, more specifically Draugr's. Here's some pictures for reference. https://puu.sh/g4AGM/5089ef75ad.jpg https://puu.sh/g4AM6/89a8ea8a34.png https://puu.sh/g4B0s/0aadcab5a1.png https://puu.sh/g4B6Y/981fab54ad.pngThe first picture is a screenshot of me summoning a draugr from the console. I'm using mfg console to show me stats as well as which mod this draugr belongs to. What's confusing me is the skills this draugr possess. Looking at picture 2, you can see that the skill levels differ from what's shown in game. I couldn't find a reference to these stats in Tes5Edit or how exactly Requiem is changing them. It was only through picture 3 that I was able to see how this draugr had illusion at level 40, but for the rest, they're completely off from the values I'm seeing in game and in Tes5Edit. Picture 4 shows the skill levels that I was expecting to see in game. Is there something that I'm missing completely here? I thought that the template (picture 4), would determine the skill levels this draugr has. Once I stumbled across the reference to the draugr race (picture 3), I believed that Requiem would have an influence on the stats of this draugr specifically due to the way the patcher for Requiem works as well as this guide to adjusting races as explained by ogerboss himself. Could someone with more experience please explain all of this to me? I still think of myself as a novice when it comes to working with Tes5Edit and creating conflict patches, but I am also very curious and motivated to learn all of these things to make my game more stable and enjoyable. Thanks for any help! EDIT: I forgot to mention, I'm not even sure if this is the right place to post this, however, I wasn't quite sure where else to ask for help regarding Requiem and I thought this post might be beneficial to others in this thread in terms of helping with creating conflict patches and understanding the interactions of Requiem with other mods. Sorry if this is in the wrong place. Please advise me and I will move/remove this post from this thread if needed.
  5. Couldn't this just mean that the game was poorly optimized?Just my 2c.
  6. Click on the news link at the bottom of that page, then you should see downloads on the sidebar and at the top of the page. Once at the downloads section, scroll to the bottom for links to specific games.
  7. From what I've understood myself, you are to place your bashed patch at the bottom of your LO, with the exception of skyproc patchers (Dual Sheath Redux, ASIS, etc.). Either way, you create your bashed patch first then run SUM. LOOT should sort this out properly anyway. You could verify this by highlighting the plugin and looking at the priority given to it. You'll see that the bashed patch plugin has a priority to place it at the bottom, and any plugins generated through SUM have a priority to place them below the bashed patch. Hope this clarifies things.
  8. If I'm not mistaken, Dual Sheath Redux should be placed below your bashed patch.
  9. There are a few things you could do. Install the same mod again using the 2k texture and replace the previous install, Make a copy of your current profile and install the 2k texture but append "2k" to the end of the name of the mod to differentiate between the 1k and 2k installI'd advise the 2nd one just in case you run into any problems, you could easily identify what you've changed, however, doing this would take more space as your basically installing the same mod twice with a higher texture resolution.
  10. Not sure if this is relevant, however, have you checked the speedmult of the dragon? I'm not sure if it applies to them but that's where I would start if you've already overlooked your load order.
  11. If you launch your skyrim launcher through MO, can you view the plugins list it is it grayed out? If it's grayed out, check your INI settings to make sure that file selection is enabled. I remember from before when I didn't have that enabled in my INI settings, if I were to launch the launcher through MO, then exit it back into MO, all my plugins would become deactivated.
  12. Unfortunately, my phone broke so I can't test/verify with it anymore. However, with my tablet running 4.4.4 and the same version of TT, the search functionality seems to be working now on its own. Odd indeed as it was not working before and nothing has changed on my tablet. Either way, you could close this thread if you please. I'm no longer experiencing the issue. Thanks!
  13. Makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.
  14. Thanks. I've looked at this record before actually. I'm not really sure if this is the conflict, though as the only thing ELFX is doing is setting the candle to initially disabled. Not sure what else could be causing the light source to turn on and off with a specific view angle. It's nothing too important anyhow. Just wanted to take a closer look.
  15. Do you mind telling me which records specifically if you don't mind. I'm trying to learn as much as I can with tes5edit and cells were one of the things I wasn't really sure about on how to approach. Just the form ID would be enough to help me find the conflict to examine. Thanks, and great job with SR;LE! ðŸ»
  16. I'm actually experience the same thing with the lighting on the statue without using an ENB. I am however using LOOT. I wasn't really sure what to be looking for in tes5edit in terms of a conflict. I assume I should be looking for a conflict with the cell, but not sure which block exactly. If anyone knows the form ID I'd be glad to take a look.
  17. I'm currently using version 4.8.3 on 4.4.1 Android. At first I thought it was maybe my data connection, but I tested it on WiFi and it was still the same thing. I wouldn't get any results returned. It just shows that it's "searching". EDIT: same thing on my tablet. Here's some pictures and additional info:
  18. Hi, not sure if this is the right place to post this, so forgive me if it's not and please move it to the right section.I've noticed that using the search feature provided by the Tapatalk app just runs an infinite search with no results.Using the mobile site or the full site, there are no issues so I'm not sure if this relates to the API or the site itself.Could someone test this to see if it's working as intended?Thanks
  19. Glad I could help. :)
  20. Did you try this? My game wasn't allocating more than 256 until I added that argument to MO.
  21. For anyone interested in viewing the conflict patches I've made regarding the conflicts I found when sorting my mods with LOOT, I've uploaded them to my personal google drive account. If anyone would like to use these conflict patches or modify them, feel free to do so. Any advice would also be helpful in terms of something I've done wrong or what I could improve on. If I'm going against the terms of use by linking to my google drive, and hosting these files, then please remove the link and notify me that I've done something wrong. Here's the link for anyone interested.
  22. Honestly my best advice would be to just make a conflict patch and use trial and error to test if you've achieved the wanted results. I'm a novice with making conflict patches but just going head first into it and trying something out is the best way to learn. Checkout the SR pack conflict sub guide and watch the video. Take basic steps from there to change a single record then save the plugin and load the game. If you modified a record for an item for instance, add the item to your inventory and check that it has the correct values according to what it should be for requiem using the console.
  23. Yes. That's what I've also noticed myself and had to add them to my own conflict patch.
  24. The thing is, as I believe I've stated before. Azirok uses his own LO which he posted on his page. He loads Requiem after WAF so there technically wouldn't be these conflicts as Requiem would be the conflict winner. I don't think he uses LOOT, but I guess I could bring it to his attention for the people that do. Doesn't seem like anyone that uses his patch from that page do though..
  25. I just realized I should have been a lot more clear to everyone with the link I posted. The last plugin in the image is the conflict patch I created myself. If you look at the LO on the left, you'll see Azirok's WAF patch loaded before my conflict patch. I was trying to show that his patch wasn't modifying those specific records which I added to my custom patch.
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