So hey guys, this is my first post woop wool.
I am having some problems and need some questions answered. First of all is .BSA one archive type? Is that why I can use the software more then one time? Is it like a folder just adding data every time? If so does MO extract all the textures from this archive in to some temp data map?
Now my biggest question is this correct?
No/mods/modname Opt/.bsa ?
So I take the entire folder and in the and I get 1 new file right?
In de MO left panel I get.
Mod opt
The opt mod only contains 1 .bsa file right? And how so I name this mod? Just anything? And files like dragon born.BSA do I need to give it the same name or any thing is fine? BTW I can't run the software on the DG Dlc. Is there any fix for this?
Thanks for your time,