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  1. A couple folks are testing it as it moves along. Neo isn't updating that percentage daily, so it's not 100% accurate. That being said, it has been a ton of work on his end; as he is literally going through every mod and doing full texture comparisons, optimizations, etc. I can't speak for when it will be done, but it is being worked on every day and it's getting close to the end of the mod list for the first pass by Neo.
  2. Yeah, can't express how important it is to just, for lack of a better word...ignore SR:LE right now and its progress. Until Neo has done a 2nd/3rd pass and it gets out of internal testing and opened to the group like we did for the pre-release thread, it's a giant work in progress and nowhere near fit for trying the install. For those that want to play or learn, do the SR install...you'll be that better educated on steps when SR:LE releases and you can move quicker through it. Until then...honestly, just enjoy playing Skyrim with however you have it setup. Take a few weeks to enjoy not having to replace mods or tweak stuff...absorb the game because once SR:LE comes out, it's going to be starting all over again. Personally I'm taking the opportunity to finally get a complete playthrough in and explore as much as I can before starting anew with SR:LE. Suffice to say, progress is moving along at a great pace and Neo's got some awesome stuff in store for you all in the next release. It's exciting seeing it come together so stay tuned, and enjoy Skyrim!
  3. Bisaster, try just the base install with optimized DLCs and report back. Also, please refrain from using derogatory terms here.
  4. Resolved: Reboot took care of the error...noticed some errant MO threads running. Had rebooted prior but whatever, it's fixed~
  5. Was gone for a couple weeks and came back today to get updates via Mod Organizer and a new error popped up that I haven't seen before. When using the "Download with Manager" option on the Nexus, MO tries to download and I get the following: Thoughts? Can't find much out on the net either for this particular one.
  6. Phazer11 offered up comparison testing as well, let's take advantage if our other 2 formal testers didn't bite. :)
  7. Z, is there a tester available for the comparison? Want to make sure that these posts are being caught and properly assigned. Might need to ressurect the MT discussion we had in admin about coordinating elements like this directly with the formal testing team.
  8. Do we have a tester available to take this on?
  9. I would be all over this, WI...I simply love the idea of how the PC could go about becoming more adept at diagnosing themselves as they truly improve their own innate skill in herbalism, alchemy, medicine, etc. Regardless I still find this mod invaluable as Beth did a less than great job of giving us any useful information about diseases as it is. I do not feel the base mod breaks my immersion at all, but I do fully support the concept of making the "immersion" of this mods use more robust.
  10. Step Pack - Utilities or Interface, I'll go with whichever we choose as you all have valid points to both categories being accurate.
  11. I'm of the mindset that we just keep this mod, and let USP overwrite.
  12. To be honest, I guess I've been lucky in that I haven't ever had to deal with a real corpse problem blocking my path or progress - so I really haven't had need of the mod thus far. That being said, I do like Kel's idea of a way to bash/destroy a corpse. That seems ultimately more realistic than the dispersion spell.
  13. MO hasn't had any significant features added to it for quite some time, as phazer11 mentioned it's bugfixes and improvments. MO still remains the best mod manager out there in my opinion, they've got the features down just right - no need for extra stuff at this point. It does it's job!
  14. I'm using Windows 8 on my desktops and 7 on my laptops. Honestly Win8 is really nice and super fast. I've yet to have a single driver issue on five machines. Also Windows 8.1 releases in a month and with it brings back the start button and boot to desktop option. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. So I've noticed recently that my follower's no longer heal themselves or regenerate health. Did Extensible Follower Framework introduce changes to them in regards to how they heal or is this one I'm using just potentially bugged? First time I've ever seen this happen.
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