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Everything posted by Ethan

  1. Excuse my ignorance, but what is LLA? Edit: oops, you said LAA. Based on a google search its Large Address Aware. Anyhow, thanks for the response
  2. I tried this guide about a year ago and my game was crazy unstable. I think the issue was GFWL and the various other Steam version bugs. Today I picked up the GOG version of Fallout 3 (which is DRM free) and wanna try to follow this guide again and actually complete it. Wondering if there are any dependencies for the guide that require me to use Steam? I know I will not need GFWL remover and the steam launcher, but is their anything else I will need to keep in mind?
  3. I start FOSE from mod Organizer after I use the launcher in steam. Whats happening is that FOSE executes the modified launcher.
  4. I may have done something wrong when I installed. When I open the game from steam, MO automatically opens(I have --start mo in my launch parameters). I then proceed to start the game with FOSE in MOD organizer by pressing 2 when the launcher executes again, Is that suppose to happen? Cause the mods don't work.
  5. yup thats the mod! I just placed it in the fallout goty folder like the instructions said. When I try to run the launcher as an executable this error message pops up:
  6. Alright, I appreciate the effort anyway. I guess this has something to do with steam and the launcher, but what do I know. Its just odd when I look at the FalloutLauncher.log it says: =================START================= 8/13/2015 1:53:31 AM Steam FalloutLauncher (1.2) FOSE path: "fose_loader.exe" Fallout 3 Launcher path: "FalloutLauncher_ORG.exe" Mod Organizer path: "Mod Organizer\ModOrganizer.exe" I'm using the modified Fallout 3 launcher. Its like it still treats the orginal launcher file as the one executing even though I renamed it. Thats my last best guess. Cheers!
  7. Unfortunately It seems like I have same problem as the guy in this thread: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/7693-fallout-3-goty-application-load-error-50000065434-when-launching-fose-from-within-mo/page-3 When I revert back to the original launcher I get the same error as that guy. When I use the modified launcher the game loads, but the mods don't work. So wierd. I am willing to take suggestions if you have any. I even tried installing the FOSE version thats not in beta, but no luck there. I may have to wait this one out or try TTW
  8. After taking a break from modding I decided to come back by replaying fallout 3 in anticipation for F4. I started on this guide and have worked up UIO section(I skipped the Core fixes like the guide suggested). Anyway my problem is that when I launch the game none of my mods work. Atleast none of the mods installed using MO do. Things like the windows live disabler and ENBoost work, but their not in the MO directory. My MO is installed in my fallout directory. I think I have found what the error is, but don't know how to fix it. I'm posting my MO logs as I believe that shows the error. It says at the bottom that it can't support 64 bit systems. Anyway, I hope this is a really easy fix;. Let me know if I need to provide any other kind of files and I'll quickly do so. ModOrganizer_15_08_13_01_24_1.log.txt
  9. Everything is working great, except for one thing. As you can see the Tree textures look terrible, and are 2d. Also the LODs look bad also. At first I thought it was SFO, but I uninstalled it and that didn't seem to work. Can anyone help? :/
  10. Storm of Swords was my favorite. A Dance with Dragons was a little to slow paced even though there were some great parts.
  11. Just wanted to let you know I appreciate this guide. My game is fully modded and hasn't crashed once. Do you plan on incorporating A World Of Pain, or any other type of expansion to the guide?
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