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Everything posted by nameerf

  1. First of all, thanks for the answer. In fact, I'm watching Gopher's let's play but sometimes I don't watch the whole episode and also I've watched a few episodes so far, 14-15, and he may not have pointed it out yet. Fortunately, this issue hasn't occur any more times from the last time I've run into it. I just visited rivet city and pretty much spoke with everyone and all went OK. Finally, to clarify, I use only the bloom, adaptation and sun rays/glare from the ENB and combine it with the DOF from Dynavision. My PC can't handle more but I'll be doing an upgrade sometime in the near future. Anyway, thanks again for the detailed response.
  2. OK, I have this weird problem, when I enter a building and the NPCs inside are invisible. So far, this has happened 2, 3 times with Doc Church and Moira and her mercenary in Megaton. The problem is fixed only if I quit the game completely (not to the main menu) and restart/reload. I use 3-4 extra mods (e.g Gopher's Dynavision) as well as Lone Wanderer's ENB. Does anyone know why this happens? And if so, is there a solution to it? Thanks in advance.
  3. I have another mod suggestion to make. With the Megaton Lighting Overhaul there is a glitch with the ground turning dark/black whenever the player moves and looks at different angles. For me this was very noticeable and immersion breaking and fortunately there is an alternative mod here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21363/?. Read the description at its nexus page for more. It also comes in various versions too. I think that it would be nice to be included in the guide as an alternative lighting mod.
  4. OK, I did some more digging and found out that the workaround that I propose isn't going to work. As it turns out, in the esp plugin you "link" the mesh (.nif) file which itself contains the paths for all the corresponding textures that are applied in the mesh (I checked a nif file with nifscope). I also found that the "problematic" textures, namely "upperbodymale*.dds", of the male body mods are quite different (in format) from the vanilla ones (open and compare them to see what I mean) and for this reason there is no possible combination that works, e.g. use the mesh from the male body mod and the vanilla textures (I tested it). With my little knowledge I conclude, that the only way to fix this kind of problem and maybe the one with the females is by editing the .nif file itself (although I might be wrong). But this requires someone with more knowledge than me, a mod author probably.
  5. No, I haven't installed the 'RH_Ironsights - EVE Bridge.esp" plugin. As for the Blackened patch I've installed the "Blackened RH + FWE + EVE.esp" one (also using EVE) and the latest version (1.1) of the RH_Ironsights.esm from Paradox Ignition. Open RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm in xEdit and check the Container and Worldspace formIDs. The latter one has a placed object with name aaaPLNewItems "Point Lookout - New Items". IIRC from the search that I did, there are two such "cheat/test containers" in that spot. One is that to which I am referring and the other is the EVE one you are referring to but I haven't had this in my game.
  6. I found a workaround for the male problem (males in rags). Hiding this mesh "\meshes\armor\wastelandsettler03\outfit.nif" and all the textures in "textures\characters\male\" (temporarily, I'll explain later) of the male body mod being used, produces the result being shown in the attached images (currently I use breeze's mod and I haven't tested robert's but I suppose it will work in a similar way). Now, 2 things: First, I know that the result still isn't perfect, that's why I call it a workaround and not a solution. And second and most important, hiding the textures in "textures\characters\male\" will make the male body mod not use any of its textures which will make the PC body ugly and produce some other problems as well. So, for the workaround to work as intended I thought the following solution. Make an esp file with the particular mesh (its Editor ID is OutfitWasteland03) and add a record in the esp to use the vanilla textures. However, I don't know how to make the esp use the vanilla textures. In what record/field I add the texture path location? I'm not an experienced modder (yet ) and still learning new stuff, so a little help would be welcome. Edit: I just realized that the textures in "textures\characters\male\" from the male body mods replace the vanilla ones, so the correct way to do this is to copy and rename the vanilla textures to something else and then use them instead.
  7. For the users who play the vault start (and not using the alternate one) I found one thing that is somewhat immersion breaking after the player exits the vault. In the gas station at springvale there is "cheat chest" with powerful weapons, added by the RH_Ironsights mod (for testing purposes I suppose). So, for those who don't want/use this, they can easily remove it by deleting the worldspace record in the RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm plugin. It would be helpful if there was a note/suggestion in the guide.
  8. Hiding this mesh "\Meshes\Armor\WastelandClothing06\outfit.nif" like it was suggested didn't solve the problem for me. I also tried to hide/unhide some of the other meshes in "Armor\WastelandClothing*" which also didn't solve the problem. Same here. About the problem with male NPCs like Confessor Cromwell, I think it's caused by the '\Meshes\Armor\wastelandsettler03\outfit.nif' which comes with the armor fixes in both body mods. @mcshame Apart from the different color in females do you also have the problem with the males like Confessor Cromwell?
  9. Like mcshame said (where from his picture appears he is having the same problem), in the first picture is Nova and in the second one is Confessor Cromwell, both in Megaton. I could give many more examples but you get the point. There are some other NPCs (e.g. Moira, Jenny Stahl), where in vanilla they wear a t-shirt under their overalls but in the guide there is no t-shirt (their skin is being shown instead). Yeah, I get that but firstly in some other NPCs (some random ones, punks etc.) the difference is way more noticeable and secondly I think that the guide must provide a more integrated solution/package between all the face/body/clothing mods. Anyway, it would be nice if someone has the time and/or the knowledge to find a solution and share it with us. I stick to my opinion that the problems aren't plugin related but texture/mesh related.
  10. OK, I have tried many things but I cannot find a solution for all the texture related problems I have. To be more specific I have 3 kind of problems which I think aren't connected: The black rectangles on some NPC's bodies and clothes, which is the only one that I've managed to fix, by using the "Breezes" body mod (I haven't installed it correctly the first time).The different tone color between the neck/face and body.The weird body texture with some male outfits.I use Lone Wanderer's ENB, but the problems remain with or without it. However, I managed to narrow down the problems and I think there are not plugin related. For example I checked Nova in xEdit and the relevant records are replaced only by Project Beauty. I did the same for Confessor Cromwell etc. I think the different tone color, is caused by the "Type3 Armor Replacers" mod and/or other clothing mods which replace texture/meshes but I don't know which exactly. The weird body texture problem, I think is caused by the Armor Fixes that both male body mods install but I also don't know which is the exact file (texture/mesh) that is causing the problem. I would appreciate if anyone know how to fix any of the above problems or can point me to the right direction. Edit: deleted the attached images in order to free space for new ones in a later post
  11. I have yet another question for the GTWB script. I know this isn't the most appropriate thread but I don't want to start a new one. Anyway, if the script has a false positive, for example it detects the Sound tag for UFO3 patch but when I check the pointed FormID/record, there isn't any sound changes there BUT there are sound changes elsewhere, we leave the tag, right? I mean, there must be at least one change so a tag can be suggested right, or is something else I'm missing?
  12. I haven't noticed this.. I hope there will be a solution to this, because it's indeed an interesting mod that fits the guide nicely.
  13. Good job mcshame, for clearing the super duper mart. Sorry for dog meat.. I have a mod suggestion to make. Now, I know there is a mod section for suggestions but this is just a small (in what it does, not in size) immersion mod and I don't feel like it deserves a new thread. However feel free to move it, if it must be in a new thread. Anyway, the mod is this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/22020/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D22020%26preview%3D&pUp=1 and simply adds animations for the enhanced camera (for those who play in 1st person view). It's still incomplete but the author says will try and complete it by the end of the month. I think it would make a nice addition to the guide when it's done. All the mods which requires are already in the guide except for "Player Animations - Food and Drink". As for compatibility, it seems to be compatible with FO3 Re-animated but I don't know about weapons, I haven't tested it.
  14. I made the mistake, to go there early! If only I knew.. I thought I was playing Dark Souls Totally different experience than vanilla.. Actually I had install the whole guide in the past but I didn't had the time to actually play it, due to RL issues. Although I like doing stuff like that, for the learning factor alone. Now I have more time to spare, so I'm actually playing it and it's lots of fun. I just have to adjust to the increased difficulty..All in all the game looks (except the minor body/neck texture problem..) and plays great!
  15. OK Kelmych, thanks for the detailed response. Two last questions about the GTWB script. 1. As it seems, the script is very solid. So if it's being used with caution (check the proposed tags etc.) ιs it recommended/OK to run it on all plugins in the guide? 2. Is there any other example/category in the guide, similar to the Project Beauty one, where a mod makes some changes and has the proper tags while there are other mods which change the same things with the previous mod and must not have the same tags because will override the changes from the desired mod? (I hope you understand what I mean)
  16. What I meant with this "I run the script in many plugins (one at a time)..." is that I tested multiple plugins thoroughly, in the way the author describes but not all of them (I didn't have that much time). Although I run the script loading only one plugin at a time.. However, I did this, selecting only one plugin each time.. I would not call myself an experienced modder yet but I'm no novice either.. Sorry if my English isn't very good, it's not my native language.. OK then, I thought I have done something wrong myself. Any thoughts for the other things in the rest of my post? Edit: tried to improve my poor English
  17. I decided to give the Generate Tags for Wrye Bash script a try. So firstly I did what the author suggests here https://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1517172-xedit-generate-bash-tags-for-fo3-fnv-tes4-and-tes5/ and also checked what each tag means from Wrye Bash/Flash doc. I run the script in many plugins (one at a time) and checked the results carefully and so far it seems that the script detects and applies the correct tags. Although I notice some things like: It detects tags for the Broken Steel esm. Additionally it detects the Names tag for the Point Lookout esm but it doesn't detect it for the other DLCs, in contrary with what you are saying (@Kelmych). I also run it twice to be sure.YearlingBooks.esp has only "Dialog Topic" records, no "Script" record at all but LOOT suggests the Scripts tag while the GTWB script doesn't detect (correctly I assume) the Scripts tag. What should we do in this case?Another example is with the HeirApparent.esp that has the "Scripts" tag from LOOT but only adds new scripts and doesn't modify any existing ones, and the GTWB removes (correctly I assume again) the Scripts tag. Is this OK?For the Blackened patch it detects many tags (20+), something that seems normal to me as the Blackened plugin combines records from multiple plugins. Although, is it safe to leave the added tags for the patch plugins like this and the TWPC ones?Finally I have some questions: Should we run the GTWB script for plugins with the NoMerge tag (currently only the schematics esp has it), since these plugins aren't included in the Bashed patch. Does anyone knows what the "Deflst" tag means, I guess something like Default lists but most probably I am wrong.. I also think that this particular tag isn't handled by the script. @Kelmych When you say to not let other than Fallout 3 Redesigned plugins, add tags that include the word Body, do you mean all 4 tags: Body-M/F and Body-Size-M/F ? Because currently the first two tags (Body-M/F) are added only in FO3R. The Body-Size-M is added in the MMM mod as well as in the combined Blackened plugin. Should I remove them? Thanks in advance
  18. Yeah, I know this, I've double checked the bash tags. The problem that I said I had in this thread, wasn't about the textures but mainly the weird join between neck and body, as well as the black rectangles which appear in some NPCs clothes (e.g. Moriarty). I managed to solve most of the problems but I still have some minor issues with different skin tone color of face and body in some NPCs and with some outfits where the body textures look weird. Anyway I'll post my findings in a few days because I am currently busy. Also to answer one of my own questions (in the previous page), I checked the esps of Dynamic Weather and they all depend only in the esm plugin and not in Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp. So I guess there isn't any reason to place them after the main esp plugin. Although, I want to ask this: if for tidiness sake I want to do this (place them after the main esp), will there be any problems (since they don't seem to have conflicts)? Finally edit this line: "In addition to those, there are a few mods (Project Beauty - Point Lookout.esp and, if MMM is used, Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp) that appear purple", in the bashed patch section now that those plugins doesn't exist. The only plugin with the nomerge tag IIRC is the schematics one. I will have done this my self but I'm pretty busy.
  19. I'm trying to solve the face, body, cloths meshes/textures problem which occurs around the neck of the NPCs and doing some tests, so I'm examining more carefully the involved mods. I'll post my findings soon, it might help someone. Anyway doing this, I noticed yet another thing in Fallout 3 Redesigned mod. It comes with a merged esm plugin for the main file and the two dlcs. Is there a reason for not using it?
  20. Something else I noticed in the guide which isn't very clear. In the instructions for the Fallout 3 Redesigned mod in the second line says: However, when installing the mod, this particular plugin is already in the optional esps by default. Does the Blackened patch later "contain" this plugin? If no, then it should be moved to the available esps if MMM is also installed and the instructions must be updated to the opposite of the current ones like this: "If MMM is being used double click the mod and in the left pane of MO, select Optional ESPs, and move Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp into Available ESPs."
  21. @Kelmych I'm already in the process of narrowing down the problem, because I want to fix it if possible. I tried Breeze's mod but it was worse, the bodies were ugly. I haven't tried any of the other female body mods yet but I will. I'll report back if I find anything.
  22. I have the exact same problem (as in screenshot) with my character and most of the NPCs. Many of the NPCs also have the weird black rectangles in the junction between their necks and clothes, as pointed out in the guide. It's not that it's a game breaking issue but it's definitely an immersion breaking one...
  23. Edit: just noticed that you misinterpreted the following part: - In Home brewed sound pack: the "sound\fx\fst\conc_solid\landsneak" must be changed to "sound\fx\fst\conc_solid\sneak", I forgot to edit it. I fixed this, but it is somewhat moot since this folder is later hidden. The default folder name is correct, in the instructions below where it says to hide the following folders is incorrect, it says "landsneak" instead of "sneak". Anyway I edited it in the guide. Edit2: typos
  24. Hi everyone! I decided to do another playthrough of FO3 and the last days, I've been reinstalling all the mods in the guide. Since this process takes a lot of time and also I'm kind of a perfectionist, I'd like to take notes for things like "bugs", typos, missing things etc. in the guide, in order to be able to point them out later. However IIRC, the plain user can edit a guide for such trivial things so I decided to do this and save some time for the actual guide authors to deal with more important things like mods, installation instructions etc. So I made the following edits: - In ENB series: - I added one alternative way to determine the VRAM for the VideoMemorySizeMb field - I also added the AutodetectVideoMemorySize field, because in the latest FO3/NV ENB version is there and has a default value of true which must be changed to false in order to set the VRAM manually. - I organized the code below a little and also added this link https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa243025%28v=vs.60%29.aspx for users who want to change key bindings to other keys if they feel so. I hope that this is OK. - In the rest of the guide I added the missing installation "note" (Get the main file and install with MO.) in many mods. I know that for most of the mods that have only one main file this is implied but firstly there are multiple mods that have other versions too (older ones, optional files) which may confuse some users and secondly I think it's better having all mods follow a standard format. I also fixed some typos, misplaced code brackets etc. here and there. And sorry for the multiple submits (I thought I could delete one by undoing..). Now for some more serious feedback - In Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision mod, since the guide now recommends the use of the new "Merge Plugins" mod, the instructions here must be updated. In the description there is a link for the older "Merge Plugins xEdit Script" which as it appears has been removed. - In Dynamic Weather mod, the author suggests that the lod order of the plugins is as follows (open spoiler) but in the current state of the guide the plugins like rain, sandstorms etc. have a lower priority number from the main Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp in MO. Is this OK? [spoiler=Plugins load order]Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm ... all other esm's ... Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm ... other mods/esp's ... other Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esp's ... Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Night Eye Edition Merged (NEE+OA+Rain).esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms + Armor Damage (FOSE).esp Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine ().esp [merged patch, etc...] - In Zealotlee Adaptive Combat Rifle Script Bugfix mod, the ZL-ACR plugin has 7 ITM records, do we clean it? - Ambient Wasteland 2 and Sounds From The Wasteland (aka eerie ambient) mods contain multiple copies of the same file, is that intentional or we can delete the extra copies? Edit: as it seems from this thread https://forum.step-project.com/topic/6946-sounds-of-the-wasteland-aka-eerie-ambient-ambient-wasteland/ this, the copied files are actually needed, so do not delete. - GNR Enhanced has both wav and mp3 versions for mono. Can we delete on of the two versions or they are both required? - In Home brewed sound pack: the "sound\fx\fst\conc_solid\landsneak" must be changed to "sound\fx\fst\conc_solid\sneak", I forgot to edit it. In the "Game Settings" section, there are no alternative Ghostwise settings in the provided link, just an empty page. Edit: OK found the correct page which is this https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Ghostwise (must click at User:Ghostwise link at top left) but either way the link must be fixed in the guide. Finally I have one question (I know this should be in the support thread but.. ): If I don't want to install the optional 20th Century Weapons, I simply do not install the main mod and the 2 compatibility patches for it, right? However, when installing "The Wasteland Patch Collection" mod the STEP patch in the end requires it. What is the right course of action here, simply do not install the STEP patch and install the mentioned patches (above) in TWPC when doing this (e.g. Descriptive Icons for Fallout 3) or is there anything else that must be done also? Next stop is Essarrbee's guide before I dive into FO4 (yeah I can't play a bugged game let alone a vanilla one ). Thanks
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