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Everything posted by Irregulator

  1. Thank you, I found the culprit. Turned out to be Verdant for SSE.
  2. Hi sheson, I'm glad to see you're active and helping folks out. I'm getting this error from DynDOLODx64.exe, using MO2 for SSE: [0300A92D] < Error: Could not be resolved > The thing is, the plugin at 03 is HearthFires.esm. Also, searching for the formID 0300A92D doesn't show anything in SSEEdit. Any advice? Here's the full log if you need it: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11n4PrNYvN6Sqt4HbypDCIhrx8JXaIk1-
  3. Alright found what I believe is the fix. It turns out that the new 265 ENB implements texture parallax, whereas before it could only be applied to meshes; so to get rid of this issue you can either add FixParallaxTextures=0 in enblocal.ini or download parallaxed terrain textures. I've opted for the second option from here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61929/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D61929&pUp=1 So far game is stable and I haven't come across any more weird textures!
  4. Hi all, I'm getting this interesting streaky quicksand-like texture every now and then - it always appears when I'm looking straight down at the texture, which makes me think it's a parallax or ENB issue? Otherwise, looking at this spot from a distance, everything is fine. Anyone ever seen this before? It also happens with a few other select textures including the ground ashes in Solstheim. https://imgur.com/B9OsZ0l
  5. So if I were to add this mod to my STEP installation I should turn off the worldspace edits? And all will be good? Any confirmation on this? Or do I need to be waiting for version 7.0 to come out?
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