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Everything posted by heheloveer

  1. So the edit is still useful. Thanks for the explanation!
  2. Thank you for the huge update Sheson! I personally am not able to test it at the moment but the Child/Parent worldspace copy feature is definitely a game changer. I want to ask though, with this feature enabled, can we still make Markarth use Tamriel LOD Data to get better graphics, or is this edit completely redundant now?
  3. Updates from two weeks later. They claimed that the phenomenon could be observed from alongside the northeastern coastline so probably not limited to one cell, and I don't think they could realistically just recalculate the MHDT data of one cell to solve the problem. They also tried adjusting OcclusionHeight as per your suggestion but it didn't seem to work. Weird thing is that just now they reported they created a brand new instance without any mods installed (alongside a modded one, of course) but they saw the same problem in this new instance. I'll try to get more information on this. https://anonfiles.com/y815U742z6/video_0716_mp4 Also, a video they recorded two weeks ago showing the problem. I'm no expert but it didn't seem very height-oriented.
  4. A Chinese player encountered a visual problem most likely related to occlusion data. As shown in the screenshots they provided, part of the Red Mountain LOD was missing (first pic). The problem went away when they were seeing from somewhere higher up (second pic) or with Occlusion.esp disabled (third pic). Logs: https://anonfiles.com/r7ab392ez4/Logs_0716_rar
  5. If the checking instruction could include the full non virtual path of the folder, then they might realize something’s wrong. Otherwise this would still be something only they could figure out on their own. Troubleshooting aimlessly is indeed a pain. Most problems can have multiple potential causes, some turned out to be so basic that I couldn’t think of even if I tried, like this one. I generally don’t ask those players asking me for help to provide the logs, because a) I feel like it’s too demanding on a Reddit-like forum that doesn’t support file attachments and b) I’m not good at reading them. In hindsight, logs can make troubleshooting a lot easier, even for us laymen. In any case they claimed xLODGen was behaving normally after they sorted out the registry problem, and that they would never have thought of checking the log had I not asked for it. Ultimately it’s your advice that helped, so I guess I’ll thank you on their behalf.
  6. Well, case closed. I asked for the log and the moment they opened the log they realized that xLODGen was somehow generating for another Skyrim setup installed on their PC. Guess that's on me for not realizing how logs can be helpful even to the not-so-knowledgeable people. Speaking of, if you had the logs, would you be able to find out what went wrong in this case? I mean, they knew where their game data was supposed to be but I don't think other people could realize that the path was wrong just judging from the log itself.
  7. I'm afraid I can't provide much more information right now since, well, it's not I who encountered this problem. Some screenshots they provided, in which the problem they encountered (green terrain textures verse yellow terrain LOD textures) is clear: Regarding Seasons (and I'll admit I have practically no idea how it works), apparently they had Seasons of Skyrim and Seasonal Landscapes enabled. I asked them whether they had \Data\Seasons\*[SPR|SUM|AUT|WIN].ini, and they said they had an "automatically generated MainFormSwap_WIN.ini" and that they "edited the ini settings so that it's always summer". Still, the fact that I can enable this option myself despite not having any file related to Seasons must mean something's amiss here. If you need any more information, please specify, and I'll see if I can get them to provide it. Edit: Sorry for not making it clear earlier, I was talking about the terrain textures of the Whiterun area, not the city itself.
  8. What could cause the Seasons option be grayed out altogether? A Chinese player encountered this problem and asked me for advice. I myself don't even use Seasons of Skyrim yet I can enable that option no issue. Also, they encountered another weird problem where they used a green texture for Whiterun terrain but the LOD textures generated by xLODGen were all yellow. What could have cause it?
  9. So does this mean there's an ACTI record for every outdoor cell? Should there always be a Current Activator and an Active Activator while DynDOLOD is active and the player character is outdoors?
  10. What do "Current Activator" and "Active Activator" in the MCM stand for? Does them being empty mean something's wrong? Every time I checked the MCM there wasn't anything inside those two blanks, and the only potential problem I've noticed is that sometimes the dynamic LOD windmill fan would fail to show up after fast traveling or loading a save, even if I waited for a while. This could just be a performance related issue though, since my game was quite cluttered. The log is attached in case it is needed. Unfortunately no debug log this time since it was overwritten. DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt
  11. Thanks. I don't think I can understand this any time soon but maybe this could help in the future. Right, another thing: more than one people have asked me about the problems they had while generating DynDOLOD for Vigilant worldspaces. They claimed they never touched DynDOLOD_SSE_worldspace_ignore.txt but the Vigilant worldspaces showed up in the UI nevertheless. Could it be that the localization of the worldspaces' names inadvertently enables them to bypass the ignore list? According to one of the players who encountered Vigilant related problems, the error message looked like this: Note the mojibake name for the worldspace.
  12. Well, they claimed they haven't installed ACMOS and I don't think they would mess with uLockedObjectMapLOD manually, so there went that theory. On the flip side, they did another generation, with traditional tree LOD, not Ultra tree LOD this time and somehow it worked, sort of. The trees are now in their full billboardy glory but sadly the grass lods are still missing, as expected. I simply don't understand why. At least this time I've got their logs: https://anonfiles.com/p4D2Rexfzb/Logs_0621_rar Hopefully there's something of note there. By the way, do you know how localization would affect DynDOLOD plugins? I personally don't use any localization but most Chinese player have to play the game with Chinese localization. I've seen people mentioning them trying to localize the DynDOLOD plugins and saying that this could cause problems. Update: it seems the user figured out what was wrong on their own: somehow the DynDOLOD output was being overwritten by stuff in the overwrite folder. They deleted those files and the tree LODs reappeared. Truly one of the troubleshooting sessions of all time.🤦‍♂️
  13. My first advice to them was to increase those values (and to disable SSE FPS Stabilizer if they had it). Apparently they did so but the problem was still there. Is there any other mod that could mess up those settings? Setting uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 without having Level 32 object LODs is indeed a possibility. I asked for screenshots of their DynDOLOD rules and it seems they never bothered with any of the Level 32 stuff. However, judging from the aborted logs they didn't have ACMOS in their load order, which to my knowledge is the only popular mod that enables Level 32 object LODs, so it's unlikely as well. Still I'll ask them about this, but I don't have high hopes.
  14. A Chinese player encountered visual oddities as shown in the picture after generating DynDOLOD. Tree LODs and Grass LODs are completely gone (among other less obvious visual problems), but the generated bto files do have tree/grass billboard meshes in them. The object LOD atlas also contains tree/grass billboard textures. So what else can cause this kind of problem? (I don't have their log files right now because they were overwritten by aborted attempts, I could ask them to redo a complete generation and provide the logs sometime later but right now I just want some pointers, sorry)
  15. Not sure if this is worthy of a post here, but I just wrote another LOD generation guide in Chinese (link if someone here needs it for some reason). 40000 Chinese characters this time, which should translate to about 20000 English words. Probably one of the most thorough guides out there, excluding of course Sheson's own. I mean, theoretically there's no need for a 3rd party guide since no one can write it better than Sheson already did, but reading the official documents isn't easy for most Chinese players, not to mention they probably don't really know its existence. Well, my guide probably won't make much of a stir since it's still far too long to be an easy read, but every little bit counts, I guess. The majority of the content is information pulled from the official documents, though I did add some of my own findings and recommendations. Should be mostly accurate, though I could also be wrong. Anyway, thanks Sheson for your constant efforts at improving Skyrim's LODs, for writing the best LOD guide the Skyrim modding community could ever hope for, and for answering every question thrown at you in the forum over the years. Consider this the submission of my firstborn.
  16. I suspected as much. Thanks for the confirmation!
  17. Ah yes, there's that ini option. Using it does make sense if you're sure you are not going to enable the large reference system, could save a bunch of trouble. Still, if someone sets large reference size to 7, then by checking Upgrade NearGrid Large References to FarGrid the viewing distance of these objects would jump from 7 to 21 when the intended viewing distance is just 11. Well, as you said, considering large references are supposed to be large, maybe extending their viewing distance further can be noticeable. Aside from enabling large reference bugs workarounds, is there any other benefit in using DynDOLOD DLL NG?
  18. I'll try to summarize my understanding of how the whole thing works: by default large reference NearGrid dynamic LODs are ignored because large reference system already achieves the same result; non-large reference FarGrid dynamic LODs are relegated into NearGrid because making them work as intended would require heavy script work (I know nothing about scripts) which could result in more large reference bugs. The Upgrade NearGrid Large References to FarGrid option is there to ensure large reference NearGrid dynamic LODs can still show up when the large reference system is essentially disabled by uLargeRefLODGridSize=5, and upgrading them to FarGrid is more of a unintended but necessary side effect. The Downgrade FarGrid references to NearGrid option is hidden and always checked to avoid more large reference bugs, but since large reference bugs workarounds can in theory eliminate all large reference bugs, you can uncheck them safely when using DynDOLOD DLL NG. Is this description accurate?
  19. In https://dyndolod.info/Help/Dynamic-LOD, you mentioned: I'm not very sure if I understand this correctly. Does this mean, assuming NearGridsToLoad=11, FarGridsToLoad=21, UGridsToLoad=5 and uLargeRefLODGridSize=11 (for SE only), that in Oldrim the behavior is [NearGrid dynamic LODs in 5-11 area, FarGrid dynamic LODs in 5-21 area], while in SE it's [NearGrid dynamic LODs in 5-11 area, FarGrid dynamic LODs in 11-21 area]? How does the large reference system interfere with dynamic LOD grids anyway?
  20. Before making this post I searched on Nexus and this thread for other mods/posts related to the loadscreens. I didn’t find any. Lots of people have reacted negatively to them, I think, so it honestly amazes me how they never put any effort into finding ways to get rid of them for good. Thanks for the explanation!
  21. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91840 This finally happened.🤣 So, is there a way to prevent DynDOLOD from including these loading screens in its plugins? I'm not bothered by them but I imagine some people out there are. Removing them using xEdit should be easy, but you'll have to do it every time. I also doubt a plugin like that could work for everyone.
  22. Thanks for the explanation! I guess more than ten years after the game's launch this performance impact shouldn't matter all that much for most players. Apparently Bethesda brutalized scenery outside every city's walls for performance reasons but never once thought of restoring them during all these years and all these re-releases, which honestly isn't all that surprising. Edit: Personally I manually created my own patch plugin to solve the worldspace edit conflicts in my load order and loads it last, so that every time DynDOLOD runs the generated plugins always carries over the right worldspace information. Works for me at least. Edit 2: Maybe you could include such a patch file in a newer version of DynDOLOD Resources? The performance impact is probably less noticeable than the Whiterun Grass Patch.
  23. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/84375 Should this mod be used? All it does is adding a "Use LOD Data" flag under Parent to the Markarth worldspace, something every other major city child worldspace has. As I understand it this makes the child worldspace use Tamriel LOD data instead of its own LOD, which sounds reasonable. Why didn't Bethesda allow Markarth to use the parent world LOD data like every other city in the first place?
  24. Quick question: what do fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault and fMeshLODFadePercentDefault actually do? Is there any merit in adjusting them? All the information I could find comes from https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Guide:SkyrimPrefs_INI/Display and the page doesn't really tell us much.
  25. Ah yes, that makes sense. I knew the mod was trying to address a large reference bug since I saw that video on your website, even though the author seemed to have no idea how the bug came to be exactly. They said in the description that the mod should only be useful for users with a heavily modded game so I automatically assumed this was a overwritten-by-esp type of bug. Honestly, I think large reference bugs should really get more attention. They can cause some really noticeable visual glitches and the workaround is IMO one of the most important features added by DynDOLOD 3 to date. Hopefully after it gets out of the experimental phase people will have a better understanding of this particular problem and realize its importance.
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