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  1. Hi ! Yes, I was a complete moron because I completely botched the installation steps. I don't know what was the mistake exactly, but I think it was something related to the MO2 directory in which the mods are stored, it was on my C:Drive, and after I moved it to my SSD, the issue solved itself. In fact, I was completely oblivious of this game directory path ; I assumed it was in my MO2 installation folder, which is on my SSD. It was especially humiliating since I modded Skyrim quite a few years back, and it was the first thing I make sure to double check !
  2. Hi all, So, I'm currently running into an annoying issue and I'm at loss. I am building an entirely new load order on a downgraded version of Skyrim SE (from the last update to 1.5.97). New pc, new windows, so there is much to be done, and the STEP guide has been a very essential asset for me. Back to my issue. Even though I activate my mods (esp) in the left panel of MO2 (last version), when running LOOT from the MO2 executables (in the right panel) the only plugins registered in the LOOT pane are the main files and CC content. All my esp are absent and doesn't show. Some pictures (sorry, it's in french) : - https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=24/01/nv9c.png - https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=24/01/97ho.png - as you can see, no esp are showing whatsoever, as far as I remember modding this game it's the first time I see this) Loot is installed on a folder inside my SSD near MO2 and other modding tools (I moved it several time but to no avail), so no UAC concerns I think. I entered the right command in MO2 following the STEP guide. So I really don't know why LOOT isn't showing anything. Fun fact, the button "putting in order" in MO2 just below the Plugin tab displays the esp : https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=24/01/f9cm.png
  3. I didn't have this mod installed, but I finally identified the source. It was an incorrect load order generated by Loot between several animation mods. Should have known better...
  4. You're right, I'm on downgraded SE. I proceeded this way at the beginning, with the 2.0.0 Step build, then added a very large amount of mods in the process. In fact, I'm installing the last big chunk of animation mods - since all of the other testing has been made considering lod, locations, etc. Pretty happy with the result so far. This load order gets me on my last run at level 40 with very few crash. Yes I use Nemesis, DAR is version 1.1.0 coupled with the Animation Queue Fix by Ersh, and yes like you I do think it may be animations related. I'll slowly deactivate the mods, rebuild the Nemesis patch,, rebuild the smash patch if necessary, test, to find the culprit. I'll keep you guys in check. I was wondering : is there a way / a tutorial (for the average Skyrim-user beotian, illiterate in programming langage) to learn how to interpret the .Net Framework crash logs ? I hate being the guy who bothers others online for that matter and would like to be more on the helping side.
  5. Hello all, Long story short, I began elaborating my load order on STEP basis 4 months ago with good results, but due to a lack of disk space, I had to reinstall all of my mods. And I'm raging right now at one CTD on the very last round of reinstallation and testing. It's been 30 hours I've been trying my best to identify what's causing my game to crash right at the beginning, in the Alternate Start dungeon (Race Menu doesn't even have the time to open). I hesitate between two alternatives : - 1) Crash log in .net framework seems to point toward a "skeleton" issue, as there are several mentions in "possible relevant objects" involving Enhanced lights and FX, R.A.S.S, and Hand placed Enemies : - 2) callstack is fuzzy to me, seems to be animation issues but I ultimately don't know. Here's the entirety of the crash log : https://pastebin.com/dFeM8r1p I have XPMSSE at the bottom of the left panel, so nothing overrides it. I tried disabling Hand placed enemies, R.A.S.S. or ELFX, but I still get that damn CTD. Will do more extensive testing tomorrow but I'm getting tired. Any help, insight or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Thank you very much for your answer. I will open a new discussion topic because in the meantime I figured out what you say (but facing a relocate error this time).
  7. Hi everyone, I stumbled on this old topic and thought I could give it a bit of a second life. I'm a complete noob at modding. I recently came to realize that I wanted to downgrade my Skyrim 1.6.640 to 1.5.97 in order for DAR to work. I did all the steps explained here, even followed the video by Apoqsi here to the letter : But I can't make my SKSE executable to work, I get an error message saying : "you are using version 1.5.97, which is out of date and incompatible with this version of SKSE64 (2.2.3). Update to the latest version". So I decided to grab the SSE Engine Fixes for 1.5.9 here : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230?tab=files , installed it through MO2, unticked the SSE Engine Fixes for 1.6+. Same move for the Adress Library files. But it still shows that error message. What did I miss, exactly ?
  8. Hello everyone, hello sheson, I'm a long returning player (easy 5 years since I touched the game, let alone modding) and a complete newbie to Dyndolod. To save time, I followed very closely the STEP guide to modding in which Dyndolod is used at one point... but I'm facing a set of problems I can't resolve on my own. I do think I screwed up something along the lines, but what ? My issue for the time being is that xLODGen64.exe does not generate anything into the xLODGen_Output folder located into my Tool directory, despite taking 10min+ processing all the data, with no error message at the end (screen 1). Everything seems normal, but xLODGen_Output remains empty (screen 2). So here's the guideline I've been following in regards to installing and making Dyndolod work (step 5, and especially xLodGen) : https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/SkyrimSE:2.1.0 To sum up the basic things I have done for sure until now : - installed my Dyndolod folder into my tool directory outside of UAC territory on the D: drive, separately of my SSE directory (also on the D: drive) - game version is SE 1.640, Dyndolod Resources 3 installed and activated in MO2 - load order sorted via LOOT - created a folder inside Tools/xLODGen named xLODGen_Output ; in MO2, created an xLODgen_Output empty mod with argument : -lodgen -SSE -o:"D:\Modding\Tools\xLODGen\xLODGen_Output" - created the requested 2 other empty submods Texgen_Output and DynDOLOD_Output alongside (TEMP) Cathedral Landscapes - xLODGen, all enabled and sorted in the correct order in MO2 If I decide to ignore this step and try running TexGen 64.exe, I end up into a texture copying error message saying that the access path is nowhere to be found (screenshot3). I'm at loss.
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