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Tyrthemis last won the day on March 3 2024

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Watcher (1/12)



  1. works for me if I reinstall the mods after installig pandora, for instance CGOstripped wasn't showing up, I reinstalled and now there is a tick box for it
  2. Did you ever figure this out? For me everything else works fine, except I'm I'm having trouble with skeletons A posing (the actual skeleton creature), I have a feeling this is from Skeleton Replacer HD (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52845?tab=description) I'm guessing upon uninstall it has leftover rogue behavior files. I basically need to delete them and verify integrity of files I think, I'm about to just purge mods andd do a reinstall but I'd like to know where this pandora output folder is or should be
  3. Hey, I had a similar problem. do you have ANY grass mods later in your load order? Even if they don't overwrite cathedral landscape's FILES, if they have a iMinGrassSize= ini tweak, it may overwrite cathedral landscapes INI TWEAK. Personally, I had 3D pine grass that had an ini tweak (iMinGrassSize=20), when I adjusted that, I could clearly see a difference in the cathedral landscapes grass density. I hope this helps my fellow modder
  4. I'm getting this even after removing the LODgen temp mod for cathedral landscapes, using dyndolod 3.0. I've had the same problem when using 2.98, but it was fixable by disabling the temp textures, am I not supposed to use the files for LODgen when using dyndolod 3.0? I thought the two wouldn't interfere with each other. That grass cache seems to work great though.
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