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Everything posted by Lainkml

  1. Hello, i wanna tell you its potential bug with newest AMD GPU Drivers (24.5.1) for i use AsRock RX 6600 8 GB + AMD Ryzen 5 4500 CPU and its not possible to finalize the LOD creating by Dyndolod, the program is stuck at the moment when its wanna create a LOD for Tamriel, i have a information in DynDOLOD like that: "Waiting for LODGenx64Win.exe generating object LOD for Tamriel." and its completely stuck and really slow my PC to that moment i cannot do anything. Now i change version of drivers for 23.12.1 and its possible to create LOD and play the game.
  2. Hello, i have huge problem with Dyndolod generated LOD and Dyndolod - SKSE plugin, for now its crashing my game, and still is showing me when i change the game version 1.1179.0 (gog version) "Dyndolod Problem with worlds config file". When i use old version of SKSE and Dyndolod Resources (nog NG) its working great, but this NG version is really broken for me and bugged as hell. If you need logs just tell me when to search for it, for i know how to generate LOD, not to resolve problem with this tool.
  3. Being clearly i have set 100% of PC sound, 100% rain and other sounds ingame (Skyrim SE/AE) and in heavy storms i always hear silent sound of rain, like light rain, but ingame is heavy rain storm and i dont know how to fix it, first i wanna ask the mod creator about that, if its not work i try to convert FX files from other mod to Vivid (i love this mod, but the rain sounds destroy the immerse) for my personal use.
  4. ahh that why im so dumb, sorry for that. Thanks for help Sheson! Have a nice day and best regards from Poland!
  5. Hello, i wanna ask what im doing wrong for im buy legal copy of Skyrim Anniversary Edition on GOG, and now trying to generate terrain LOD, but everytime when i do that, and install generated meshes from xLodGen using this arguments: -D:"D:\GOG Games\Skyrim Anniversary Edition\Data" -I:"C:\Users\Laink\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Skyrim.ini" -P:"C:\Users\Laink\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\plugins.txt" -O:"C:\Output Always when i activate the generated meshes from Output (previously i zip it using 7-zip) always have crash when i want to see how LOD looking in open world (Dragonreach > Whiterun)LODGen_log.txt FO4LODGen_log.txt
  6. Hello, i use Dyndolod on GOG version of game and its run smooth, thanks for this tool to generate LOD for Skyrim and other games. I wanna say something about using Dyndolod on gog version: if you use this arguments: -m:"c:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\" -p:"c:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\plugins.txt" -d:"c:\GOG Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Data\" you can run Dyndolod only on Skyrim SE version, but if you want to run it on AE version, you must change few words in argmuent to: -d:"c:\GOG Games\Skyrim Anniversary Edition\Data\" If you do that, you can run smooth Dyndolod and can generate your own LOD with AE version of skyrim in gog. Best Regards from Poland, have a nice day, Lainkml
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