So, I've tried for countless hours to get Grass Cache working and all was well until I generated DynDOLOD with Grass Cache. I know that it is just the Tamriel Worldspace causing this issue because every other world space generates EVEN with Grass LOD ticked. Tamriel Worldspace generates without Grass LOD ticked but otherwise won't. When I generate it just with Tamriel selected, it takes 30-40 minutes to wait for LODGenX64.exe to generaste object LOD which may be normal for Grass LOD. After thats done it starts updated height maps for both object and terrain LOD and thats where my PC just freezes. I tried Medium and Low settings and still to no avail. Ive tried setting the density lower but no. Every other worldspace generates except Tamriel WITH Grass Cache on.
Any Help would be Appreciated!
P.S. I have an RTX 2060, Intel i7 9th GEN, and 16 gigabytes of RAM. (PC is 2 years old)
DynDOLOD settings below