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arkhlus last won the day on July 17 2024

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  1. Yes, I am, for the time being I think with the ambitions I have for this new version I'll need a handful of testers who would be willing to play test the NPCs and provide valuable feedback for fine tuning.
  2. I might add that those features were specifically developed to fulfill NLSS needs. It's nice to hear that you enjoy it! The 2.0 is not dead I promise
  3. Oh no NLSS 1.0 is embarrassing at this point, I hope I'll be able to submit NLSS 2.0 as an entry here.
  4. Ah, well, I believe it's mainly because of accuracy being worse than vanilla at low skill level. For example, if default setting for AimVariance is 0.9 at skill level 20 it will be 1.4 (almost 50% worse). It will, however, catch on with vanilla value at skill 37 and then will be improving from there. Your questions brought be to a quite deep analysis now I realized that accuracy multiplier is more sensitive than precision, and I should probably adjust those values independently.
  5. TL;DR; those multipliers are basically equivalent of "Skill is X% better", e.g. at skill 20 multiplier 1.5 would make the mod calculate accuracy as if the skill was 30. There are no native default offsets like that, so you can assume it's 1.0. But that's not a valid comparison, because the mod varies two components for aiming: accuracy and precision, whereas the original game only varied precision. Here is a nice image that illustrates how each component affects the final shot: So what you see at low levels is the top-left target, and it will gradually move towards the bottom-right target as skill progresses. The original game moved from top-left to bottom-left targets. Note that accuracy and precision improve at different rates (have separate multipliers). With that said, if you'd want to get an understanding on how sensitive the multipliers are and how they compare to vanilla experience, you can set fCombatRangedAimVariance setting to 0, to completely negate accuracy in both vanilla and the mod. And then compare how precision works. But to be fair, with perfect accuracy, precision wouldn't matter much unless you set ridiculous fCombatAimProjectileRandomOffset so that slightest precision deviation would result in significant offset. But that would be very artificial experiment I can say that at multiplier=1.0, precision in the mod is roughly 15% better than in original game at early skill levels 20-40, improves to about 30% better mid-game and then slows down past skill level 70. It never reaches 0 like in vanilla, though, as I wanted to add support for things like Skill Uncapper. So in theory, you could assume that roughly multiplier=0.7 would be similar precision to what the game has. But again, this is a hardly meaningful comparison. Sorry, I might've unnecessary overexplained things Yeah, a small variance in multipliers was meant to make experience more diverse, the idea is that Bow is a baseline, and then other ranged options are compared against the bow. This allows, for example, to make Crossbows harder to aim (lower accuracy), but trivialize the shot (almost perfect precision). I feel like I've written too much already so if you're curious about other options, I've explained reasons for those values on mod's description.
  6. Perhaps, multipliers for NPCs needs a little bumping, maybe +0.2 The idea there is that archers (and mages) become more decent at aiming at around 40-50 skill. Aiming gets exponentially worse with lower skill, so close to 0-10 the aim will be really bad (that's probably what gave you the feeling that they might be too bad ), but they quickly get grip on aiming and around 40-50 they should come close to ~80% accuracy. And then master it from there up to 100% (technically ~99% as there is always a small margin where they can miss). Tweaking multipliers basically offset their effective skill that is used in the formula, so they'll learning curve will get shorter. But low skill archers will always have poor aim as their skill dictates that they tried using bow a few times at best Most likely, perks, like Eagle Eye, that they'll learn in the other NPCs Learn mod referenced here will improve the aim even further.
  7. that would so cool though, for NPCs Learn Skills and Spells, I'd say that it.s better to submit 2.0 when I'll finish it, as it will be much better polished compared to current version. But, either way, the feedback would be greatly appreciated, I pretty much expect that there might be some balancing issues that needs to be tweaked, because I didn't have an extensive testing with different values, so I've put the ones that didn't feel too severe if you find values that make experience smoother do let me know and I'll set them as default.
  8. Hey Happy to see my mod discussed here please, let me know what you'll think after testing. There are some multipliers that I've exposed through INI options, because I wasn't 100% on challenge/fun balancing, tried to make it less pronounced for Player, but might need tweaking it a bit more, since I didn't test it in a real-ish playthrough.
  9. I've tried again with Alpha 5 and it completed successfully. Thank you!
  10. Hey, I've been trying to generate LOD and getting this error : File at 2B is BlakthornManor.esp which is from Blackthorn - A Buildable Town In The Rift. Let me know if you'll need any additional info.
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