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  1. I was building LOD this week and it came to my attention that Glenmoril, once installed, causes a issue with mountain statics. These statics are removed from the LOD during building with Dyndolod, resulting in naked heightmap appearing where mountain pieces should be. Glenmoril plugins does not need to be ticked for this to happen, as the LOD being built was for Skyrim (named Tamriel in the CK). The issue is related to the /lod/ folders inside the Glenmoril package. Once the package is uninstalled (through a mod manager) and a new LOD is built, the issue goes away. A copy of this report is being posted in the Glenmoril bug report page at the Nexus. [00:00:43.582] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountainpeak02_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainPeak02_Blackreach[STAT:000487E7] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:43.596] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountainpeak01_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainPeak01_Blackreach[STAT:000487E8] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:43.622] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountaincliffsm01_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainCliffSm01_Blackreach[STAT:000CC765] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:43.645] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountaincliff01_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainCliff01_Blackreach[STAT:000487E9] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:43.724] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountaincliff02_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainCliff02_Blackreach[STAT:000487EA] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:43.760] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountaincliff03_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainCliff03_Blackreach[STAT:000487EB] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:43.769] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountaincliff04_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainCliff04_Blackreach[STAT:000487EC] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:43.842] Missing textures in "meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountaincliffsm01_lod_0l.nif""textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainCliffSm01 [STAT:00050385]in Skyrim.esm [00:00:43.855] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountainridge01_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainRidge01_LightSN[STAT:0005055C] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:44.327] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountaincliffsm01_lod_0h.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainCliffSm01_HeavySN[STAT:00050DC0] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:44.361] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountaincliffsm01_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainCliffSm01_LightSN[STAT:00050DC1] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:44.395] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtwet\mountaincliff04_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01wet.dds" - ignoring MountainCliff04_SparseSN[STAT:0006E1E9] in Skyrim.esm [00:00:44.497] Ignoring DynDOLOD.esm [00:00:44.951] Missing textures in"meshes\lod\revenant\mtrock\mountaintrimslab_lod_0l.nif" "textures\landscape\revenant\mountains\rock01.dds" - ignoring DLC2MountainTrimSlab_Ash[STAT:04017EA7] in Dragonborn.esm
  2. Is it possible to manipulate the clouds in the worldmap, when building the LOD? I have clouds on top of an area I'm building, and can't see its features in the worldmap. I know that if I put a blank nif file in the cloud box (in the Creation Kit), all the clouds disappear, but then, I was wondering if it would be possible to line them up with the land, so that they can only cover the sea. Would this be possible?
  3. I was admiring the landscape to the south, then turned to the north and saw this hole in the ocean. I opened the CK, and there was nothing out of normal in that area, so I think this is from the LOD. What causes these holes? It is not the first time I see this. It looks like a entire cell didn't registered in the LOD. It always happens in the northern sea.
  4. I changed my monitor recently, and the resolution now is 1920x1080. I use SkyUI, and now I'm having big fonts in the favorites menu. SkyUI have a option to change the fonts to small, but it only applies to the inventory, not to favorites. So I was wondering if it was possible to change font size in the SkyrimPrefs.ini. I didn't find a value I could change for it.
  5. Hi. I've got a new monitor (the old one was dying) and many games are going to 90fps, except Skyrim. Skyrim is stuck at 60fps. I already changed the fMaxTime= and fMaxTimeComplex= values in skyrim.ini, and inserted bLockFrameRate=0 in both skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini. It seems the engine won't go above 60fps even with that. However, I read people saying they could go as high as 120fps.
  6. With cathedral concept there would not be a permissions system in the first place. You would only need to credit the original author. As simple as that.
  7. I have a 8.7mb plugin (made in the CK) and was thinking about esmifying it in Wrye Bash, or through a script in xEdit, due to its large size. However, I'm not sure if a ESM can be updated in the middle of a playthrough, or if it requires a new playthrough in order to be updated. Some mods which relies in a master file (eg, Forgotten Dungeons) requires a new playthrough to be updated, but I didn't found any information about this requirement as being a rule to every mod. Would the update of a ESM file during a playthrough cause save file corruption? If this is the case, would a update only on the tables (but not on the cells) still cause save file corruption? If I only add new pieces of statics to the tables, but do the cell update in a separate plugin, would this still pose some risk to the save file? Would putting a ESM flag in the ESP be a better solution for updates?
  8. Thanks for the answers. The issue was with the "Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards" mod, which provided billboards for vanilla tundra and yellow shrubs, among other trees. After removing these files and rebuilding the LOD, the yellow trees have disappeared. I'm curious about what the ignore parameter does, though. The window dont show any explanation for it: https://ibb.co/hWhRR9P and when I tried it, the landscape didnt change. Do this parameter only applies to statics?
  9. But the billboard is inside the bsa, is from the base game. Is there a way to remove it as a rule, or do the 'pathto/filename.nif' only applies to statics?
  10. What would be the right parameter? I want to remove these yellow trees from the LOD: https://ibb.co/Jyj5s3m They are circled in red. The one circled in blue is their normal version. It seems Enhanced Landscapes dont have a green version for the shrub LOD, only for grass and terrain. So I selected "full model" for all the LOD levels in Dyndolod (LOD 4, 8 and 16), put Far Full in the "grid" option, and let "visible when distant" ticked off. Then I selected “original”, that is, to load only the original nif, not the LOD file. Still I get the same result for each tundra shrub. First I put them after the trees in the mesh rule order, then tried with them before it, still the same results. How do you remove a element in the mesh rule order? Anyone had this issue before?
  11. I started a new installation for Skyrim. In this new installation, after building and installing Dyndolod, I'm getting the message "Dyndolod requires PapyrusUtil". However, PapyrusUtil was one of the first utilities installed. I tried with PapyrusUtil 3.6b, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9, and also tried putting the scripts inside the data/Dyndolod folder. I'm still getting this same message, and Dyndolod wont start. Anyone know what kind of bug is this? https://imgur.com/0R6rLYa
  12. Thanks for the input. I solved the issue by using the following rules: It worked smoothly.
  13. I've made a retexture for the vanilla Whiterun windmill. Used a new entry, as these are separate placements. I didnt wanted to interfere with the original model. First try, using texture sets for the new colors: Second try, copied the mesh and put these textures inside the mesh, using Nifscope: Both times, I used the full model for the LOD, as seem below: If I used the standard LOD, I would not get the new textures, as it would load the LOD from the standard vanilla texture. In both times, I ran TexGen and Dyndolod. I've got the same result: Why this is happening? I ran TexGen, ran Dyndolod, ran xLodGen for the terrain (although the terrain dont have anything to do with these objects), but I'm still getting the vanilla LOD, for a object with a entire separate entry, using a different mesh, and assigned the full model for the LOD mesh in the CK. This is also happening with other vanilla objects, copied from the nordic ruins and retextured, and which passed through the same processes, also using full models for the LOD mesh in the CK. They all show the vanilla LOD when distant. This is not happening with custom meshes from other authors, though. These are running fine with retextures, even using the same meshes with texture sets. Only vanilla meshes are being affected. Is there a special rule I should put in Dyndolod for it? I tried this one below, but still got the same result:
  14. I installed Enhanced Landscapes, and proceed to remade the LOD. EL was installed on top of Skyland, changing the yellow tundra to green. I had some good results. However, something is annoying me, these snow drifts in the distance: I tried with xLodGen and got the same result: The snow drift objects are quite off, they are brighter than the snow terrain around them. How could I solve this? What rule could be applied in Dyndolod so that the snow drift would be less bright, to fit with the terrain? And if this is not possible, what rule could be applied to remove these snow drifts from the LOD?
  15. Please, can you tell me where did you find green lod textures for the Whiterun tundra? Today I've made a add-on for Verdant, which changes the tundra grass from yellow to green, and I installed green ground textures from Septentrional Landscapes to fit with it. However, Septentrional dont have a lod texture, and TexGen is not generating it from the terrain dds (I've build with 512, I'm trying higher values right now). So I get this ugly, dismaying yellow texture in the background: https://imgur.com/4MyWPYK So far, I found this lod texture in the LE section: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60215 But it is too dark, as you can see in this picture: https://imgur.com/itnD3Fp Do you know of any alternative for a green lod? It just needs to fit with the near terrain.
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