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  1. Sorry you're not psychic, I should just ask what I want to ask They're still being linked in the Large Reference Bugs Workaround page https://dyndolod.info/Help/Large-Reference-Bugs-Workarounds Why are they archived if users are still supposed to use them?
  2. Was it intentional that the Nexus links to the new PapyrusUtil scripts and the like for the latest alpha were archived?
  3. Is it possible to move the error checking to before the preset screen pops up? It's very frustrating loading your list, making changes to the preset, and then getting a 'you have so-and-so, disable and restart DynDOLOD' message
  4. I'm sorry, but what exactly does the Occlusion.esp do? What is the purpose of generating height data? Why would I want to generate this file?
  5. Exception in unit prepare line 620: Cannot create file "D:\Skyrim\data\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache\DynDOLOD_TES5_meshes.txt". The system cannot find the path specified
  6. For me this was because I sometimes install all the optionals and patches for DynDOLOD in the same folder so I don't have to open the download archive. The script checks every folder for lod files, so it starts looking in DynDOLOD - Base\options\meshes etc, fix was to just install the necessary base files. Or maybe the LODGEN script could be modified to ignore folders named options
  7. What? I generated from scratch and didn't get an SKSE folder in my output. Is that the norm or do I have to generate again?
  8. Is there no longer a skse folder in the output or do I have to generate everything again
  9. Makes no mention of what vanilla script, makes no mention of what 'issues' it 'can' cause, makes no mention of what 'key edits' are needed from Hearthfire and why they are 'key', and makes no reference to 'other things' the mod supposedly edits since the only conflicts between it and Hearthfires are Worldspace edits. You should do more than 'I heard from a guy' and 'it needs to be cleaned', which if are your only two criteria every mod and even the official game files would be unfit to play the game with.
  10. Your ultra tree settings says "Delete TES5Edit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache\DynDOLOD_skyrim-tamriel_trees.txt or just delete all files TES5Edit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache\" Does that include deleting the becauseofreasons.txt file?
  11. This gets posted in every update, is it actually true?
  12. It seems like even that isn't the case. No fomod installer is used when installing Realistic Boat Bobbing either through the Downloads pane or through the button/context menu. Ever other fomod mod I've tried has brought up the external installer only when using the button/context menu though.
  13. No I did not install it wrong. It is one folder inside one archive. Please don't insult my intelligence and I won't insult yours. It looks like the external installer only works when right clicking and installing a mod or clicking the install mod from archive button, but not from the Downloads pane.
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