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Everything posted by adrianoz

  1. Hey, I found it thanks. Just a question for you, is it enough to replace the SkyrimSE.exe? Are your SKSE-plugin mods working? (Like Racemenu) Cause I recall reading that 2 BSAs and the master files got updated too, but mine are still clean so just curious.
  2. Hi It appears Skyrim (SSE) had an update yesterday, so we have to clean the master files again, also, does this break anything in the guide? Do we need to update everything again?
  3. Hi, Also, one more question, Mator says on his page he recommends using a Smashed Patch for each Merge Patch and including it when using his Merge Plugins. Do we ignore this?
  4. Hhi Does it make any difference if we run Grnerate Bash Tags in xEdit before using Smashed Patch or does Mator autodetect tags?
  5. Got a response from Arthmoor (USEEP guy) he said these are supposed to exist, some were grandfathered in from Oldrim > SSE port. If your game doesn't have them then something is probably wrong. Found on USEEP comment page. Anyways leaving this here incase someone else wonders the same thing in the future, as I was googling around I found all kinds of bad advice and bad info about it from people saying it was bad modding, bad mods, fix the errors etc.
  6. Hi, I added Beyond Reach to my setup, and added the patch for BS Bruma-Beyond Reach from: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19374 Do I still need to delete music track from smashed patch if the records from the patch are forwarded into it? Or overall, can we just forward the record from BSHeartland to Smashed Patch instead of deleting the "Music Track".
  7. Hi Are these patches obsolete/not needed when using Lexy guide? SRCEO - WICO Patch https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14598 MLU - WICO Patch https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3058 Although I'm using OMEGA instead of MLU.
  8. I can't be sure, but I did some digging in xEdit and the USLEEP changelog and it appears these errors should be in everyone's esps and have been adressed in USLEEP. Sometimes USLEEP doesn't show up in xEdit as a mod editing the same record, so I can't be sure the errors are resolved in those records, could be that they're harmless or adressed somehow in another record. All-in-all, it appears that this is what the files should look like, and won't cause issues, but it would be nice if someone with experience could address this, if nothing else because no one anywhere else has written about it.
  9. Hi, I have cleaned the master files, and LOOT reports no dirty entries, and trying to remove ITMs and UDRs in xEdit does nothing. Also, skyrim.esm can't be edited so can't really do anything about that one. EDIT: Also checked my vanilla skyrim master files, and they report the exact same errors in both LE and SSE.
  10. Hello, I was unable to find any information from a "respected" source online, or on these forums. Are the core master files of Skyrim supposed to have tons of errors when using "check for errors" in SSEdit? Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm Hearthfires.esm Dragonborn.esm Here's an example, I won't post all of them. Just curious if everyone has these errors, and if it's safe to just ignore them. I did manage to find some info that USLEEP fixes most (all?) issues that need resolving, not sure if that's accurate. [00:00] Checking for Errors in [04] Dragonborn.esm [00:00] MGRSummonDremoraCOPY0000 "Summon Unbound Dremora" [SPEL:0010E38C] [00:00] SPEL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Object Bounds, Name, Menu Display Object, Equipment Type, Description, Data, Effects [00:02] DLC2ApocryphaWeatherNew [WTHR:04034CFB] [00:02] WTHR \ Sounds \ SNAM - Sound \ Sound -> [020FB625] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:20] [INFO:000CEFBE] (in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:000CEFBA]) [00:20] INFO -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Response flags, Previous INFO [00:21] [INFO:0402A70A] ('Well you know it as well as I do. Raven Rock Mine wasn't empty at all... it's still rich in ebony ore.' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC2DDRCresciusTLImperialBranchTopic01 "Ridiculous? Why?" [DIAL:04024768]) [00:21] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC2RR03 "The Final Descent" [QUST:04018B15]"> [00:21] [INFO:0402477F] ('Solsthiem is still rich in ebony ore. I know there's more down there... I can smell it.' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC2DDRCresciusTLImperialBranchTopic01 "Ridiculous? Why?" [DIAL:04024768]) [00:21] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC2RR03 "The Final Descent" [QUST:04018B15]"> [00:25] BloodDecalPlaceExplosion [EXPL:000F3A8C] [00:25] EXPL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Object Bounds, Model, Data [00:26] All Done! [00:00] Checking for Errors in [01] Update.esm [00:00] SwordFernCluster03snow [STAT:0006CD7C] [00:00] STAT -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Object Bounds, Model, Direction Material [00:04] [INFO:000DA25A] ('No doubt requesting to garrison his men in my castle. How many times must I deny him?' in GRUP Topic Children of CW03BalgruufTopic "I have an important message for you." [DIAL:000DA228]) [00:04] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "CW03 "Message to Whiterun" [QUST:000D661C]"> [00:04] [INFO:000E40AD] ('Did he now? The man is persistent, I'll give him that.' in GRUP Topic Children of CW03BalgruufTopic "I have an important message for you." [DIAL:000DA228]) [00:04] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "CW03 "Message to Whiterun" [QUST:000D661C]"> [00:06] All Done!
  11. Hi, Are the master files supposed to have errors when checking in xEdit? I had lots of errors using check for errors on skyrim, update, dawnguard and dragonborn.esm. See the second section of this thread, same errors. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6478721-tes5edit-erros/
  12. Hello, Does anyone have experience with this mod? I wanted to add it to my Lexy setup. Final update was released 19/8 and says it should be compatible with everything (new lands similar in size to Lordbound/Apotheosi/Bloodbound from what I can tell, looks very professional from gameplay videos, with english voice acting) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10777/
  13. Hi Is there a reason that your CR Patch overrides ELE in alot of places? Was customizing it for my setup and noticed ELE is overriden alot in lighting templates etc. (CR uses default). Doesn’t ELE become superfluous? Also, is it fine if I manually edit the CR so ELE wins? What sort of issues might I encounter ingame?
  14. Is there any script somewhere to download similar to The Great Equalizer that brings down the value of all items to a similar level near Vanilla? I tried manually doing it but there were thousands and thousands of records xD. I noticed in SSEdit that even stuff like MLU change values on some items to tens of thousands, kind of kills the immersion and drive to keep going.
  15. Hi, Can I use this with the guide, Markarth HD by luxor https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19427 and these patches https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18369?tab=description&BH=3
  16. Does it work well to incorporate the 3 border mods into the guide if anyone has tried it? Thinking of Folkstead, Nyhus and Haafstad
  17. Ah great thanks for the reply, Inknow it works then. Sre you using the MLU Complete version too? And any specific patches you removed (aside from LOTD Patches to use his merged ones)? Just curious if e.g you stopped using some Lexy patches, and whether you followed the finishing line section as is just adding OMEGA in, or changed things up.
  18. Anyone given thought to incorporating thie into the guide? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17653 I’m going to give it a custom attempt, seems very robust and promising from its descriptions. Going with the MLU Complete version.
  19. One last question, since Wrye Bash deactivates several plugins and imports them into the Bashed Patch, when I open Mator Smash and MO2 those mods are unchecked/deactivated. So when I want to build my Smashed Patch, does using smash.Forceall on the Bashed Patch have the same effect as using it on the now deactivated, individual plugins? (For example, WB deactivates several MLU Patch plugins, such as MLU Heavy Armory, so when I build my smashed patch, those .esps are unchecked/deactivated. Will using smash.forceall on the bashed patch have the same effect, i.e ensuring MLU wins conflict overwrites, as if I was using it on the individual esp, in this case MLU HeavyArmory?)
  20. Thank alot! Will redo it, checked out prerequisites and it answered my previous questions, just a suggestion to make the Prerequisites part stand out more, and maybe add some keywords like zEdit to its description (tried text searching for it in the main guide) similar to the other categories in the guide with a headline, I’m probably not the only one to miss it, and I actually scrolled through several times trying to find something like it, never occurred to me to check the treetab on the upper right line by line though.
  21. Hey, thanks alot for the help, I think I might have missed prerequisites perhaps, will check it out. About 2. Great thanks! About 3. It’s not an issue really, I was just wondering, since I didn’t merge plugins because I skipped alot of mods from the lists, where in the load order it is recommended to put the .esps downloaded from Lexy’s Nexus page. E.g. MLU Consistency, MLU Conflict Resolution, and Lexy Level Lists. I just used LOOT to sort them and made them part of my bashed and smashed patch, I assume though that I should rebuild my smashed patch and set â€smash.forceall†on all Lexy esps? Considering your answer on what that tag does in paragraph 2.
  22. Hey so i was wondering about a few things: 1. There are tons and tons of mods in the guide, and alot of them I didn’t want or need for various reasons, but since the Lext patches, Merge section and Finish section assume you installed everything they kind of break for me since I didn’t, so I was wondering if you could maybe write a text guide for custom conflict resolution patch etc.? I mainly installed fixes, enhancements (DLL), texture and graphic mods (pluginless), major content mods (Falskaar, BSB, AHO), well-known overhauls (Ordinator, Apocalypse, Morrowloot Ultimate+DDL+Unique Loot) and of course LOTD and mods that it is made to support (like Immersive Armors etc.). Total of 150 plugins. 2. I did some research in SSEdit and Google/Nexus, and MLU, Unique Loot and DDL are pretty much compatible, aslong as MLU is the last plugin loaded, so I’m curious as to the Bashed/Smashed Patch, I followed the guide where applicable, but I want MLU to be the winner in all loot mod conflicts (so I put all loot mods above MLU in load order). Does making a Bashed/Smashed patch according to the guide mean MLU wins? Also, the aMidianborn Content Addon.esp in the guide just says â€Download and replace esp with with cleaned plugin that has MLU as a master so smash does what we want later on†but this esp isn’t referred to anywhere else. Is it enough to just replace the esp like I have done and make bashed/smashed patches according to the guide? 3. I downloaded what mods and patches from the Lexy page that were applicable to my setup, but couldn’t follow all the steps because of paragraph 1 in the post, where do I put those .esps in the load order? They are sorted with LOOT (like Level lists.esp from Lexy and MLU Consistency). I know the guide isn’t finished, but it assumes people using it are experienced modders, so it doesn’t do as good a job of explaining how to use stuff (furst time I saw zEdit and xLODGEN was in finishing line, no explanation on what they do, where to get them or how to use them or why you need them), so I stopped after Smashed Patch and just used SSELODGEN.
  23. Ran into this a little while ago, hadn't had this issue before, happened during a fight with 2 atronarchs in an Ancestral Tomb near Khuul: [005F3FE0] [WARNING] Storm Atronach doesn't have a casting animation. Didn't crash, but the game froze so had to exit. EDUT: Was a cave, Yesamsi
  24. Don’t know what any of the files do to be honest, all I noticed is that the.dds files that come with the unofficial patch have the same icon as DirectX, so I assume when the.esp is activated these files attempt some action involving DirectX and Visual C++ that Windows doesn’t like, or cause some kind of issue involving Oblivion, causing a CTD.
  25. Hey, I downloaded the version from the nexus site, on my first playthrough I used OBME and the magic addon replacement.esp, and got visual runtime error C++ after 5-6 hours of played. On my second playthrough, I didn’t use OBME and the magic addon patch, only the unofficial patch.esp and the hotfixes. After trying all kinds of combinations, no ENB, ENB, uninstalling antivirus, uninstalling all morroblivion mods, uninstalling hotfixes, the only thing that causes this error is the unofficial morroblivion patch, after deactivating it all errors disappear. â€Microsoft Visual Runtime C++ Library Error D:/Program Files... This application has requested to be terminated in an unusual way. Please contact the application’s authors to solve the problem.†I experience the odd crashes, but they seem to be reproducible ones that others have had too: Crash when saying Pay Gold to guards for bounty Crash in Elven Nations Club during Morag Tong writ for Feruren Oran (used console after loading interior and picked â€kill†and setstage <questid> to advance No others so far. EDIT: I also tried using the older version of the unofficial patch from TESRenewal, and the updated version from TESRenewal, both caused runtime errors, and combinations of having them in different places in load order, inside/outside thr bashed patch, loaded last etc. Still caused runtime error.
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