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Whitestar127 last won the day on August 9 2021

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Community Answers

  1. Fair point. I guess I have hugely underestimated the time needed for this to become a reality. I will probably look into Greg's tip for some small amount of personal "automation" for myself.
  2. Oh jeeez, never mind . It's the Thieves Guild Requirements mod of course. Forget I asked.
  3. Hi, FYI I have installed the Anniversary Guide. The first time I met Brynjolf I think I just Esc out of the dialog if I remember correctly. And now, many in-game hours later I can't seem to trigger any Guild related dialogue with him. In the evenings he hangs around Bee and Barb and only answers something like "Anything I can do for you, lass?" In daytime he only wants to sell me an elixir. Is there something about my character that's preventing it? Is there a way around it?
  4. I'm referring to your posts, not your state of mind.
  5. And many of us see automation as a time saver, nothing more. Here's my suggestion, and bear with me as I don't know exactly what can and can't be done with Wabbajack: What if you just provided all of Step 4 as a Wabbajack optional download and install (excluding such things as SKSE that must be installed manually), programming it to pre-select all options including weather and ENB? Wouldn't that ensure that everything got installed correctly and thereby reduce the need for support, or in other words reduce the chance of user-errors? Well that's good, as intentions do matter. He's not alone though, as I also found some of your posts rather confrontational.
  6. That's a very good idea! If you do it that way, will MO2 tell you if a mod is outdated via a warning, or do you need to keep track of it yourself?
  7. Personally I would only want some sort of automation of Step 4, like I said in this thread. The other steps contain info that I mostly found valuable. But Step 4 is mostly just about downloading and clicking Install. When you have done that a couple of times it really becomes rather repetitive and tedious, and it's also the step that takes the most time by far. If nothing else it would be nice if the 06-Models & Textures were Wabbajacked. Just my 2 cents. As I've said before I'm really happy this guide exists and people here are so willing to help.
  8. Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but as I recently installed the Skyrim Guide for the second time, I started to think a little about automation myself. I sort of partially agree with both TechAngel85 and theblackman here. Automation would be nice, but I also felt that I gained a better understanding on my second install, so there's that. The part that is a bit repetitive though – and doesn't really require or deliver a lot of knowledge – is the downloading and installing of all the mods (STEP 4). If anything should be automated it is that part. Although I absolutely understand that there would be a lot to maintain if using Wabbajack to do that part. Just wish there was some way to do it faster than doing it manually. And with Collection support not likely to happen anytime soon we are sort of just stuck spending a lot of time doing the same repetitive tasks every time.
  9. Bit of an old quote this, but just today I joined the MO2 Discord server, and searched for mentions of Collections. I found two answers from devs where users had basically asked when it would get support: June 14: "Not plans, but if a developer appeared with the time to actually implement it properly, we'd be keen." June 28: "I don't believe any of us on the dev team are motivated or inclined to add such a feature at this time" So that doesn't look too good IMO.
  10. Thanks, I set it to false in the EngineFixes.toml file. And now I get a warning before loading the savegame that achievements are disabled (which is what I wanted). But – and this is definitely weird – I still get this message: I have no clue what's going on. I double checked that EnableAchievementsWithMods was still set to false and had not been reverted somehow. EDIT: I see that I already have those three spells active. Maybe that's the reason. Oh well, then this is a non-issue strictly speaking. (I hope). EDIT2: I believe it was actually the fact that I had those spells already that was the reason for that "not added" message. So strictly speaking I can set EnableAchievementsWithMods back to "true", since that doesn't seem to be the cause of any issues.
  11. Ummm...what's going on with the console now? Just after finishing the install - and in an early savegame - I used the command which adds the Thief Stone (so that I don't have to fast travel to the Guardian Stone every time). That worked then. But now all I get is this: use of some commands will disable achievements and then it refuses to give me that spell. Is there any fix?
  12. Hi again, just wanted to pop in and say thank you for all the fast and helpful support lately. Really appreciated! Right now I'm finishing up my install by adjusting the ENB brightness. I use strobing on my monitor so it's quite a bit darker/dimmer overall. Adjustings things like AmbientMinLevel, AmbientLightingIntensity and DirectLightingIntensity among others seems to do the trick.
  13. Should I also select Deadlands and Giant's Tooth when generating terrain with lodGen? I selected them. (It says "Select all worldspaces" in the instructions, but the reference image doesn't show those two from Creation Club.)
  14. Not sure how, but at some point (possibly during the last couple of mod groups) this ended up in my Overwrite mod/folder: Should I do anything about it? EDIT: I moved the ini files to their respective mod folders (Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice and powerofthree's Tweaks) and deleted the remaining folders in Overwrite.
  15. I installed Step Patch - Conflict Resolution and Step Patch - Lighting & Weather as two separate mods, rather than merging. Is that correct (or doesn't it matter)? Again, sorry for all the questions. It'll soon be over, promise.
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