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I'm getting a consistent CTD when I try to enter the Ratway in Riften, either by the door beneath the marketplace or the tomb entrance of the cistern.


The whole time I've been playing since I installed STEP enhanced, I've been getting CTD's in seemingly random places.  First it was around Whiterun.  I tweaked some settings and verified the integrity of my game cache and that stopped.  Then it was the area surrounding Riften.  Repeated process, it stopped.  Now, nothing I do is stopping the game from crashing when I try to enter the Thieves Guild.


What kind of information can I provide that would help fix this issue?


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As an experiment try disabling the following mods


Serious HD Retexture Skyrim

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures

Static Mesh Improvement Mod v1.88


See if things improve at all. I have found these to be FPS intensive in spots. Story Book mode. 2 FPS from 60.

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Posted (edited)

That seemed to fix the Ratway issue, but I'm now just getting a CTD about 10 minutes into the game, regardless of location.


Oh I also disabled 'SKSE ini pre-download for lazy users' at the same time i followed your recommendation, so it could have been either of those things.  Though my memoryblockslog says:

logging of blocks enabled
logging max values only
Timer disabled
Block1 Block2
256MB 256MB



with dozens of lines below it showing other numbers.
Edited by NAMDORG
  • 0

well, looks like you found your problem.


place this file in the "Data\skse\"

and you should be fine.





Oh I also disabled 'SKSE ini pre-download for lazy users' at the same time i followed your recommendation, so it could have been either of those things.

...is almost facepalm worthy. Install the file above manually and don't mess with it unless you need to up the first heap.

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Posted (edited)

That's the same thing you told me to do in your previous comment, isn't it? I already have that file in "data/skse/".  I had the pre-download in MO, so the file in my Skyrim directory was unchanged.  I disabled and uninstalled it, and removed any trace of its existence in my system.  Now I just have the ini in the skse folder.

I just ran the game and am still getting the same memory blocks log as posted above.

Edited by NAMDORG
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Is it possible that this is a Load Order issue?  LOOT can make mistakes.


Probably grasping at straws here, but it keeps popping into my head whenever I read this thread.

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I think I've sorted out the issue.  A while back I removed ENBoost files from my skyrim directory, with the belief that it would increase my FPS.  I now realize this wasn't a good idea, but it did in fact give me about 100 fps. Since I've added those files back, the game doesn't seem to be crashing (though the CTD's were too random for me to know in a single 1/2 hour bit of playing), but I am now running a max of 30FPS with constant dips to about 10.  30 I can handle.  10 is not ok.

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Oh man - ENBoost, that was your issue.  I had horrible troubles getting this working initially, and when I finally couldn't put it off any longer, I was getting really frequent and fairly consistent CTDs.  For me it was Windhelm - I couldn't walk out either of the gates without it crashing.  Fast traveling would get me out, but I'd CTD every half hour or so.  After getting ENBoost working, I had over 30 hours (many 2 to 3 hour sessions) logged in without a single CTD.


It's an exploit/fix that CANNOT be over-recommended imo.

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Yeah, my game has since been fine, but I need some way to boost my FPS.  Anyone got any tips?  My computer really should be able to handle it...

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In most games shadows and AA is one of the biggest impacts to FPS performance. AS does have a impact as well but barely noticeable compared to the other two. If not already I would try running shadows on High ensted of Ultra. You get a decent FPS boost using High but the quality is almost not even noticeable. And with AA try setting that at 4x ensted of max. Its the same with the AA setting as it is with the shadows. The FPS boost is decent with almost no image quality loss.

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