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First off... when you say ENB which preset do you then specifically mean? How the game looks vary wildly depending on that alone. 


But if you do mean generally then it all comes down to the textures you use. If they do not match you will have inconsistencies since the LOD texture is not affected by certain lighting that the closeup trees are. Hence there can be rather large tonal differences. 


In your shot however it looks like the direct lighting have been increased way too much relative to the distance fog.. which seems to have been removed almost entirely. All of these parameters are in the ENVIRONMENT section of the ini.. or ini´s if you use a preset that utilize the weather system feature of ENB. 


I would love to help more, but I am going to need more info if that is to happen. 

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They will all have it because the underlaying reason is that you have one set of lighting settings on one, but not the other. No amount of tweaking will ever make it 100% perfect. Most will just hide it well. 


If you want to get as close to 100% hiding it as possible you are going to decide on a specific set of settings (ie a specific preset) and then adjust the tree LOD texture so they match. However even then depending on how much weather variation you have there is still going to be minor differences. 


And as always it also depends on everything else you use. 

Here is one I just made today, it uses my own textures for the tree LOD, and my own preset etc. 




Granted I am cheating a bit since it is a foggy weather so here is a shot with no fog 




Again I find it really difficult to see where the transition is... if not for the fact that I know it by heart. 


But I can also find examples where the transition is not that perfect ofc. It all comes down to the details. 

Here is one showing more or less only the LOD to really far foggy LOD transition. It is still fluent, but considering the scale rather sharp still.





But again you can try to slightly tweak the fog and the direct lighting values in Environment more to your liking, since those are the only ENB related values that really control the LOD. Other then that you are going to have to use mods that control the fog, or adjust the textures manually. Hope that all made sense, otherwise just let me know and I will try to be more clear! 


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Yes that is the only texture you need to modify. If you got some basic experience using gimp or photoshop it is not that difficult. Most often you can get away with doing only basic color overlays until you get the right look. Just make sure the dimensions match or.. you will know ;) 

But I guess I can try to be nice.

Here is my LOD texture 


Path: textures/terrain/tamriel

And the up close textures 


path: textures/landscape/trees


And if what you use now does not work then you can get the settings at skylight ENB over at... depending on which weather mod you use. But it should work for a wide range of ENB´s... last I checked anyways...but that is almost a year ago now :S 


Oh yeah before I forget... those textures are only for vanilla... or basic SFO if that is still a thing. 

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