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SKSE.ini question



Hi there S.T.E.P. community,


First I want to apologize if this question was already answered, could not find any information by using the search but I might have missed it due to the ridiculous amount of results I got.


So here it is : I am trying the latest alpha build of SKSE with the memory patch included, I tried to put SKSE.ini in every single folder I can imagine :


- Overwrite/SKSE/SKSE.ini

- Inside a dedicated SKSE mod with folder SKSE/SKSE.ini

- Inside the actual game folder /Data/SKSE/SKSE.ini


My game still crashes when my MemoryBlocksLog.log shows 256 while I did put 768 in the SKSE.ini


Here is the inside of my SKSE.ini file :






Did I missed something?


Thanks for any input.

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The path is supposed to be Skyrim\Data\SKSE\skse.ini. I fixed this on the SKSE page. If you are looking at it on the MO Filetree view then all that will show is SKSE\skse.ini; this view shows contents of Skyrim\Data.


This is one of the places you tried putting it, so it's likely there is another problem. You might want to try some different values for the two variables; the ones you used seem like the most common ones being suggested for the new SKSE 1.7 alpha but perhaps you need different values. STEP is still testing with the original memory patch vs. the official alpha SKSE patch.

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The easiest way to do this is to use the overwrite folder. First make sure it is clean and then double click on it to open it up. In the resulting window right click and select create new folder. Rename it skse and click OK and close the window. Right click the overwrite folder and create a mod from it and give it a name. When the new mod is created right click on it and open it in explorer. Navigate to the skse folder and double click to go into it. Once there create your skse.ini file, edit it and then save. activate the mod in the left pane.

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Yes you missed somthing





The values you mention (512/256) seem to be usually recommended ones for the Skyrim memory patch 3.0 we have been testing vs. the new SKSE alpha 1.7 which has different values recommended. However, it's certainly worth trying different values. The SR:LE guide is using the new alpha SKSE and has the 768/256 values in the skse.ini it creates.

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After several tries (768 is for the SKSE.ini indeed) I could only fix it by using the actual SMME files, seems no matter what my SKSE.ini is ignored, tried of course in overwrite folder, actual data folder, inside a mod made by myself containing the ini file...


Since SKSE is actually working as it should and I don't really need ClearInvalidRegistrations every single time I load a game I will keep it like that but I would like to understand why SKSE.ini gets ignored no matter where I do put it.

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Ok. For the people that struggle with this I found a work around, I deleted the [memory] section from the SKSE.INI and installed SSME. At first I couldnt get this to work correctly but it turned out it was my interent security deleting and blockin the dll file. So you need to stop that happening. Ans SUCCESS! My blocks now say I have 512.... now I just need to figure out how to increase the value

Now im sure alot of you people are going "duuuh!!" But for the people that dont know its very frustrating.

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