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After running DynDOLOD on my current mod list i've noticed that distant trees seem to change depending on how far away i am from them. 

I've tried googling it but can only find issues regarding "pop-in" which isn't really related to the problem i'm having.

The LODs seems to be switching between 3D and Static depending on my distance from them and if i use the freeflying camera to get close to it the LOD starts flickering like crazy.

Here's a video of the problem:



When reading up on flickering LOD i found an answer from Sheson on this forum that said to try setting uLargeRefLODGridSize to 5 in skyrimprefs.ini but that hasn't helped.

Would be very interested in hearing someones opinion on this and i'm ready to provide more details íf needed.

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See https://forum.step-project.com/topic/14284-distant-lod-not-using-new-dyndolod-lod-until-close
These 2 answers in particular:
By setting the usual Static LOD4, Billboard, Billboard for the "tree" mesh rule it is self explanatory that only the nearest LOD level 4 has 3D tree LOD models, while the further away LOD levels have billboard tree LOD.
A: If the tree LOD seems overly dark or bright, use the tree LOD brightness setting on the advanced options to account for lighting changes made by ENBs or weather mods.
DynDOLOD does not change what happens when using the TFC command in Skyrim SE.

Edited by sheson
  • +1 1

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