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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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Great. Everything worked. At the first statue I saw a favorite follower from Interesting NPCs. Had to act fast so the giant didn't kill me at the second. Leveled up at one point and went into Ordinator. Didn't even see a tree with a purple trunk (a problem with my play through last Year), Now onto the Lodgen. I skipped that last year, it was too intimidating. Now I'm curious to see what it looks like.

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Where the heck is the only Occlusion Buttom on XLodgen. I'm staring at the only screen it had and I see no such button. Or is it called something else, and if so why is everyone on the internet using that term? And I have found the Discord server to be quite unhelpful. No one over there answers questions for us newbs, Frustrating.

Edited by Brotherofcats
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Where the heck is the only Occlusion Buttom on XLodgen. I'm staring at the only screen it had and I see no such button. Or is it called something else, and if so why is everyone on the internet using that term? And I have found the Discord server to be quite unhelpful. No one over there answers questions for us newbs, Frustrating.

Not sure if you found your answer yet, but have a look at the attached image.


Right side pane, bottom-most checkbox -- "Occlusion". This is how I ran this step. Be sure all worldspaces are selected. Other options have been left as default. Also be sure you have the latest version of xLODGEN, as earlier versions DO NOT have an Occlusion selection.


As for zEdit, I also included a screenshot of my zEdit "Modify Executables" in MO2. Note that my SSE installation is on a dedicated SSD (F:) as follows:


MO2: F:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\ModOrganizer2-LexysLOTD

SSE: F:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

zEdit: F:\zEdit


EDIT: As for LOOT, I have also had some failed sorting issues in the past, but after verifying I had the latest version of LOOT, updating the masterlist (should be automatic when loading LOOT or clicking "Sort"), and very carefully reviewing ALL LOOT rules per the guide, these errors disappeared.


You can probably also force a masterlist update if necessary by deleting the C:\Users\[YourUserName]\AppData\Local\LOOT\Skyrim Special Edition\masterlist.yaml file (this is on Win7, but I imagine Win10 is the same or similar).



Edited by PepperJ071
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I wanted to make a mod suggestion, but I do not (yet) have a Trello account, so I will just leave it here...


If the guide is going back to using ENB: ENB Light


The effect is somewhat subtle, but I think it's a great improvement to torches, lanterns, mage light, quick light, etc. Although there do seem to be occasional non-immersive occlusion issues -- for example when a lantern is placed on a table, the table does not entirely block the light effect.


As bonus, it appears it can safely be ESL-flagged (although I haven't tested it thoroughly enough to be entirely certain it is 100% functioning as designed).


EDIT: Note that this completely overwrites Alternate Summoning Visuals and 1st Person Candlelight Fix. Depending on personal preference, one may wish to order these after/below in MO2.

Edited by PepperJ071
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Thank you. And now my game, after showing black faces and crashing, won't evern start, so I guess it's back to another install. Question about MLU (Morrowloot). There are patches for it, but I never saw the base esp in the guide. But one of the patches has a warning symbol, and says it is missing Morrowloot for a master, I have run find several times on the install page and never found Morrowloot, only the patches, Any explanation for that? Oh, and I definitely didn't see that chekbox on my computer, and I think it was the latest version. I downloaded it from the link on the step guide.

Edited by Brotherofcats
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guyguy, I used that guide, but when I was installing there was a warning on one of the plugins that MLU.esp was missing. Anyway, I'm reinstalling everything. Also, I finally got zEdit to work. Two people on the MO2 Discord worked with me for two hours, looking at logs I sent them, bouncing ideas off each other. They were a real help at pointing me toward a solution. Kudos to them.

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Man, this guide is hurting my brain. I installed Merge Plugins Hide according to directions, brought up the program, and there is no right hand box. There is one box, and clicking anywhere and everywhere on it brings up no options to set hide type. What am I missing? Nevermind. Found it through trial and error. Whis this guide had more pictures, because the quick descriptions are really hard to follow.

Edited by Brotherofcats
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Man, this guide is hurting my brain. I installed Merge Plugins Hide according to directions, brought up the program, and there is no right hand box. There is one box, and clicking anywhere and everywhere on it brings up no options to set hide type. What am I missing? Nevermind. Found it through trial and error. Whis this guide had more pictures, because the quick descriptions are really hard to follow.

Brotherofcats, it will be out of date but it might help some. There is a Youtube guide you can find by PheonixSunstar001. He installs every mod and does all of the finishing line. There are new tools now but it might help you.

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Thank you, hummingbird.

I forgot to say, he actually has the two playlists of installing the guide. Make sure you find the one of installing Omega. If I recall correctly that playlist has Omega written in the title. 


Le me know if you can't find it and I will post a link for you if I'm able to. Good luck!

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