Gyro Posted April 5, 2013 Posted April 5, 2013 Quote hey guys.i have installed SR 1:1 regarding to the guide with mode optimization, etc. for 3 times in the last 4 months now. i am getting constant CTDs with and without ENB.because it was so anoying i tried a normal STEP installation (average performance) - without CTDs. is it possible that the high ress textures can cause the CTDs and it is possible to potentially eliminate them by using performance friendlier versions?GPU: GForce GTX 670 (2 GB VRAM)Yup! Going full-on Revisited with less than 3 GB of RAM will cause CTDs in my experience.
Abbadon Posted April 5, 2013 Posted April 5, 2013 Quote Quote hey guys.i have installed SR 1:1 regarding to the guide with mode optimization, etc. for 3 times in the last 4 months now. i am getting constant CTDs with and without ENB.because it was so anoying i tried a normal STEP installation (average performance) - without CTDs. is it possible that the high ress textures can cause the CTDs and it is possible to potentially eliminate them by using performance friendlier versions?GPU: GForce GTX 670 (2 GB VRAM)Yup! Going full-on Revisited with less than 3 GB of RAM will cause CTDs in my experience.okay i will try 1k textures where exists and report backi also have a slight impression that FNIS supports CTDs
Iroha Posted April 5, 2013 Posted April 5, 2013 Abbadon, nope. You can CTD if one of compatibility patch have been done wrong. Disable them all, if not help - disable plugins that hasn't provided DLC or USKP changes. Textures Crush at main menu - almost impossible. Only in case there also meshes loaded at game start is missing. Also, FNIS has nothing to do with CTD. it implements animations in new animation slots, thats all.
statmonster Posted April 5, 2013 Posted April 5, 2013 Quote hey guys.i have installed SR 1:1 regarding to the guide with mode optimization, etc. for 3 times in the last 4 months now. i am getting constant CTDs with and without ENB.because it was so anoying i tried a normal STEP installation (average performance) - without CTDs. is it possible that the high ress textures can cause the CTDs and it is possible to potentially eliminate them by using performance friendlier versions?GPU: GForce GTX 670 (2 GB VRAM)You should alternatively/additionally try to DDSOpt your textures. This seems to make a considerable difference (says someone who learned from experience).
Aiyen Posted April 5, 2013 Posted April 5, 2013 Hehe we really need a sticky post for the DDSopt rant! :D You can run SR with just a 2Gb card no problem... As long as you reduce the normal maps of all the major foundation mods(Except WATER! Keep forgetting that sorry! ), and do optimizations of especially the AV packages! Alternatively you can just install SRO 1k version if you have that around... that should also sort out ANY problems you might have that are VRAM related. The drop on my Machine is over 700Mb VRAM by doing that. Just reducing the normals gives half that give or take. For more indepth talk about the issue look back to about page 60 and forward... also a bit of info in the ddsopt thread.
Abbadon Posted April 5, 2013 Posted April 5, 2013 thanks. i have already DDos'ed the official DLCs as well as SRO and Skyrim HD. but as you pointed out there are many left. deactivating all the self made SR patches has not helped as far as i have tested.
Iroha Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 check in mod organaizer "BSAs" table for all main bsa archives enabled. I mean those that named "Skyrim - ....bsa"
Maledark Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 Hi Neo ! It seems that Even Better Quest Objectives ESPs are now in BOSS masterlist. You can remove your warning/manual solution from your guide. Thanks !
WilliamImm Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 Quote Hi Neo ! It seems that Even Better Quest Objectives ESPs are now in BOSS masterlist. You can remove your warning/manual solution from your guide. Thanks !Except there were new ones that were not introduced in the BOSS masterlist yet.
Abbadon Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 i want to thank everyone who advised me a page ago. i have optimized EVERY single texture in SR and i have not hat one single CTD or Stock at Loadingscreen the last couple of hours. i observed the optimization process and found out some strange things. sometimes the ddsopt optimized textures incredible good (e.g. sunglare (from 20 mb to 2,56 mb) and sometimes it even made textures bigger in size! (e.g. 2,17 --> 2,56 mb).. adressing Neo. as you have made perfectly clear on the first page > SR is Skyrim how you play it. never the less - i think something like a performance guide or better instructions on the importance of GPU to avoid CTRs would multiply your followers. I thought I had a strong system and was desperately trying to find out which mod corrupts my game but i would have never thought it is just the GPU..
statmonster Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 @Abbadon - that's a good point. A short dissertation on what the critical performance metrics on a GPU (and other hardware) would also be helpful. As near as I can tell (which is not all that well) the hardware specs that really matter are: GPU - VRAM in GBs seems to be the most important metric in Skyrim, a good graphics card that lacks 4 GB of VRAM is just not going to perform as well as one thinks it ought to. SLI/Crossfire will not really overcome this issue. Memory - 4 GB of RAM is essential but more can help a bit after you run through the 3.2 GB's the engine can readily access. Drive - SSD with plenty of space can help a bit after you run through your ram above; fast HDDs are better than average/slow HDDs for this.. Speed- Clock speed/overclocking CPUs and GPUs don't really give you much of a boost when moving from pretty good to amazing clock speeds. (Do faster GPUs help with ENB post-processing?) If you have money to throw at your system and want a more stable Skyrim it seems that upgrading to a 4 GB GPU is where you will get the most boost, but more memory is cheap so this might give a reasonable return on investment (i.e. memory will only give you a bit of an improvement but it's cheaper to upgrade than the other alternatives). I look forward to someone who actually knows what they are talking about correcting my mistakes above!
Aiyen Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 Actually the 4Gb is still a "waste of money" if we only consider Skyrim... The cost/performance ratio is horrible for the better cards. And due to the dx9 and 32bit limitations of the Skyrim engine you just do not get to see what you pay for. Perhaps the only benefit you gain is less stuttering and perhaps a little bit better stability. One small benefit of the better 4Gb cards are when you use ENB´s or other post processing since it requires a bit more VRAM and is very dependent on the GPU. SLI/Crossfire does help with ENB since Post Processing mainly requires GPU computing power. But will not help with memory since a setup is still limited to only one cards memory... which is also why cost/performance ratio drops even more massively with the best cards in SLI... you pay for lots of VRAM that you never really get to use. OC the GPU does help with ENB but if you do this then I recommend a factory OC card with warranty on it! Most Shadow rendering in Skyrim is purely CPU based hence better CPU will mean you can use better shadow settings without slowdowns. Also decals etc are run by the CPU so it is still vital... however OC is not really going to show massive boosts in this game, and in the end it is just going to shorten your CPU´s lifetime for a few measly percent of performance. Memory is the vital factor... having at least 8Gb (at least 1600Mhz DDR3) of RAM is a must, but 16 is properly the all round best since this will help reduce stuttering since the game can store everything it has loaded many times so you will never have to use HDD cache at all. Make sure it is in two blocks and not four. Less is better in this regard. It should go without saying that OC of RAM is just pointless. You get less then 5% increased performance and less stability. HDD....Yeh an SSD will be better but at best only help reduce any potential stuttering since the game can access the textures faster. But latency is part of the CTD problem so every bit helps. Also at the very start of the guide Neo has put his specs up and says the guide is designed for a computer of this size hardware wise... that should be enough. The ddsopt guide should be made eventually but most people find this forum and figure it out here. As for the optimizations of the textures... when the size drops then it is mainly because the format have been changed from a lossless format to one that has a small loss of detail but nothing that is noticeable ingame. When it increases then it is mainly because the optimization has fixed the mipmap levels or something else the texture was "missing". Or just changed its format to a better format. Also If you optimized EVERYTHING then you might get some issues... since some textures like the ones in Enhanced blood and WATER and properly also any LOD textures are required to be in a certain way to be showed correctly in all cases, so those should not be touched. Edit: The cost/performance ratio I am talking about here is the TOTAL cost.. hence also including what is going to be on your powerbill!
jasonstory44 Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 Happy weekend guys....Ok, so frustration continues ugh. SR had been running like a dream. I was getting CTDs trying to enter Dragonsreach through the front door. Got around that by finally entering through the dungeon and it worked. Game was once again running amazing til I got to Bleak Falls Barrow. Now once again I am getting consistent CTDs while trying to enter. Unfortunately there is no other entrance or back door this time. Any thoughts? Any cheats to get me inside and bypass the door? God I love and hate this game all at the same time
Kelmych Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 Quote Memory is the vital factor... having at least 8Gb (at least 1600Mhz DDR3) of RAM is a must, but 16 is properly the all round best since this will help reduce stuttering since the game can store everything it has loaded many times so you will never have to use HDD cache at all. Make sure it is in two blocks and not four. Less is better in this regard. It should go without saying that OC of RAM is just pointless. You get less then 5% increased performance and less stability. I don't see how RAM greater than 8 Gb helps since the game itself can at most use 4 Gb. How does 16 Gb help reduce stuttering?
Crackpotmark Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 I'm Probably just being really thick but these instructions don't work for meUnder "The Bricks" then Realistic Room Rental Enhanced v1.5 Quote Open TES5Edit.Select Bring Out Your Dead.esp and RealisticRoomRental.esp then click [OK].Expand "Non-Player Character (Actor)" under RealisticRoomRental.esp and select the "00013479" node.Right-click the column for RealisticRoomRental.esp and select "Copy as override into...".Select "" and click [OK]. In the resulting text box type "RRR-BOYD Patch".Drag the "Script" record named "WIDeadBodyCleanupScript" from Bring Out Your Dead.esp to RRR-BOYD Patch.esp.Select the "000135ED" node.Right-click the column for RealisticRoomRental.esp and select "Copy as override into...".Select RRR-BOYD Patch.esp and click [OK].Drag the "Script" record named "WIDeadBodyCleanupScript" from Bring Out Your Dead.esp to RRR-BOYD Patch.esp.Repeat this for all mismatching nodes in this folder.Click the [X] in the upper right hand corner, uncheck "Backup plugins", and click [OK].Tes5Edit wont let me drag "Script" record WIDeadBodyCleanupScript to RRR-BOYD.esp. It just gives me the "circle with a line"Â cursor. It also wont let me right click RRR-BOYD.esp and add a new record.Any ideas or setting I could adjust in TES5edit?
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