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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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  'Smile44 said:
Map markers are not working on my set up' date=' I've just noticed, at least not the extra ones. Need to look into that.[/quote']

I think I have the same issue.  Four Skulls Lookout showed up in white.  (It's where I started as a bandit.)  Karthwastern showed up in brown when I went there.  However neither of the mines nearby (Fenn's Gulch, Sanuarach) showed up. 


However, looking at the mod's nexus page (14976) I think I had to go to Riverwood (which can be a bit awkward with Alternate Starts) and pick up some sort of book to enable all these secondary type locations.  I'll try that next time I pass through Riverwood (or start there).


Smile - Did you have the Riverwood book when the markings didn't show up?


Sigh: ugrids=5 is the only way to ensure decent stability, resulting in myopic prettiness. Now I need to figure out how to stop textures from popping in.


By the looks of things, most of my recent ctds have been more RAM related than VRAM, which is sad. My skyrim doesn't seem to like anything above 3.1-3.2 GB of RAM. VRAM usage is far lower than tat.


@Neovalen - Others have mentioned the problem when running piles of mods. I refused to listen. However, ugrids=5 may me worth mentioning in the SkyRev guide to minimise unnecessary ******tery.


The stability is awesome. Now I'm going to see if I can add SRO to SkyHD & Serious.


Another (very minor!) typo for you. (I'm working through the guide, so I'm noticing these as I go along - hope you don't mind!)


In Roosters At Dawn, in the "changes from DLCs" edit,


Expand the "00016BB4">"Block 1,-1">"Sub-Block 5,-3"

should read:

Expand "Worldspace">"00016BB4">"Block 1,-1">"Sub-Block 5,-3"

for consistency with the rest of the guide.


EDIT: One more small one, a single-character typo.


In Realistic Needs & Diseases, the very last edit before you move on to the BOSS Userlist edit,


Drag the "OBND - Object Bounds" and "DATA - Weight" records from RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp to RND_DestrubtibleBottles-Patch.esp.

should read:

[...] RND_DestructibleBottles-Patch.esp.


There was a reason why I didn't make a Even Better Quest Objectives patch for Theives Guild Requirements, even through there is a single conflict with that. The only conflicting quest is MG202 - Even Better Quest Objectives changes the objective to "Talk to Brynjolf in Riften". Thieves Guild Requirements changes the objective to "Ask around Riften to see if anyone knows Esbern.". Why didn't I make a compatibility patch for it? This was intentional by part of the author:


  \ said:
There is a point in the main quest where you go to Riften & talk to Brynjolf. However' date=' with this mod, the main quest dialogue options with Brynjolf won't be activated unless you meet the thief requirements. There is another route to completing this quest, though...ask around Riften; there is someone else who has information for you. (If you need a more direct answer, see the bottom of the Readme). This is actually an alternate option available in the vanilla game, I've not changed it.[/quote']


I'd suggest removing the patch for Even Better Quest Objectives and Thieves Guild Requirements as the conflict was a intentional decision by the author. Or, at least state that it's optional.

  'WilliamImm said:

There was a reason why I didn't make a Even Better Quest Objectives patch for Theives Guild Requirements' date=' even through there is a single conflict with that. The only conflicting quest is MG202 - Even Better Quest Objectives changes the objective to "Talk to Brynjolf in Riften". Thieves Guild Requirements changes the objective to "Ask around Riften to see if anyone knows Esbern.". Why didn't I make a compatibility patch for it? This was intentional by part of the author:


  \ said:
There is a point in the main quest where you go to Riften & talk to Brynjolf. However' date=' with this mod, the main quest dialogue options with Brynjolf won't be activated unless you meet the thief requirements. There is another route to completing this quest, though...ask around Riften; there is someone else who has information for you. (If you need a more direct answer, see the bottom of the Readme). This is actually an alternate option available in the vanilla game, I've not changed it.[/quote']


I'd suggest removing the patch for Even Better Quest Objectives and Thieves Guild Requirements as the conflict was a intentional decision by the author. Or, at least state that it's optional.


Thanks for the clarification. Will look at it tonight again.


If I recall correctly though the Ask around Riften text was vanilla...


Good news! I have obtained permission from Hothtrooper44 to make an Immersive Weapons patch! :)

I have also sent a message to MasterOfShadows regarding Wot3E and left a message on JaySuS swords thread(hopefully someone can get a hold of JaySuS or provide me some guidance).

Just a comment on weapons/armors mods in general. There is obviously a massive amount of them on the Nexus, but only very few are well made. JaySuS Swords is a great reference, no doubt. Wot3E is nicely done (also integrated in Skyre). I would add Private's Eye Heavy Armory (also integrated in Skyre), Lost LongSwords, perhaps Ghosus Weapon Pack, Unique Uniques by the very skilled Insanity Sorrow, and thats all for good.


Immersive Weapons adds more than 100 weapons and variants. Looks like bloatware to my eyes (in comparison with the excellent Immersive Armors) with unequal quality on the whole.


Edit: typos


P.S: Unique Bows Collection is breathtaking but thats another thing. :)


Just my two cents obviously. Anyway, thank you again for your amazing work Neo. I would by lost in the jungle without your guide.


Sigh: ugrids=5 is the only way to ensure decent stability, resulting in myopic prettiness. Now I need to figure out how to stop textures from popping in.


By the looks of things, most of my recent ctds have been more RAM related than VRAM, which is sad. My skyrim doesn't seem to like anything above 3.1-3.2 GB of RAM. VRAM usage is far lower than tat.


@Neovalen - Others have mentioned the problem when running piles of mods. I refused to listen. However, ugrids=5 may me worth mentioning in the SkyRev guide to minimise unnecessary ******tery.


The stability is awesome. Now I'm going to see if I can add SRO to SkyHD & Serious.

Not really any point in mentioning it should be 5 since 5 is the vanilla standard. 

As you have found out then it is just not possible to get a stable game with higher ugrids and a massive mod list. Even if none of them are texture overhauls. 


If I recall correctly though the Ask around Riften text was vanilla...


No, that was a intentional change in Thieves Guild Requirements.


@Jorus - About weapon mods - I did suggest JaySuS, SkyRe, and the Immersive Compilations originally to Neovalen, because if those are done first, then there won't be constant requests to do compatibility patches for those mods. Immersive Weapons is of unequal quality, yes, but it is also one of the most popular weapon mods out there, and there will eventually be requests for compatility with that mod at some point.


Its not obvious he should support a mod that is as large as immersive weapons.   Especially since that would mean keeping up with a ton of updates.  He should do what the original author of DSPSOB did, which was to release a tutorial on how to add meshes and create compatibility patches.  Perhaps with some additional support (like if someone adds the immersive weapons suit, then he/she can send the file to Neovalen who will then update the page accordingly).


Haelfix - I suppose it might depend on how difficult it is to do the patch. If the effort required is low it might be worth doing as it will expand his DSR Mod's appeal, especially as people who use weapon/armor mods might be likely candidates to adopt his new dual sheath & shield placement (DSR) mod. Or something like that...


Its not obvious he should support a mod that is as large as immersive weapons.   Especially since that would mean keeping up with a ton of updates.  He should do what the original author of DSPSOB did, which was to release a tutorial on how to add meshes and create compatibility patches.  Perhaps with some additional support (like if someone adds the immersive weapons suit, then he/she can send the file to Neovalen who will then update the page accordingly).


I will be providing said documentation though I was hoping I could get some mod authors to join in updating their stuff but all of them informed me they are too busy ATM.


The purpose of providing patches though is so the mod gets wide adoption. I haven't gotten almost any feedback on beta2 so far though so... hope its not for naught.


Got most of the Immersive Weapons pack completed, down to about 2 more folders worth.... but I have to sleep. hehe


p.s. Damned exotic weaponry!

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