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I would suggest reducing saturation in ENB at the RGB channel level, you get a lot more control and precision

Eh, for most users, use the MCM its way simpler but I would say that VW is a little over saturated but Viridian just isn't worth the performance hit.

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Eh, for most users, use the MCM its way simpler but I would say that VW is a little over saturated but Viridian just isn't worth the performance hit.

I haven't noticed any FR difference between Vividian Performance and VW ENB and i actually prefer Perf. version as its less "in your face" so to speak. I do use Dynavision to blur distant objects to make up for lack of ENB DOF and tick sharpening option in Vividian installer - overall probably best ENB setup i've tried

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I messed a bit with the saturation levels in VW MCM and here's the result:














Now, while the Low seems closest to my personal favorite, I can't seem to fix the extreme sharpness of the distant objects. I like the distant objects not to be that clearly visible, since they are in fact distant. I don't have this when using the CoT-Vividian setup.

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I messed a bit with the saturation levels in VW MCM and here's the result:














Now, while the Low seems closest to my personal favorite, I can't seem to fix the extreme sharpness of the distant objects. I like the distant objects not to be that clearly visible, since they are in fact distant. I don't have this when using the CoT-Vividian setup.

you could try dynovision?

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Dynavision just enables a "lighter" DOF and is more suitable for non-ENB configurations.


This is the same scene, same hour of the day but without VW. It is the original configuration before March 8th with CoT, Vividian 7.35 and ENB v2.90



As you can see everything is way more immersive and the background blends smoothly with everything else. This one also has Vivid Clouds/Fogs but as the VW page says, that mod is included in VW.

I'll just stick to that setup for the time being. Maybe VW needs a lot more time for its author to "polish".

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Well...aesthetics and immersion are always quite subjective. You consider your CoT image to be immersive and better blended with the environment where my eye says that i like better the Bleak or Low image of your VW post above. We are both right and both wrong! It all comes down to taste and I am sure that Manga cannot please everybody's "eye".


For me Vivid Weathers is just great with an amazing MCM addition and Vividian ENB for VW is almost to my liking.

You do not see it that way which is fair enough.


I am sure that you are getting my point!  ::):

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Personally I really love the Vivid weather pictures, the clarity, the distant sharpness, the reflections, it is truly amazing, its a masterpiece.


Anyway, I see that vividian ENB replaced vivd weather enb, and personally I prefer vivd weather enb. I just wonder if there will be any issues/problems using vivid ENB instead if vividian?

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