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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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No they are not meant to be copied into NSUTR. Where did you read that? However you'll have remove the meshes\prometheus\architecture\statuessnow folder in NSUTR. So NSUTR doesn't overwrite any files of Stunning Statues.

I just misunderstood the post

Edited by Razorsedge877
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The ones used in the guide appear to be fine...

Haven't checked the Realistic Room Rental ELFX patch for myself but it was mentioned in the comments page for ELFX. If it's fine as is then my bad.


The only other ones I use (I think; I really haven't used ELFX in a long time) are ETaC and Immersive College of Winterhold, I think there are some issues with the latter but I'll load up ELFX 2.0 and compare just to check. Not part of SRLE anyway so no worries.


Edit: Loaded up RRR_ELFX-Patch, I'm assuming most conflicts are fine, but there are some entries that are just white, not referenced in ELFX or RRR, like 050bb2b5 for example (05 being ELFX's mod index). Are those just no big deal or what?

Edited by StoneWallace17
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Haven't checked the Realistic Room Rental ELFX patch for myself but it was mentioned in the comments page for ELFX. If it's fine as is then my bad.


The only other ones I use (I think; I really haven't used ELFX in a long time) are ETaC and Immersive College of Winterhold, I think there are some issues with the latter but I'll load up ELFX 2.0 and compare just to check. Not part of SRLE anyway so no worries.


Edit: Loaded up RRR_ELFX-Patch, I'm assuming most conflicts are fine, but there are some entries that are just white, not referenced in ELFX or RRR, like 050bb2b5 for example (05 being ELFX's mod index). Are those just no big deal or what?

I did a quick error search and took a peek and didn't see anything right off but will investigate further with this info, thanks.


Edit: Looks like your right and some of the patch got taken out. Unfortunately RRR is no longer being developed so I doubt a new patch is forthcoming from the author... fun times indeed. Will take a look at the affected areas and see what can be done.

Edit2: Argh, this is going to be a painful issue. Between this, Vivid Weathers, and some other things I've been considering this is gonna be a big change.

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Do you guys have any ideas as to why Bathing dialog will not show up for any NPC? I had it working fine before but after ive reinstalled game and all mods it just wouldnt cooperate. Ive tried with or without neo's follower only patch and checked in tes5edit - it has 0 conflicts. Appreciate any ideas you can throw

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Is it really as simple as just finding what FormIDs were changed in ELFX and then changing the ones in the patch ESP files to match, or am I butchering my RRR-ELFX patch right now? I've made some progress on getting them to match, there's a few that are unique to the patch even in 2.0 and I assume those are intentional.


I have a RRR-ELFX patch that seems to be fixed (if changing FormIDs is all that's required) but I haven't looked at it ingame yet. Modifying my other patches at the moment.

Edited by StoneWallace17
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I have my sandbox updated fully to Vivid Weathers and I've completed updating the guide to use it locally. Doing a bit further testing before I publish it. So far the weathers look great, the ENB portion seems mediocre thus far but I don't think that was Manga's focus for this release.


Other changes currently in consideration/testing:

   Removing Real Shelter until Chesko publishes his updated/fixed version that is compatible with Vivid Weathers. It is currently only half compatible.

   Changing from Convenient Horses To Immersive Horses/Craftable Horse Barding.

   Changing from SRO to Noble Skyrim.


Is it really as simple as just finding what FormIDs were changed in ELFX and then changing the ones in the patch ESP files to match, or am I butchering my RRR-ELFX patch right now? I've made some progress on getting them to match, there's a few that are unique to the patch even in 2.0 and I assume those are intentional.


I have a RRR-ELFX patch that seems to be fixed (if changing FormIDs is all that's required) but I haven't looked at it ingame yet. Modifying my other patches at the moment.

I'd be interesting in checking that out... since I don't really have time to dig through the patch work right now. :) Please provide a link.

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I get either crazy flickering or super dark interiors with the Vivid Weathers ENB and I'm not really sure why. Haven't tried a different one though. Without an ENB the one inn I checked looked good as far as I can tell, and I'm pretty sure it was one I had to change quite a few things in the RRR-ELFX patch.


Here's the link to it, pretty sure I got everything changed. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_-tyUcnfIlEMXlNNzc0ZFlKbGM/view?usp=sharing

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I get either crazy flickering or super dark interiors with the Vivid Weathers ENB and I'm not really sure why. Haven't tried a different one though. Without an ENB the one inn I checked looked good as far as I can tell, and I'm pretty sure it was one I had to change quite a few things in the RRR-ELFX patch.


Here's the link to it, pretty sure I got everything changed. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_-tyUcnfIlEMXlNNzc0ZFlKbGM/view?usp=sharing

I haven't seen any flickering... Interiors don't seem overly different Darkness wise from Vividian to me. Thanks for the file, will check it out. If it works I'll upload it to my dropbox as a replacer ESP, credit to you of course. :)

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Other changes currently in consideration/testing:

   Removing Real Shelter until Chesko publishes his updated/fixed version that is compatible with Vivid Weathers. It is currently only half compatible.

   Changing from Convenient Horses To Immersive Horses/Craftable Horse Barding.

   Changing from SRO to Noble Skyrim.

Removing RS is a good Idea until Chesko fixes it.

Extended has already switched to Immersive horses if you add i remove from there simalrly Noble skyrim

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Hi Neovalen, don't know if mentioned before or if you already noticed, but the AOS2_RealisticWaterTwo Patch.esp from Audio Overhaul 2.5.1 is missing from the guide.  Had to edit the header to make it work with the file merge for RealisticWaterTwo - Merged.esp ...



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