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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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I was going through the guide, and under langley's wood metal and stone textures workshop, the list of textures to exclude have smill01.dds and smill01_n.dds listed twice. I'm guessing the second set is meant to be snail01.dds and snail01_n.dds.

  'thalastwon said:
I was going through the guide' date=' and under langley's wood metal and stone textures workshop, the list of textures to exclude have smill01.dds and smill01_n.dds listed twice. I'm guessing the second set is meant to be snail01.dds and snail01_n.dds.[/quote']

No, I installed snail01 and the normal. I'll investigate (it may just be copy/paste error).


Edit: confirmed, just a copy/paste problem. Fixed now.


Many reasons... MO (currently) has more functionality than Wrye and doesn't copy files 100x over. I haven't used Wrye to actually manage my mods since 301 version however, so not sure how much has changed. I especially like the installer better (no need for BCFs) or manual repacks.


I do have a list of why I chose Mod Organizer in the pre-requisites section but haven't updated the reasons list for 12.4 yet (but it got longer!). The new MO version is very very nice.


Regarding SKSE - The pre-requisites section states to not install the script files (i.e. still manually install the rest) then provides instructions later for installing those through MO.

All of the instructions (DDSOpt, TES5Edit, Wrye Bash, and MO) are very easy for noobs like me to follow but ironically enough, installing the SKSE script files via MO per the "Create The Skyrim Revisited Profile" section in Skyrim Revisited, is the only part were my eyes glaze over and I end up in front of my computer in a puddle of tears.  I'm sorry but I just don't get it. 


So just I ended up installing SKSE normally, meaning that I manually install the SKSE .exe, .dlls, and script files.  So basically I skipped the section in your guide about creating a "Skyrim Script Extender" mod in my Skyrim Revisited profile mod list.  I still have both a Vanilla Skyrim and a Skyrim Revisited profile in Mod Organizer. 


I start the game per the usual way, by selecting the "Skyrim Revisited" profile in MO, selecting "SKSE" from the "START" drop-down and clicking "RUN".


Everything seems to work fine but I just want to double check with you on whether you see any issues in installing the SKSE script files manually as opposed to via MO per your guide?




Only thing your way does different is when you run Vanilla I believe it still loads the SKSE scripts. Basically all that section was telling you to do was to install the scripts folder using MO instead of manually so they only load when running revisited and not vanilla.


exe's and dll's: Install manually into Skyrim Folder.

scripts: Install via MO.


Also, has anyone else had trouble using external edit? It was working for me fine until one day it stopped working.


Message from XExternalEditor is "RuntimeException: Edit time not found in HTML document!"

I just got the page I'm editing through external edit and I didn't have any problems.
Now, however, I'm getting the same error when I try to use external edit. Did you fix your problem with this?



Also, has anyone else had trouble using external edit? It was working for me fine until one day it stopped working.


Message from XExternalEditor is "RuntimeException: Edit time not found in HTML document!"

I just got the page I'm editing through external edit and I didn't have any problems.
Now, however, I'm getting the same error when I try to use external edit. Did you fix your problem with this?
Nope, never did. Resorted to just editing it manually though the built in edit.... notice it hangs now and again also and I have to re-open in another browser window. Stopping may need to look into it.

Something I noticed while following the guide, is that after you go into tes5edit to fix the plugins and update them to be compatible, you always say to take the esp out of the overwrite folder and put them into the mod folder it was originally in. When you exit TES5Edit, at the bottom of the window it has backup plugin checkmarked. If you remove that checkmark, MO puts the fixed esp in the correct mod folder instead of the overwrite folder without having to put it back manually.


Something I noticed while following the guide, is that after you go into tes5edit to fix the plugins and update them to be compatible, you always say to take the esp out of the overwrite folder and put them into the mod folder it was originally in. When you exit TES5Edit, at the bottom of the window it has backup plugin checkmarked. If you remove that checkmark, MO puts the fixed esp in the correct mod folder instead of the overwrite folder without having to put it back manually.


That's a new feature in 12.4, will need to adjust by removing some of the notes.


Some typos/tidbits while running through the "Bricks" mods section:


Antz in my Pants - (First code box) 00037EDF>00037EE6 does not have an 'Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp' column.

----(Second code box) 000580A2 not sub/within 0013A7E; same level/within Sub-Block 1


Blood Barrels for Vampires - 06002F9B assumed to be 07002F9B

----07002F9C (BloodBarrel02) also has a count entry of 20. Opinion?


Destructible Bottles Extended - Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp not installed at this point (RUPPB in "Mortar" section)


Distant Detail HF Edition - (DG/HF forward code box) 00000D74 has an 'Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp' column; same XLCR values.


Enhanced Blood 3.0b - Did not get any ITM/UDR fixes while cleaning.


More Interactive Items - (second code box) 02001408>Block -1,-1>Subblock 0,-1>02002C8A assumed/should be Block 0,-1>etc.

----Block -1,-1>Subblock -1,-1; has 02002CFC with similar values as mentioned two entries. Opinion?


Stopped there for now. Will work through some more later, but thought I'd point these out.


EDIT: Finished up 'Brick' section with only one additional minor spot off:


More Village Animal - (fourth code box) Should be Worldspace>0000003C>Block -1,0> ...


Again, it's looking awesome and appreciate the work you're putting into this. Definitely since it got me out of the 'too much hassle/just want to play' mindset of putting off using MO/TES5Edit/etc. ^.^


Can't wait to see more of your choice mods and build advice make it into the guide!


I'm not sure this is really needed, but figured I'd drop this here anyway - you might want to put a note about the UNP and Better Male mods to merely mention that 'underwear' versions exist. I just recently finished getting everything installed and hadn't really paid much attention to those particular mods, and was a bit surprised when I looted my first guard :) I only bring this up because I'm modding this up as much for my son as myself and that could have been... awkward. My own fault, obviously, but just noting it for others.


Love the changelog. The guide would have been impossible to track pre-release otherwise! So far, everything loads and works without any issues out of the gate, though I haven't really started 'playing' yet. Looks amazingly impressive.


Sigh. A note for folks - Mod Organizer went wonky on me tonight (it could have been my own fault, I don't know exactly what happened) but it managed to wipe out my entire 'mod' directory. All those edits - poof. I figured darn, but no big deal, I'll just reinstall and grabbed the backed-up .esp files from the TES5Edit backups dir! Much to my chagrin, those backups are all made _prior_ to editing. Makes sense in retrospect, but I had it in my head they were post-edit backups (the original is in the mod itself! Why would I need it backed up?). So, don't be silly and keep a backup of your mod directory :)


At least I don't have to go through the pain of downloading them again - that directory stayed put.


Some typos/tidbits while running through the "Bricks" mods section:


Antz in my Pants - (First code box) 00037EDF>00037EE6 does not have an 'Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp' column.

----(Second code box) 000580A2 not sub/within 0013A7E; same level/within Sub-Block 1


Blood Barrels for Vampires - 06002F9B assumed to be 07002F9B

----07002F9C (BloodBarrel02) also has a count entry of 20. Opinion?


Destructible Bottles Extended - Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp not installed at this point (RUPPB in "Mortar" section)


Distant Detail HF Edition - (DG/HF forward code box) 00000D74 has an 'Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp' column; same XLCR values.


Enhanced Blood 3.0b - Did not get any ITM/UDR fixes while cleaning.


More Interactive Items - (second code box) 02001408>Block -1,-1>Subblock 0,-1>02002C8A assumed/should be Block 0,-1>etc.

----Block -1,-1>Subblock -1,-1; has 02002CFC with similar values as mentioned two entries. Opinion?


Stopped there for now. Will work through some more later, but thought I'd point these out.

Will look into these.

I'm not sure this is really needed, but figured I'd drop this here anyway - you might want to put a note about the UNP and Better Male mods to merely mention that 'underwear' versions exist. I just recently finished getting everything installed and hadn't really paid much attention to those particular mods, and was a bit surprised when I looted my first guard :) I only bring this up because I'm modding this up as much for my son as myself and that could have been... awkward. My own fault, obviously, but just noting it for others.


Love the changelog. The guide would have been impossible to track pre-release otherwise! So far, everything loads and works without any issues out of the gate, though I haven't really started 'playing' yet. Looks amazingly impressive.

Added some notes.
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