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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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i came back to the Skyrim Legendary Version thanks to the Steam Sale. I am an absolute Noob especially regarding the Use of Wrye Bash.

So I installed everything described in your guide. I really like how it takes you through every little step very detailled.


1) What I noticed was when running the BUM:

- there was no rule for RSChildren_PatchBooksofSkyrim.esp

- I merged that file as it says in the guide along with other files and renamed the merged file. I also moved RSChildren_PatchBooksofSkyrim.esp to optional ESPs, so it doesn't show up in the right pane of MO

- still BOSS lists it as unrecognized and BUM wants a rule

- what am I doing wrong?


2) MO makes suggestings on the top right corner (the road sign) for a different order (even after running BOSS). Is it safe/ok to apply those suggestions?


3) In the overwrite folder there are currently the Bash patch file and the files from SUM. I wanted to make a copy of the Legendary profile to try out some mods and leave the Legendary Profile untouched. Is there going to be a problem leaving those described files in the overwrite folder? (Sorry if this a trivial question, as I said regarding Wrye Bash, I am an asolute Noob)



A really big thanks for the guide! After finished installing it yesterday I found myself wandering just wandering around Sykrim for about 1,5 hours. Was like playing Skyrim for the first time again!!


At the ENB Series Graphics Modification section, the guide isn't very clear on which version you need to use. There's the Injector and Wrapper version. Even though it may seem like basic knowledge, I think it wouldn't hurt to add in the guide which one to use, in case people forget or are unaware of this.


Question about the Wyrmstooth update to 1.12. Does it add new textures/meshes that require reoptimizing textures, or can I just use the ones from 1.1 that I've already optimized?

  On 9/22/2014 at 2:30 AM, Neovalen said:

We are not using the main file with esp just the texture optional.

Ok, so I should not install the downloaded package called "DagiRahtv1_1-48672-v1-1.7z" which includes the .esp and should only install the file "Dagi-Raht OLD UNP COMPATIBLE TEXTURES-48672-"?


This is unclear in the instructions as you have a version indicator attached to the mod information and there isn't a version 1.1 for anything but the main file download on Nexus.

  On 9/22/2014 at 10:25 AM, renton said:



i came back to the Skyrim Legendary Version thanks to the Steam Sale. I am an absolute Noob especially regarding the Use of Wrye Bash.

So I installed everything described in your guide. I really like how it takes you through every little step very detailled.


1) What I noticed was when running the BUM:

- there was no rule for RSChildren_PatchBooksofSkyrim.esp

- I merged that file as it says in the guide along with other files and renamed the merged file. I also moved RSChildren_PatchBooksofSkyrim.esp to optional ESPs, so it doesn't show up in the right pane of MO

- still BOSS lists it as unrecognized and BUM wants a rule

- what am I doing wrong?


2) MO makes suggestings on the top right corner (the road sign) for a different order (even after running BOSS). Is it safe/ok to apply those suggestions?


3) In the overwrite folder there are currently the Bash patch file and the files from SUM. I wanted to make a copy of the Legendary profile to try out some mods and leave the Legendary Profile untouched. Is there going to be a problem leaving those described files in the overwrite folder? (Sorry if this a trivial question, as I said regarding Wrye Bash, I am an asolute Noob)



A really big thanks for the guide! After finished installing it yesterday I found myself wandering just wandering around Sykrim for about 1,5 hours. Was like playing Skyrim for the first time again!!

1) No rule was needed as it was being merged in, not left in load order. There must still be a copy of the esp somewhere... try doing a search on your pc.

2) Do NOT follow those instructions, only what is in my guide. Everything has been checked for bugs.

3) If your going to use multiple profiles its probably best to make those into a mod at the bottom of your order instead of leaving them in your overwrite.


  On 9/22/2014 at 2:57 PM, Faylon said:

At the ENB Series Graphics Modification section, the guide isn't very clear on which version you need to use. There's the Injector and Wrapper version. Even though it may seem like basic knowledge, I think it wouldn't hurt to add in the guide which one to use, in case people forget or are unaware of this.

"These effects are injected into Skyrim by means of a modified d3d9.dll or alternatively through an injector program supplied in the archive and are controlled by an enbseries.ini, enblocal.ini, and a series of .fx files containing shader code. For the purposes of the guide, the d3d9.dll method will be used."


  On 9/22/2014 at 10:13 PM, Razorsedge877 said:

Should I optimize my textures for the base game or would Tony's Optimized Vanilla  Files do the job just as well?

I downloaded Tony's mod, but I haven't run with it long enough to say, so jury is out. I believe the STEP team is also investigating. Considering its based on the STEP instructions I'm guessing it could be used just as well.


  On 9/22/2014 at 10:57 PM, jayjaie said:

Ok, so I should not install the downloaded package called "DagiRahtv1_1-48672-v1-1.7z" which includes the .esp and should only install the file "Dagi-Raht OLD UNP COMPATIBLE TEXTURES-48672-"?


This is unclear in the instructions as you have a version indicator attached to the mod information and there isn't a version 1.1 for anything but the main file download on Nexus.

Right, only the OLD UNP Textures. As it appears, the entire page has been taken down (AGAIN!)... supposedly being reworked. Hopefully you have it downloaded. The reason the version was there was simply because the old file didn't have a version # and thats what was on top of the mod page.


Cool if you need that sort of thing. :) Nudity does not bother me. That being said, there is underwear versions for unpb so... Why?


All I see is unneeded trouble.

  On 9/25/2014 at 7:58 PM, Neovalen said:

Cool if you need that sort of thing. :) Nudity does not bother me. That being said, there is underwear versions for unpb so... Why?All I see is unneeded trouble.

The underwear is equip-able, which is nice because it is awkward when I loot bandits and I leave a pile of naked NPCs outside of a city. This makes it so that it is already equipped on NPCs, but can be removed, if for some reason someone wanted to  ::):


A silly question:  no mention is made in SR:LE of what to do with ipresentinterval.  Becasue I have followed the instructions exactly thus far i have the enb installed (and working because my fps went from 60 to 40) but im getting some seriously odd input lag.  when i press to go forward there is a 0.5 second pause between pressing the key and movement beginning in skyrim.  I can whizz the mouse around fine, just lag on pressing keys.


What should i presentinterval be set to in the iniprefs given the ENB is active and is driving vsync as on.  Having followed all instructions (i think) thus far my ipresentinterval was set to 1.  (which is on I think).  Should it be off in the ini been as the ENB is now doing that job?  STEP Core seems to set it to 0 as part of running enb boost.



Posted (edited)
  On 9/23/2014 at 4:45 AM, Neovalen said:


Right, only the OLD UNP Textures. As it appears, the entire page has been taken down (AGAIN!)... supposedly being reworked. Hopefully you have it downloaded. The reason the version was there was simply because the old file didn't have a version # and thats what was on top of the mod page.

Argh! I found a copy of the v1.1 files over at LL, but unfortunately they don't have the UNP textures file archived. Could someone attach it or PM it to me, please? I can host a DL link to it after that.

Alternatively, I have her released Modders Resource File:




So if someone could provide a detailed list of files I need (e.g. screenshot(s) of MO's filetree, expanded), they're probably in here somewhere. I just don't know which ones to pick since they're all lumped together under the general Dagi-Raht Assets folder.


Thanks! I'm loving this guide.

Edited by myarta
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