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I have always found the whole deal with alternative treatments etc. quite fascinating. Often when I hear debates on that topic it seems that the lines are just drawn up too heavily with either side of the argument wanting to be right. With the sides being pro and con "western medicine". 


I have to admit that when you hear someone claiming that some miracle healing was because of some stone or other gadget I start to just shake my head. 

But I also shake my head when someone survives chemo beats cancer and the doctors claim it is the best solution. 


I remember reading a heavy debate that was in the medias a while back, where someone had failed to respond positive to the treatment at the hospital, but after starting on an alternative treatment line along with the hospital treatment, the person suddenly got better. Doctors claimed it was because of them, and the alternative practitioner claimed the opposite. 

However admist all of the media hype, and gung throwing that was done, not many people paid attention to the fact that the person in question simply believed that he got more motivation to survive, in general being in a better mood. 

So the conclusion was that conventional "western" treatment along with a general more positive outlook meant that the body healed faster... or said in another way... if you are happy, take care of your body etc.... you will be better able to fight. I do not think I need to say.... no shite sherlock. But still quite amazing how professionals on both side of the argument just fail to see the whole picture, because they fear being misinterpreted. 


As for your quote... I got to admit If you have a QnA session like that and someone continues to start out by stating they are Ra..... why is this relevant what so ever? 

All it does is throw a lot of people into dismissing what you are saying. Also the answers, are not really answering anything, they cleverly talk around the topic being asked. It is almost like watching an interview with a politician, who has to answer something that was not in the script! :) 


The Law of One talks about healing with crystals, but explains it is an advanced and very disciplined practice to be able to perform in third-density (our current state). They state that there are not many alive that would be able to do this successfully and it is typically a practice for higher-densities. So I am with you about the crystal healing. Those claiming to be able to do it are often not adept enough to actually do so.


Even before I found the Law of One, I always believed in the power of self-healing through the power of self-belief. I, myself, will not seek out medicine unless absolutely necessary. I just had a checkup and am healthy as a horse besides my vitamin D levels due to diet and lack of sun (nothing surprising there).


As for Ra stating, "I am Ra". I'm not sure why they do this every time, but I've assumed it has to do with the trance state which I can explain in more detail later (heading to work now).


One thing to remember about the Law of One is they can not break the Law of Confusion, as they call it. They refuse to answer some questions and are vague on others because them telling the answers would be breaking that law. The Law of Confusion is a basic principle that we are here in third-density to figure out some things on our own and learn the lessons provided. Telling the answers to some questions would not allow people to learn the lessons that are involved when seeking these answers. If it would violate any lesson to be learned, Ra will never answer the question. Therefore, some of the answers they give will still allow for some personal interpretation. It's really no different than most religious text in that sense.


I agree with you on the drug part. I myself also avoid drugs unless as a last resort. The whole "what does not kill you make you stronger" thing. For example I will take vaccines etc. and have a hard time relating to people who do not. But I do not really wish to open that can of worms, since it is a topic with a lot of emotion involved. 

But overall I believe that being healthy, and being emotionally "happy" will help you resist illness. Because a happy body, is better able to produce the good stuff that helps keep the bad stuff away.



As for the rest... Got to admit that you got my skepticism going. 

As I read it all, basically what you are saying is the following. 


Certain people think they know how to do something, but do not want to share with anybody, since that might show that it does not work as they think at all. 


Also the whole idea of calling things seemingly arbitrary things like "third densities"... again why, what is wrong with plain terms that does not sound like you are on drugs. I just do not get why people who are into that insist on making the gap in communication so huge. It is like ... we are not special enough, we need to cement that we are special (again the ra thing...it just seems like a thing to put yourself apart from whoever you are talking to. As if taking a name from Egyptian mythology did not do that already).

It is seriously like a doctor talking about an illness with you and they stick to just talking latin because it sounds fancy, but all they manage to do is make you question if they really know what the hell they are talking about. Nobody like a specialist snob after all. 



And to bring this somewhat back to the science angle 

When someone says to you... "I know how to do this... but I am not going to show you because you need to learn for yourself" then they are being about as unscientific as they possibly can. The core premise in science is that you show how to do things, then see if others can do the same. If they can then you can start to talk about a thing being something. 

Just because you can do something does not make it universal. No matter how many fancy words you try to use to explain it. 


Densities are simple a measurement of consciousness evolution. Without the understanding of the various densities, you can simply say that third-density is our current state of evolved consciousness. Higher densities would be further evolution of our consciousness. As an example, take a dog or a cat vs a human. We are more consciously evolved than any animal. That is because we are third-density and they are second-density. Now take Ra.... Ra is of sixth-density; three steps ahead of us. If we're only one step higher on conscious evolution than animals, imagine being three steps ahead! Can you even imagine what that would be like? I certainly can't. Therefore, it's important not to get wrapped up in the wording too much.  I will explain more in depth of who Ra is in these channelings.


Now this information will get most people to shut down, but if you're open enough for the discussion, in the simplest of terms Ra is a civilization of beings which are higher consciousness than we are. In terms of densities, they are 6th, we are 3rd. Ra is not from Egyptian mythology. According to Ra, the Egyptians got the name from them. Just as we call ourselves humanity. They call themselves Ra. Therefore, Ra is not an individual in the sense that we would think of a single person. To understand this further is to dive deeper in what happens to consciousness at fourth-density.


Starting in fourth density, which is our next step of conscious evolution, all individuals of a civilization (Humanity, Ra, etc.) are open to their "mass consciousness", as the Law of One calls it. Mass consciousness is most easily described as the group or connected consciousness of a peoples, in which all are connected to one another on a consciousness level (psychic, if you prefer that term though that word has too much negative weight behind it). Ra says that no information is hidden from "self or other selves". In other words we are all connected to one another on a conscious level and this results in a massive acceleration of growth both spiritually and as a civilization. Therefore, "Ra" is a "mass consciousness", not just a single individual. It would be like saying, "I am humanity" instead of "I am Ra". The "I" is the mass consciousness, not an individual.


With that explained, it can be concluded that Ra's understanding...of just about everything...would be far more advanced than our individual understanding and their concepts of things are far more advanced. Imagine having at your disposal the thoughts and knowledge of every single human alive today. You would likely be considered a god to anyone you met because there would be nothing that you did not know in regards to our current understand and knowledge as a peoples. This is Ra, but far greater because of them being sixth-density. Therefore, you can see how they would have to be extremely careful with their words and information given because too much is suppose to be discovered on our own. If you knew you would have been given all the answers to all your tests during college, would you have learned much of anything along the way? Not likely. You'd have all the answers without any of the knowledge behind those answers. Therefore, Ra will not provide all the answers to all the questions asked. Hopefully, it make more sense now.


As to my own belief in the Law of One material, it's due to too many data points lining up with my personal experiences and then watching Wisdom Teachings to get a lot of the "science" to line up with even more of the information. As I've read the material, far too many "light bulbs" clicked on that made me say, "that totally makes sense to me" compared to other explanations given for the same material. I have been a Baptist Christian for the majority of my life and currently only identify as "Christian" because there should not be lines drawn that denominations create. I have experienced much in my Christian walk including what would be called the "gifts of the Spirit". We had a very close knit group for a time that sought the Creator very passionately. Over time, and before finding the Law of One material, my Christian beliefs developed past what most would consider the norm for Christians. And despite my strong Christian beliefs, the Law of One material connects with my spirit and makes sense to me. Therefore, I have tested the material with my spirit as I do most spiritual information and it has not yet been rejected by my spirit like so many other things before it.


I tell you all this to say that much of my belief in this material is a very personal experience for my own life. It's not just something I picked up and said, "okay, makes sense. I'll believe that." Everything that comes to me spiritually is tested against my experience and personal beliefs that have developed over a lifetime of what I would consider a deeper spiritual walk than many "Christians" would experience or even believe. For me, it feels as though much of my life experiences were preparing me to be ready to accept the material within the Law of One as being what is truth for my own personal walk. I simply desire to discuss the material with others in some intellectual conversation knowing full well that the material will not being accepted by most. That does not bother me. I'm not here to convince anyone of it's validity. Just seeking some conversation on the material. :^_^:


Oh this is like a walk down memory lane... sort of anyways. I came from a sort of religious upbringing... bible school the works. However it never did anything for me... probably because I was hugely into dinosaurs back then, and history in general. And much to the annoyance of my teachers I was more focused on asking about the roman empire than whatever jesus was up to on any particular day. Also the amount of failure to explain dinosaurs in the garden of eden... well let us just say that even as a kid the skepticism was strong with me. 


Later I went into all sorts of newage stuff, met lots of interesting people. I know now that a lot of it was because I found ways of dealing with depression though their teachings. However along with all of this I was also starting my science education, and rather than saying either side was right or wrong, I tried to focus on the best of both worlds. Or keep an open mind as it where. 


I wont question that you genuinely get some sort of spirituality out of it, in fact I can even relate to it. But if you truly think that just because a fancy story reflects of your life experience make it true... then a broader perspective could be positive. In all cases of newage philosophy I have experienced, read and been a part of... they have really good and solid core fundamental teachings... however they always go that one step too far. And ultimately they make you close your mind. 


It is the same with the major religions... they all have some really good strong fundamentals (This is the lure)... but they kinda throw all of that away when they add in the "you must convert all other to believe this"... and they all do to one degree or another (This is the trap).

And another common denominator in all of this is that on top of the pyramid there sits someone who for one reason or another gets to dictate the mythology, and eventually every other rule.


Newage stuff is not New in that sense. They are doing what humanity has been doing since the dawn of human history. You put up some good solid fundamentals that will echo off a lot of peoples experiences, then you put a mythology on top that makes it interesting, and eventually you add in the paragraph that you are right and everybody else is wrong. 

Heck even atheists are doing this... their mythology is just called science fiction! :) 


I could also present you with one argument that I used to say to a person who had a very similar story to you (Cant remember if it was Ra, or some other ancient figure).... When one of the core fundamentals of what you believe is that your teachings are to help develop your outlook, your senses, mental state etc. How does it make sense that there need to be alien overlords (insert whichever other name you like) involved to make it happen? 

You essentially take a really REALLY good spiritual idea, and outlook on life, and you lock it down and limit it to such a degree that it fails to do more for you. All because you eventually stop to question "why". 


Or said another way. If you want to evolve beyond what some teaching is saying, you need to stop believing. If you do not, you just end up stuck. 


Law of One says that there were people on Earth while dinosaurs existed. Nearly every ancient civilization has some type of art depicting giant reptilian creatures. Even the bible vaguely mentions them. Not to offend anyone but most cookie cutter Christians are very closed minded and only believe what the man behind the pulpit tells them to believe. The Law of One is very specific in being the opposite of saying that it doesn't matter who believes it or not because eventually all will come to know (at fourth-density). They simply seek the opportunity to teach about the Law of One for those that are ready to hear and to correct the teaching that the Egyptians skewed and twisted. They say many times that it's not a religion, it's just information. Apparently religion is only a third-density thing too.


The answer to that question is simple. There are no "overlords" in any of what the Law of One material discusses. There are "guardians", as Ra calls them, which are beings of higher density that help you resolve your karma (this is mainly your higher self) and protect you while you complete the death and reincarnation process (these are other beings of high density). Ra says these are often referred to by us as angelic beings, guardian angels, and our higher selves. The only governing body that exists only exists to protect the processes of the third-density. In our case the Law of One calls it the Council of Saturn. One very important thing to remember is according to the Law of One, nothing can be done to us that we have not, in some way, authorized because in all cases free will can not be broken. Free will is very important in the Law of One.


Something that we haven't discussed much are the to paths: path of service to other or the path of service to self. The only path that would have an "overlord", in a sense, would be the path of service to self. We would see this path as being the negative path to take. It's all about the self and to gain power is one of the key principals of this path. You must claim dominion over others and as your grow in densities you would become more and more "evil" in our sense, thus eventually being an "overlord" yourself. Ra says this is a most difficult path to follow. The only entities which are discussed in the Law of One who follow this path are call in the Law of One, the "Orion Group" because they originate from the Orion star group. Getting into that subject would be getting into a lot of conspiracy theory.


The other path is the service to others path and would be considered the positive path by us. This is the path that most entities end up taking. Along this path you grow and learn by being of service to others because, remember, we are all one. Service others is service your self and all other selves. Therefore these "Guardians" are providing their service out of their own free will and it is claimed by Ra to be a great service, indeed. In other words, no "overlord" on the service to others path issues orders. The only "laws" that are followed are known by and followed by both paths. The word "law" is misleading here, though, because it implies someone put it in place. It is better to be read and understood as a core principal of how the universe works. These laws are basically like the "law of gravity". It's just how things are and both sides follow them because that is just how it all works.


Free will is one of these core principals. It can be violated, but not without great cost to the one violating it. In our currently level of consciousness, or the third-density, this cost is returned to use in the form of karma. Karma is a very large part of third-density. In higher densities, it cost the loss of polarity to the one violating it. In a sense, it basically causes the entity to revert to a lower state of their current density. Since these entities are working towards their next higher density, you can imagine that losing some of your progress would not be something that would be risked often. Therefore, Ra tells use that it is very rare for anyone of higher density to break the Law of Free Will due to the consequences being so great to them.


I think one of my points kinda flew past you.


The core question is. (now that I had more time to think of it) 

Why do you need the mythology part ?

Is there a specific reason for... in lack of a better term, fantasy creatures to make the core points come through?


It is not specific to this law of one.. it is a general human "need". There always have to be a story, or something similar attached. 

Like with the old testament... you cannot simply have the commandments, you need to have burning bushes, and a story about a people running away etc. 

Or the new testament, you cannot simply have the core teachings of jesus, you need to have all of the story and all of the "hate the romans, they are bad" parts there to justify a lot of things that go counter to what the core teachings are actually all about. 


I always found that discussion very interesting. (also part of the reason why I love the warhammer 40k back story, it deals with this philosophical issue)

If people truly became rational, there should not be a need for the stories, and the way those stories lock down the faith people have. Some of the most "enlightened" people I have met have not been religious. They have been spiritual, but they are not locked down behind stories of fantasy. They simply focus on the core. Be a good person today, and tomorrow will be better! At least that is the general gist of it. 


In my opinion you can fill your life with what beliefs you want. There is only one way to find out if you are right or wrong, and we all know what that is. You just have to be careful not to take your beliefs too far or you might end up down a path you might regret. If said path involves harming others then it's obviously a big concern. If you aren't some cultist or murderer then I don't think anyone should belittle what you believe in. They can certainly argue and point out things they don't agree with, but at the end of the day they can only open your mind to their own individual thoughts and feelings. Case in point: I know what it is like to have someone dismiss you for explaining experiences you have had. If I suffered from delusions then fair point, but I don't and I am not totally stupid as to label the dog farting as an extraterrestrial event.


Sorry if I am off the mark Tech, but it's kind of hard to follow. I guess I can't really add anything else as they are my personal thoughts on the matter as a whole. 




Stories are like a vivid painting, they are more interesting than a wall of no-nonsense text. ::D:


What, I have to ask, is the mythology parts in your mind? My view is that Ra is real. So I will have to have the specifics of what you seek. Paraphrasing Ra, your question is too vague. Please restate with more specificity. :^_^: If you are implying that Ra is the mythology, then you've missed the entirety of what the Law of One material is. Of course, you must first believe in channeling as a prerequisite. Ra is simply the messenger and they call themselves such. It would be no different than the belief that Jesus was the messenger of God and God's teachings. (the Law of One does cover Jesus in some detail as well, btw...just an interesting notation)


The Bible, in my opinion, is a pour reference to nearly any material because it was written and rewritten by too many times men. To get the core teaching of the Bible, you'd have to return to the original texts and take the context of the words for the time period. Not to say there aren't some good nuggets in the Bible, but I believe too much of it has been skewed by man. This has been my believe for years now, and some of the material of the Law of One as well as some material from Wisdom Teachings lines up with this belief of mine when it comes to the Bible.


The entire gist of third-density is as you say. Be more loving towards yourself and other, become more forgiving of yourself and of others, and seek service to others. That is the core principals of nearly all religions which begs the questions, why? How is the core principals of nearly all world religions the same message once you strip away all of the "stories"?


As for the stories, well...that, imo, is bascially all man's doing. It's a lot easier to remember something when it's a story than rattling off a bunch of facts. It's also a lot easier for other people to grasp the knowledge with a story attached. Unless you are Vulcan, of course. ::D:


A huge part of my world view come from this. 


When you cut away the stories, what you ultimately have is more or less the same at its core. Since the stories and mythology is what make up a huge part of disagreements, then why keep focusing so hard on them? They are clearly doing more harm than good. I know of their purpose, like sparrow and you say.. a story is more interesting. But it is just amazing that there need to be this constant "Our story is better and closer to the truth than your story". 


I do not know if it is sad or just hilarious that most religions can agree on so many core principles.... however since their stories are so different, and that is what people remember, that is what fights start over. 


On that note, it is actually quite interesting that there have been no new major religions developed for so long now. A lot of new derivatives of the major ones (again with the same core stuff, but slightly different stories), and a lot of stuff like the law of one (again same core stuff, but vastly different stories)... but none of them manage to really kick in the door so to speak. They simply remain niche. I have always found this quite peculiar... it cannot be attributed to any one thing. Like technological development, or improved living conditions etc. would love to hear your thoughts on that! 


All of this said then I find it entirely acceptable that you have a need for the Ra component of the law of one. if it helps you, fine.... I just personally do not see the need of it. And I think anyone who think critically, should always try to cut past the stories, and find what the damn philosophy is actually all about.


Also to be a bit rude perhaps... if I want to read fantasy/scifi, there are better authors out there! :P 

Posted (edited)

That is why you don't argue Aiyen, Tech or anyone (I guess it's boring if you don't though).  :;):  Everyone will find their answer like I said. You can go back and forth and around and around with an outcome that ends up as it did at the beginning. I think we are all just stubborn and comfortable as we are, defined by our own experiences. It's like children who grow up eating nothing but junk who are then more likely to be overweight for the rest of their lives. I guess if you grow up with religion you have a bigger chance at accepting what some may think is "hilarious." Is religion not an epitome for hope at the end of the day? That is perfectly fine by me if so, but I understand that you are saying: "Well, why not JUST hope without the extra fluff?" That is a fair point and I guess I can only assume people just want to believe for no other reason than self reflection. Superman is a perfect example of humans dreaming up a savior to watch over and protect them. It's to fill a void of nothingness because we don't want to believe we are really small in the grand scheme of things. We can only draw from our experiences and that is why most aliens in sci-fi are humanoid in appearance, for example.


I am betting these books don't draw any new conclusions and are pretty grounded in our own reality at the very core of their teaching?


Law of One says that there were people on Earth while dinosaurs existed.


Do you believe this? By people does it mean Homo sapiens or just general mammals?


The Law of One is very specific in being the opposite of saying that it doesn't matter who believes it or not because eventually all will come to know (at fourth-density)


I don't understand. That is how I think, but how can it not matter if they are specifically telling you it's true? My stance would be the same, but I wouldn't say such blanket statements as: "...there were people on Earth while dinosaurs existed" because I might be wrong. That doesn't make sense to me.


How is the core principals of nearly all world religions the same message once you strip away all of the "stories"


Because it's always, "Be a good person or you MIGHT go somewhere bad when you die!" That is why I don't think we need religion personally, as there is just one rule which covers everything anyway.

Edited by Guest


I believe there haven't been any new religions because, as we've agreed, the core of nearly all religions is the same and today's society is advanced enough that storytelling around a campfire is no long how things are passed along. Think about that game where you have a large group of people and you all pass along a short story until it reaches the last person and how the story changes from the original. I believe that is what happened to religion over the years. We used to sit around our campfires telling these stories, from which religion developed from, and as they were passed through the generations they changed until they were eventually written down. We've grown to a state both in population and technologically that our "stories" are now read from books or the internet. Therefore, those stories haven't been given the chance to change and grow into something different as they once would have. Therefore, no new religions.


What I find interesting in the Ra material is that it presents just the raw core material. There is no story attached to it. Of course, I realize you don't believe in channeling so the story to you is the channeling of Ra to receive the information. However, coming back to the science, channeling currently cannot be proven nor disproven. Research has only revealed that a specific section of the brain shuts down during the "trance" state and nothing more. However, even if you take the Ra component out, there are no parables or stories to tell the information like religions would have. It's simply put down on paper in its raw format and it's stated many times that the material is not religion and should not be taken as such.




"Superman is a perfect example of humans dreaming up a savior to watch over and protect them. It's to fill a void of nothingness because we don't want to believe we are really small in the grand scheme of things."

One of the things that I've taken away from the Law of One, Wisdom Teachings, any my own experience and research is that there isn't a grand savior that is going to come and save us. The Law of One's mentioning of this goes into conspiracy theory but says that we have been genetically programmed to think this way and worship a higher being, but that's opening a can of worms that I really don't care to get into here because conspiracy theory is rarely discussed rationally without getting heated. The only ones that are going to save us is ourselves. The Law of One and many other sources say it is up to us to raise our consciousness and vibrations.


Yes, I believe that. Homo sapiens. There is no other way to explain the ancient art created of dinosaurs by peoples who knew nothing of archeology.


It doesn't matter who believes it or not because everyone will eventually reach fourth-density and know the truth for themselves. It just may take some longer than others. So those that don't believe in the information are just fine in not believing. The practices to reaching fourth-density are through mediation, seeking of knowledge, and following the basic principles of religions that we've mentioned. That is to be more loving of yourself and of others, to forgive yourself and others, and to be of service to others without the expectation of service being returned. One should mediate upon each of the principles and start to resolve your own inner demons before moving on to the other stuff.


The Law of One teaches there is no heaven or hell. Only reincarnation. It's actually interesting that 51% of the world and 25% of Christians believe in reincarnation. Most interesting is the Christian statistic because modern day Christianity does not teach reincarnation. I am among that 25%. Doing one's research of Christianity's history can lead one to Origen and his writing of De Principiis (the principles of Christ) which is believed to be the foundation of Christianity before it was skewed by the Church. One of the interesting facts is that Origen wrote this content with only two degrees of separate from Christ himself. Origen got his information from what he was told by St. Clement of Alexandria, who in turn got his information directly from St. Peter who was one of the 12 apostles of Christ. One of the principles in De Principiis was that Christ taught reincarnation to his apostles. Imagine that! I actually did all of this research years ago when I started questioning things in Christianity that didn't add up to me. It's one of those life experience that jive well with the Law of One material.




I'll say this again. I'm not here to debate the validity of the Law of One material. Only to discuss the material it presents with those willing to do so.

There is no other way to explain the ancient art created of dinosaurs by peoples who knew nothing of archeology.
You don't have to always dig to find fossils. Like modern humans, they could still approximate and imagine what these creatures looked like from their bones and other living reptiles. What you are basically saying is that they were not capable of using their imagination and/or were too stupid to dig a hole or comb a beach? I'm just worried you are giving them too little credit.


It doesn't matter who believes it or not because everyone will eventually reach fourth-density and know the truth for themselves. It just may take some longer than others. So those that don't believe in the information are just fine in not believing.
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."Yes, yes, I know your books came out long before this and this notion of "awakening" is even older, but it does seem almost like Déjà vu with what it is trying to preach.


The Law of One teaches there is no heaven or hell. Only reincarnation.
Only reincarnation? Why not infinite possibilities INCLUDING reincarnation? That sounds like human reasoning to me and it means it's virtually preaching the same tired old message. There's nothing new here; nothing beyond what your average person can come up with anyway. Not that I dismiss it as a possibility of course.


I'll say this again. I'm not here to debate the validity of the Law of One material. Only to discuss the material it presents with those willing to do so.
And you can't do that without having a discussion on the former. I am certainly listening and open to what you have to say (and even agree with some of the possibilities presented) but what you are now saying is: "Heed my words or go and preach somewhere else" which isn't a fantastic look. I think my mind has "awoken" beyond this sort of material personally. When you are free to believe in any possibility and outcome in a universe so vast, you don't need anything else. I'm not belittling you or anyone else, it's just that I am happy where I am and some of the Law of One ethos would fit into that black hole too, I guess. What I am doing is questioning why you have to think a specific way? Why can't there be multiple possibilities for unanswered problems and equations? If you stick to a specific track, you won't find or solve anything. If you have found peace with this material then that great, but to just listen to one voice again isn't much different than believing in Christianity or whatever other mainstream religion you can think of.

You don't have to always dig to find fossils. Like modern humans, they could still approximate and imagine what these creatures looked like from their bones and other living reptiles. What you are basically saying is that they were not capable of using their imagination and/or were too stupid to dig a hole or comb a beach? I'm just worried you are giving them too little credit.

Finding a few bones and imagining it came from a big creature is one thing, but having paintings, drawings, pottery, etc. of nearly exact representations (skin, horns, and all) of what modern computers can "guess" what dinosaurs look like is a whole other matter entirely.


"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." Yes, yes, I know your books came out long before this and this notion of "awakening" is even older, but it does seem almost like Déjà vu with what it is trying to preach.

You're analogy doesn't really fit here because with the blue pill you will never "wake up". However, in terms of density, we will all eventually "wake up" once we reach the fourth. No entity stays in the third density as in a never ending cycle. The Law of One says just as the plant grows towards the light, so do we all. It's just a matter of how long it takes to get there. Granted this doesn't fit into your "endless possibilities" approach, but in all fairness neither does anything else because anything would only be a single possibility.


Only reincarnation? Why not infinite possibilities INCLUDING reincarnation? That sounds like human reasoning to me and it means it's virtually preaching the same tired old message. There's nothing new here; nothing beyond what your average person can come up with anyway. Not that I dismiss it as a possibility of course.

Reincarnation is the process in which we experience and grow. You may believe in what you wish. I'm just providing what the Law of One material puts forth and my own beliefs. In reincarnation there is an infinite number of possibilities to experience though, is there not? :^_^:


And you can't do that without having a discussion on the former. I am certainly listening and open to what you have to say (and even agree with some of the possibilities presented) but what you are now saying is: "Heed my words or go and preach somewhere else" which isn't a fantastic look. I think my mind has "awoken" beyond this sort of material personally. When you are free to believe in any possibility and outcome in a universe so vast, you don't need anything else. I'm not belittling you or anyone else, it's just that I am happy where I am and some of the Law of One ethos would fit into that black hole too, I guess. What I am doing is questioning why you have to think a specific way? Why can't there be multiple possibilities for unanswered problems and equations? If you stick to a specific track, you won't find or solve anything. If you have found peace with this material then that great, but to just listen to one voice again isn't much different than believing in Christianity or whatever other mainstream religion you can think of.

That's not at all what I've saying. It's quite possible to discuss material without constantly interjecting whether or not the material is true in nature or not. We used to do it in my humanities and philosophies class in college all the time. Granted, I will admit that not all people have the imagination to do this as even within that class several of my classmates had difficultly with the concept (that was a really great class now that I think back on it). It's simply a matter of being able to imagine that the material is factual and discussing it from there. It can create some very interesting conversation when a group gets into it because the imagination is then set free of current dogmas and allowed to explore other realms of possibilities set within the confines of the new material.


I understand what you are getting at here. You're saying the possible answers to unanswerable questions (until proven) are infinite and I would agree that this is quite true. You've basic settling on no answer until the answer is discovered. I have to say that this view seems as though you are simply waiting for the answers to be provided to you. Not that this view is bad. I know several people that have the same view. Perhaps one more now.  :;): Your view is actually a good way of viewing just about everything, but also runs the risk of causing one to get stuck in a state of indecision.


I suppose I have always settled on a specific answer/belief and then taken the approach to challenge that answer (or belief) whenever new material is presented. In this way my views have evolved over my lifetime when I have sought something greater than what is. I am very quickly approaching what I would call being "spiritual" rather than "religious" since I haven't follow the typical views of Christianity for several years now. In fact, I don't know any any religion my current beliefs would align with.

Posted (edited)

Do any of these depictions include dinosaurs with feathers like what we now tend to believe a lot of them had? I am generally interested. Not because I'm trying to trip you up, but because you would be right regardless if they evolved into birds. In that way, it's a safe assumption. lol


In the quote you wake up in both of the realities eventually right? It doesn't matter if he exits his current reality because it doesn't change his impending death which I think you are calling "fourth". 


I'm not saying we should just wait, I think we should actually try and find answers. I guess that's what Parapsychology tried to do, but because they haven't yet proved anything and had research issues, it's basically labelled as nonsense by the scientific community at large. I guess that is a valid response, but at the same time it is a bit detrimental as I don't think anyone else is bothering.


I hope you realize I am not arguing, more like questioning. To be honest though, I don't agree with not being able to interject someone as it just forms a bubble around yourself. That is what a lot of modern college classes do wrong IMO. But that is not for now and I will try and respect your wishes.


Edit: Sorry there's no quotes and I wanted to expand, but it's pretty late. Hopefully I didn't miss something or misunderstand you.  

Edited by Guest

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