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Everything posted by Helidoc
Starting to see a pattern here with the win 10 fall update and how it handles UAC.
It's been pulled ... with the work being done on 2.1, see this post https://forum.step-project.com/topic/12659-wipbeta-release-mo2-with-esl-support/ all the code work is being consolidated under his github releases to prevent the dubling of work being done on the project. https://github.com/LePresidente/modorganizer/releases This is where you will find the current releases and there is info there for anyone who wishes to get involved in development. My release was to further develope MO before I realized that others were still working on the project. Feel free to join in if you care to be involved.
Mod Organizer Can't Run any FOMOD installer
Helidoc replied to TheFerries's question in Mod Organizer Support
In essence the discussion is about doing a repair on the effect .net installs. You may be able to open up program manager and select the effected .net installs and choose repair and see if that helps your issue or you could follow the directions from Microsoft, From an elevated command prompt run the following: In the meantime, you should be able repair your install by running: "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModelReg.exe" /r /x %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\WFServicesReg.exe /c Each line is it's own command, Hope that helps -
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
I've pulled my releases and will submit any code updates to you to keep everything centralized. -
Change offline_mode=true in ModOrganizer.ini see if that goes away and after, deleting and resetting all firewall rules for the installation path/ModOrganizer.exe then switching back to offline_mode=false That should get rid of that and looks to me like you have a firewall blocking the program.
Sounds Suspect to what's happening in the SE version, I take it you just updated to the Fall creators update in Windows 10? If so the only way Wrye Bash will run from within MO any more is by using the Python Version of the program for SE at least. This is not a WB issue, this is a combo if Win 10 changes in the fall update and issues in MO. Wrye Bash crashes using the stand alone ( .exe ) version but the Python Version works fine within the program if you're on Windows 10 fall update "Outdated TV" came up with this for the SE version and has a good vid here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yNU9XF9zmc Also see this Wiki https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/wiki/Wrye-Bash-and-Mod-Organizer . For instructions for now that's the only work around. Perhaps that may work for you as well.
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
Those were in the zip file perhaps your av nailed them just checked what I have uploaded and they are in the zip LP even confirmed it. Same openssl version as well (shrugs) glad its working for you now though. Did you reset your firewall and after try to put it back online? -
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
About the only thing I can suggest if you have the above mentioned files is to check your firewall rules with MO. Changing offline_mode=true in ModOrganizer.ini see if that goes away and after deleting and resetting all firewall rules for the installation path/ModOrganizer.exe then switching back to offline_mode=false . -
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
Sticking with the 2.0.8.x line was where I kept it due to me building it off the umbrella not just off the base MO code, where I got the QT 5.9.x it was what you had set up in your version of the config.py file for the umbrella so I figured it was a safe bet that was where you were at in the code.. my bad there, old coder habits so I stuck with what you called out in the config for the build with only minor point differences. Heck I come from a period when we used punch cards :P On another note I did notice that the master code for MO was not the MO2 code but I had already pushed my changes to my GitHub, I will rectify that when I return from this trip so it will not be confusing. This was more or less a retirement project for me as it had seemed with all the changes to windows and the game it needed the work. As I said in my sticky post if either you or Tannin wish for me to stop work on it all you have to do is say so, I do not wish to tarnish anything the two of you have done. Thanks -
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
I'm away until Sunday evening, and I am not on discord. When you had posted your fork of the umbrella project here I guess I made certain assumptions given the amount of discussion going on. I'll dive into it when I return. -
With LePresidente working on an upcoming 2.1 release I will be submitting code changes to him in order to keep everything in one place https://github.com/LePresidente/modorganizer/releases, thanks for the testing and feed back it's given me places to look at! Question for folks that may be on Windows 7 still, I'm getting a few reports of crashes & MO no longer working (regardless of MO version) after the last update to windows 7 and feed back there would be helpful. Seems MS went and messed with the kernel. :/ Helidoc Current Issues for Win 10 Fall update. Wrye Bash crashes using the stand alone version but the Python Version works fine within the program if you're on Windows 10 fall update "Outdated TV" has a good vid here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yNU9XF9zmc Also see this Wiki https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/wiki/Wrye-Bash-and-Mod-Organizer . Still chasing this one down it's a kernel issue.
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
@GrantSP thanks for the encouragement, wanted something to fiddle with in my advance years and boy did I pick a one :P One of my biggest challenges with this is getting "up to speed" on how this thing was coded , plus the fact that not only was the game changed, but windows was as well on a core level just recently. This was one of my favorite "toys" to play with in my spare time before grand kids and now that Tannin is working on a different project ( which I'd like to see how that works out ) I just figured I'd grab my knife and whittle away at this to breathe a bit of life back into it. BTW anyone reading this, the last update to windows 10 broke some things in the program at a core level even though they fixed some. This goes to the order of how the hooks are called to some degree and the API which is why Wrye Bash can only work in Python version and SKSE64 is a runaway freight train with it's hooks and can crash in MO2. Needless to say it's going to take a bit to fix :P I digress I've talked long enough I'll keep it up unless of course my grandson wants to go fishing... man has to have priorities ;) -
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
I will be out of town for a few days myself but will have a laptop with me, any bugs to report please post them here https://github.com/Helidoc65/modorganizer/issues and if you just need some help start a new topic :) I posted to this thread due to me posting a new release and would not want to let this thread get out of control with troubleshooting issues and get on the bad side of the admins here, this is a hobby for me and I enjoy what this site has to offer and would rather stay on the plus side of things.. thanks! -
[WIP] How to build ModOrganizer using Modorganizer-Umbrella
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
Also make sure the webcache folder is cleared out as well. -
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
Thanks will look into this. -
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
I've traced down the error with the sort button and loot and will work on an update over the weekend, all I can say in the interim is you can install the latest version of loot and add it to the installed programs list as a work around. What is happening is the api of loot that was with the original code is based of of loot ver 10.3 that has no support for esl files and that may be causing the crashes so I will need to bring the api up to date with the current version of loot and it's not a straight fix. SKSE64 is a horse of a different color, I've done some limited testing with it and can get it to work without crashing on my build rig, with it being in it's current state along with the addon's for it, it's a difficult one to attempt to troubleshoot. As it get's further along in it's development I will be able to do more with it, heck this project in it's self is a retirement thing for me :P There are some issues with the way SKSE64 is taking up handles that I will be doing a dive into once I'm able to get this a little more stable but as it is this was an unfinished program to begin with. :) -
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
HTTPS Status 0 is an Openssl failure you should have both libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll in the dll directory if you don't something happened during your install they were in the archive and openssl was used in the build but I ewill look deeper into this as you are not the first to report it and I just checked the upload to be sure. I'll double check the sort button, thanks for the report, may need some work there I had loot installed and use it in the drop down. -
[WIP] How to build ModOrganizer using Modorganizer-Umbrella
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
This is an Openssl issue which you should have both libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll in the dll directory as the build does install them. Will look deeper into it as it was used during the build. -
https://github.com/Helidoc65/modorganizer/releases v2.0.8.5b ;) It's not the 2.0.9 you were looking for but take it for a spin and let me know Keep your current MO as this is an early beta, read the description for details.
[WIP] How to build ModOrganizer using Modorganizer-Umbrella
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
What version were you running? And so we don't clog up this thread please report it here https://github.com/Helidoc65/modorganizer/issues , the latest is v2.0.8.5b built tonight. I'll look into it though I was not getting that error so if you can give a few more details I'd appreciate it :) -
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
V2.0.8.5b released, https://github.com/Helidoc65/modorganizer/releases Better SKSE integration and *.esl support. -
Mod Organizer 2 Development Status
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
Sorta an old mans fiddling WIP v2.0.8.5a based on both Tannin and LePresidente's work https://github.com/Helidoc65/modorganizer/releases I got bored :) Alpha release using QT5.9.2 for testing, things might be broken, Tested on Win 10x64 Fall Update Latest Tools do work with one exception; Wrye Bash crashes using the stand alone version but the Python Version works fine within the program if you're on win 10 fall update "Outdated TV" has a good vid here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yNU9XF9zmc Also see this Wiki https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/wiki/Wrye-Bash-and-Mod-Organizer . Still chasing this one down. Support for the new esl files in this release you do need to manually enable them! As well as place them in your load order ( right window drag up and place where needed ) though I do believe the game loads them where they need to be. SKSE64 support : Currently SKSE64 version 2.0.4 will load with the current alpha release see this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTGnQIiNVqA for install instructions and see this mod for some ini settings; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1651/? though I will not be chasing it too much until it's more stable this version will detect if you have it installed. Please use the Portable install and keep your current MO2 versions this is for testing let me know in the issues what's broken. Thanks! -
[WIP] How to build ModOrganizer using Modorganizer-Umbrella
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
Installing MO2 I meant Portable not stand alone :P couldn't edit my post. -
[WIP] How to build ModOrganizer using Modorganizer-Umbrella
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
Ok have an early alpha up if anyone cares to give it a try and leave me some feed back. Based off of LePresidente's umbrella with a few edits to work with my set-up built with QT5.9.2 and python 2.7.14. https://github.com/Helidoc65/modorganizer/releases version please leave feedback on that page under issues. Known Issues If your on Win 10 Fall update (version 1709 OS Build 16299)that was just released Wrye Bash will not work with the standalone (exe) version from within the program (must install the python version Outdated had a good vid here to explain it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yNU9XF9zmc) being worked on. SKSE64 alpha Does work instructions on download page and may be buggy I will not be troubleshooting much until it hit's release I haven't had an issue yet. Esl files are being worked on, errors can be ignored for now and Wrye Bash does see them so your Bashed Patch will not be effected. I do not have an installer done yet, so unzip it and keep the directory structure. And please this is an alpha so don't get rid of your current installs of MO2 use this in Stand Alone and for testing. Thanks :) -
[WIP] How to build ModOrganizer using Modorganizer-Umbrella
Helidoc replied to LePresidente's question in Mod Organizer Support
You sticking with .13 on python ? the final is .14 :)