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Everything posted by nexuspolaris

  1. Hey wasted people of the goodlands ;) I'm back in the saddle now, that is actually playing FNV after a long break, 1 year to be more precice. I was just exhausted after going through and back and forth modding and tweaking FNV with the F&L guide + finding and fixing all sorts of performance and glitch fixes all over the internet for at least 3 months. I've came back and sorted out some old graphic glitches wich popped up when using ENB by turneing off antialiasing and anistrophic filtering in the launcher and finally found out how to use the Sort-o-matic and made some sort of order out of all the stuff i have collected during my time in the Mojave desert. I've been all the time subscribing to this thread so it seems alot of thing have happened since i last year, and of course i want to try out some new mods and mess things up again ;) So i have two question. 1. What new mods (a year old or so) is a must have in your opinion? 2. Can i and how do i update JIP (and NVSE) without ruining my now seemingly very stable and cool Fear n Loathing version of Fallout New Vegas? And a special thank you to all the Modders, Forum Admins and the Community participators for keeping this game alive and better all the time. Viva La Vegas!
  2. Turning off Steam Overlay didn't help for me, BUT turning off the ENB effects got rid of the glitches i posted before. Thanks for giving me a nudge in the exact right directions MonoAccipiter :D I was using the ENB 278 version and was using Old World ENB palette.
  3. Hey there people. I have followed the F&L guide, with great success so far, but i am getting these strange graphic glitches - see-through-objects and polygons appearing. Image attached, one is right outside Primm, lookin south east. The two other examples are inside the H&H Tools Factory I guess the game is full of these graphic glitches. Can anyone help me out or give me a clue to how i can fix it?
  4. My F&L in Fallout New Vegas has never been better, thank you :) Check out this well-made video i found: "The Philosophy of Fallout".
  5. It worked. https://imgur.com/5V4CZk7 Thanks alot. PS. Should i keep all the esp's checked from ADAM (complete, FAUE, Nevada patch)
  6. I get a missing meshes exclamation sign when i put on the Riot Prototype helmet on. The other helmets is ok. Any suggestions what i can do to remedy this little annoyance. https://imgur.com/ey1swJd NCR ranger veteran also has missing meshes. https://imgur.com/cAUpk5k oh no. what should i reinstall do you think?
  7. Dear DarkSide. Could you post a link to what ENB-manager you are using? I want to check it out and try to find a ENB preset which doesntt ruin my performance. Anyone: Is there a good ENB tweak guide you can recommend. I'm first and foremost looking for tweaks which makes performance much better, with only marginally worse visual quality. I tried Rudy ENB, but i lost 15-20 FPS's down to 40 and less - and that was noticable. Right now i only use ENB boost as the guide has instructed me to (and i obey) Funny thing yesterday, the shadows was more red/orange than grey, and they all seem so "weak". What else is there to say or ask..yes so after following the F&L-guide, i have on top (or in the end) installed A World Of Pain v5.4 + AWOP Compatibility Patches + AWOP Weapon Mod Patches, and the game at least boots up, and i havent seen any major bugs so far. I'm down in Primm and have been clearing out the New Bison hotel. When i was at the NCR camp outside Primm there was a character besides the officer which had NO Hands, so i was wondering about that. But hey, people get injured and amputees actually makes the game even morte immersive so i figured it was ok in a strange and cooky way. More so about the AWOP-fiddling: In LOOT it's says that some plugin wich the Bashed Patch has unticked, is not active (or something like that) and the game will crash, but the game hasn't crashed one single time so far. Thats what i like the most with the F&L-guide. The game seems STABLE as a tripodded prostitute strung up on a fistfull of Med-X'es washed down with Cuba Libre (Rum and Nuka Cola), slouching over the banister in the Atomic Wrangler.
  8. Hey in my Interiors Lightning Overhaul mod i also got the "Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp" Should i keep/use that one instead of the "ILO-NVinteriors Project.esp" or move it to optional ESP's ? Or have i done something wrong and should i redo that step?
  9. Heres some screenshot of my startscreen at Doc Mitchell and some posing with me new sweetheart alterego in the moajve (i've always wanted to be a girl deep down, giggles) "don't you wish your girfriend was hot like me" *kaping* https://imgur.com/a/4qUjc
  10. Ok so who is going to make a list of the mods we should add WeaponMods-tag manually to? :O_o: Hey MonoAccipiter! I will take a screenshot today of my characters hands and we can compare whos got the ugliest ones But i think your hands wasn't that bad, int he screenshot you posted. Mine was stumped and deformed and almost 8 bit style, when i had this issue. PS. Can never say too many times how much i appreciate the Guide: Fear and Loathing by EssArrBee's . It's a good way to "learn by doing" the tools like FNVedit, Wrye Bash, FNVLODgen and more. I read 50 pages of the FNVEdit-manual, but didn't dare do anything, afraid i might break the files i was tampering with. Then finally after weeks of modding with the Nexus Mod Manager and more and more frequent CTD's i found the guide. I say it's a initiation portal into the great mysteries of advance modding. Three times Hurrah for the Fear and Loathing guide. Pss. The fact that "Make a List" and "EssArrBee" has the same/similar colours is pure coincidence, and must not be mistaken for a nudge or something in that direction"
  11. Hiiidy ho! Back from the wasteland, couldn tkeep my hands of the modding. I am doing the small missed out step in "Generate Bash Tags": making sure 1nivVSLArmors.esp has the "Deflev" tag. Mine did already after doing the Generate Bash Tag script, BUT it also has a tag not mentioned in the list: Delev. Should i keep that or remove it? I found an earlier post about this in this very thread, but i didnt understand what the conclusion was :) I removed the Delev tag from 1nivVSLArmors.esp My second question(s) is about the Bashed Patch.Is it supposed to disable some plugins (in Mod Organizer) and still be using them?Should i re-enable the plugins in Mod Organizer which was disabled after doing the Bashed Patch? Sorry. Read the other posts again. I keep the unticked esp's unticked in MO after Bashed Patch. If i am wrong about these two decisions, please tell me, if not just ignore me (for now)
  12. I'm done doing all the steps in the guide. Jej. And even added a few of mods of my own selection. The initial testing in Goodsrpings seems fine. If i only can decide now what haircolour and hairdoo my character is going to have now, i can start gaming for real :P Thanks for all the help so far to every single one of you out there. My oh my what a wonderful day.
  13. LOOT reports that the DLCs has alot of ITM and needs cleaning. Should i clean all of them?
  14. MosAnted: Can you please help me explain the steps i have to take to use AWOP toghether with the FNL steps?
  15. Thanks for the replies MonoAccipiter, EssArrBee and Zilav. My low resolution hand occurance is gone now, it only happened when i was testing a character with race Male Afroamerican 40-something. It's gone now, jej. I am using theType 6 Modification Body [T6M body] by Izumiko, and i seems to working just fine so far. The pretty face and hair is from the mod Mojave Delight by GlossHouse Done with the FNVLODGen proceedure. Goinmg to start on the Generate Bash Tags thing now...omg thats one heck of a job.
  16. Hey wattado and everybody. I'm at the last part of the guide. Going to do the FNVLODGen proceedure, next. Lots of hours spent :P. I tell myself please don't "#¤%& it up now. I got an i5 3570k with 8 gb ram, gtx 660 ti w/ 2 gb vram and I got some small stutters also. FPS is at around 60-50 but with some drops here and there. The GPU is working at 99 % with all this mods and ENB boosters. I got plenty of free vram to spare. (using about 1,3gb of the 2 gb available) Havent had a single CTD to desktop yet in the testing, but it's only been around Goodspring. My questions this time is: 1. Will the FNVLODGen proceedure make a big impact on my performance? 2. What happens if i don't Generate Bash Tags step next? 3. What happens if i don't do the Bash Patch? 4. The hands of my male characters are low resolution and ugly. Is this common? 5. Does anyone know of an understandbale way to incorporate AWOP into this whole shebang? ( i am aware of the Testing A World of Pain with Fear and Loathing thread but i couldnt figure out the conclusion.)
  17. After each session of the game (Fallout New Vegas) is closed i get the "problems exclaimation sign", and it's because i have empty folder named UIO ( apparently from the mod "User interface organizer" i am using) and a Menu folder, in the overwrite folder. (see attachment) I always delete them, without any noticable trouble, but they keep coming back, after every game session. This is annoying in itself and could make me miss some real problem in the future hiding behind this "false positive" problem. Can anyone help me get rid of this occurence? Pretty please with sugarcandy on top.
  18. Hey Satur9. I have a few question about fINIp NV. 1. Does it make the game more stable, or is there any other advantages? 2. Is it possible to start using fINIp NV, after installation of the mods (or right in the middle?) Does mods in general do any changes to the INI's? 3. If use this fINIp NV, i guess i have to make the EssArrBee INI tweaks one more time?
  19. When i'm using EssArrBee's guide . Is there any reason i should not get the mod: A world of Pain (AWOP) ?
  20. I appreciate you helping me with the noob questions, you are really helpfull, great people! Now i'm at the "Looking good, Billy Ray." Do you know if it's OK to swap the Type3 Body and Armor Replacer with Type 6 Modification Body NV + T6M Equipment Replacer NV ?And still use the rest of the mods: Dead Money Type3 Outfits , Type 3 Honest Heart Tribal Armors and so on.?
  21. I got another idea, i will wait with making the sorting rule, until i get those mods, using the "dragging method" in LOOT, since i have a phd. in typos...
  22. Nozzer66 wrote: The EssArrBee guide is going through steps, and i cannot see those mods being installed BEFORE the point in the guide, where i am atm: Weather & Lighting - nterior Lighting Overhaul Hmm the mods you mention is installed much later in the guide, so therefore i am lost....right now...what to do.
  23. I've come so far in the EssArrBee guide and everything plays well, no crashes and everything looks VERY nice. Thanks EssArrbee. MonoAccipiter, Audley, STEP-community, (and 1% Me) for making my life worthwhile here in the outskirts of civilization. .................... Enter "RaestlozFactionArmorEnhancement.esp" Enter "TrooperOverhaul-Dragbody.esp"........... 1. I cannot find these two *.ESP. Have i forgot something or is it an outdated? 2. Ps. I added the Pip-boy.esp from ILO, is that totally wrong and will mess everything up big time?
  24. BASH TAGS Autodetection can be used ANYTIME, instead of Generate Bash Tags? (FNVEdit)
  25. Now i got the Merge Plugin Standalone working. It seems like a great tool. Maybe you working on this as we speak, in that case excuse me for nagging, but: At Utilities FNVEdit theres something wrong with: Install additional xEdit script:Download the script here. Maybe this additonal script is where i get "Generate Bash Tag"? Cause i cant find it in the Scripts dop down menu in FNVEdit. Instead I tried the script "BASH TAGS Autodetection" and i think it did the trick. One more thing. Configuring the Merge Plugin Standalone (folders, and options) is something i got the jeeps about so maybe adding a little something to the guide on what the setting should be, would relief other anxious modders out there ;)
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