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Everything posted by thenobody

  1. I was going to install this mod but one of the comments says: Can someone else confirm this?
  2. I installed the fangs only. I think it's better than the huge vanilla fangs but these fangs don't really look sharp. It looks like the tips have been chipped off.
  3. The last two drivers have been terrible. I couldn't even use Firefox anymore without everything periodically freezing. I went back to 314.22 and all my problems went away.
  4. Depends what armors you want to craft. Even leather armors require the Leathercraft perk.
  5. I'm using Immersive Patrols and High Level Enemies. I was looking at OBIS but it seems overkill if I already have the aforementioned.
  6. https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28202/ Standing over normal fires burn player, magic pillars restore player magic and damage health. Not sure if this conflicts with other mods that edit fire such as Frostfall.
  7. As far as I know you can't have an one-handed sword on the hip and then a dual wield on the back. You have to pick either one. Either you carry all swords on the hips or all swords on the back.
  8. Yikes. Uninstalling it for now.
  9. Hmm, well. Not being able to buy the master spells is a problem I personally encountered on several playthroughs but when I searched the SkyRe thread I only found a few other people stating they had the same problem. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/563161-t3nd0s-perk-overhaul/page-2968#entry8377531 It's not that SkyRe is unusable, it's just that certain spells or perks don't always behave like they should or don't work under certain circumstances.
  10. I tried. "Steam does not offer retroactive discounts to purchases made before sale periods."
  11. Well, that sucks. I just bought all the DLC yesterday at full price. Doh! :(Me too. I paid €39,99 for the Legendary Edition. Next day I look on Steam and it's €29,99. D'oh!
  12. You were right. Reinstall of the mods fixed it. I now have both the .json files and .dds files in my mods folder. I already reinstalled them before though and it didn't fix it. But this time everything properly installed. I guess MO isn't perfect. Thanks for the help :)
  13. I ran SUM through Mod Organizer and checked and opened Automatic Variants (I didn't run the patcher though) and a folder called 'textures' appeared in the overwrite folder. There are no .json files in there. I'll try reinstalling all of it :S
  14. I haven't run the patcher yet. I need to run it before I can optimize the textures? Running the patcher extracts the .dds files from the .json files?
  15. Strange. So DDSOpt will show all the .dds files after you click the Recursive box? It just shows .json files for me. Maybe I'm missing something Java related.
  16. Honestly, I find SkyRe has a lot of unfixed bugs. I used to love SkyRe but I stopped using it. Even with the Reproccer there are many mods that are incompatible. SkyRe even has an Unofficial Patch and many Reproccer Compatibility Patches now because t3nd0 has moved on and won't fix any more bugs. Bugs like not being able to buy the master spells after completing the quest for them. Some spells just don't work at all. Every time you look at the latest page of the SkyRe forum over half the people are reporting bugs (of course a lot of this is because SkyRe conflicts with so many other mods).
  17. I'm probably one of the few that doesn't like Cloaks of Skyrim and Immersive Weapons. IW just adds too much imo and it's not consistent in quality. The "quantity over quality" problem. I tried using CoS two or three times and I always ended up removing it. I just find that some of the cloaks look bad or out of place. Some of the red or yellow capes are so bright and their textures are so different from the rest of Skyrim they stick out like a sore thumb. The capes don't have much physics, if a character falls over or dies the cape sticks out in the air like a stiff board. Also I can't stand any sort of clipping. I don't understand why so many of the capes and cloaks have to go all the way down to the floor. I know there are shorter versions so it doesn't clip with the feet when walking but many other NPC's still wear the excessively long ones. I prefer the cloaks from Wet and Cold. It includes a few Fur Travel Cloaks, that don't clip with the feet like the CoS or WIC cloaks. W&C also includes knapsacks which adjust automatically if you're wearing a cloak so they don't sink in. I've only noticed clipping with a few armors. UFO is outdated and was causing a few problems for me. Supposedly Extensible Follower Framework or Amazing Follower Tweaks should be good replacements, although the latter seems more complex.
  18. I also have this unfortunate bug. Really hope we get another patch.
  19. The pre-DLC versions of SkyRe didn't use the ReProccer. You had to get a patch for every weapon/armor mod.
  20. I'm installing the current SR because I can't wait for SR:LE
  21. I've been using that mod for a long time. I like it. I don't feel like it gives you too much XP. I don't grind. I only use them when I need a tiny amount of XP to level up.
  22. How do I DDSOpt the AV packages? All of them are .json files and DDSOpt doesn't find the .dds files. Even when I place them in a 'textures' folder.
  23. This guide kind of confused me... has a lot of stuff I don't need...
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